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Atlas Link, Inc

Atlas Link, Inc
location Manassas, United States

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Our Product / Services

  1. Testing Equipments 13 Products available
  2. Medical Equipment & Supplies 6 Products available
  3. ENT Supplies & Instruments 3 Products available
  4. Surgical Equipment & Supplies 3 Products available
  5. Pharmaceutical Medicine

    2 Products available
  6. Medicines Tonics And Drugs

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  7. Health Care Products

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  8. Timber

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  9. Pharmaceutical Raw Materials

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  10. Laboratory Equipment

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  11. Others Products / Services 19 Products / Services available

Testing Equipments

Our Complete range of products are Infectious Diseases Rapid Test Kit, Pregnancy Test Kit, Infectious Diseases Rapid Test Kits, Cardiac Test Kit and Allergy Test Kit.

Infectious Diseases Rapid Test Kit

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 30000 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name NOVA
We are offering rapid test kit for infectious diseases. complete line of one-step test of infectious diseases such as hiv . Hepatitis b, c, malaria pvpf, dengue iggigm, h.pylori in serum or antigen, syphilis, chlamydia, toxo iggigm, cholera, chagas, and salmonella. * torch test: no additional instrument or reagent is needed. Ease to use. specification: 96%. Sensitive:95.2%. * hepatitis b test: takes less than 10-20 minutes to be sure. Sensitive at 2ngml. Accuracy 00%. Results can be read visually without any instrument. * hepatitis c test: is based on the principle of double antigen sandwich immunoassay where purified recombinant antigens are employed to identify anti- hcv with high sensitivity and specificity. * hepatitis a test: this is a specific serological marker for early diagnosis of hepatitis a. * hiv test: is a immuno-chromatographic, rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotypes specific to hiv 1 and hiv 2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole blood. * gonorrhea test: ideal for screening specimen samples containing at least 1 x 10 5 bacteria per ml. * tbh pylori test: qualitative results are read visually without any instrument. Require no additional reagents. Sensitivity: 95, 9 % and 99.7%. Specificity: 98.2% and 89.6%. * malaria dengue test: highly sensitive and specific. No other reagent is needed. Results are read visually without any instrument.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : AS REQUESTED

Delivery Time : 2-3 WEEKS


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Pregnancy Test Kit

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 30000 Piece(s)
We are offering hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) pregnancy test kit. our one- step pregnancy tests are ce approved. We are providing complete services for private label and oem with custom made boxes and pouches. Different formats such as strips, cassette, and midstream available for urine or urine/serum. features:* an easy to use pregnancy test. No additional instrument or reagent is needed. * detect within one week of pregnancy. * accuracy: 99%* sensitive: 10mlu/ml* designed for professional and home users. we manufacture also lh tests and fsh tests.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : IN BULK OR AS REQUESTED

Delivery Time : 2-3 WEEKS

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Infectious Diseases Rapid Test Kit

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 30000 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name NOVATEST
  • cassettes strips
We have infectious diseases rapid test kit.Atlas Link (Group) is an international supplier of various IVD diagnostic test kits, medical disposables items and laboratory disposable items. We are committed to supply a full line of In Vitro Diagnostic Kits under our NOVAtest brand, and OEM package as well.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : AS REQUEST BY CUSTOMER

Delivery Time : 2- 3 WEEKS

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Infectious Diseases Rapid Test Kits

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 30,000 Pound
  • Brand Name NOVATEST
We are offering infectious diseases rapid test kits. complete line of one-step test of infectious diseases such as hiv . Hepatitis b, c, malaria pv/pf, dengue igg/igm, h.pylori in serum or antigen, syphilis, chlamydia, toxo igg/igm, cholera, chagas, and salmonella. * torch test: no additional instrument or reagent is needed. Ease to use. specification: 96%. Sensitive:95.2%. * hepatitis b test: takes less than 10-20 minutes to be sure. Sensitive at 2ng/ml. Accuracy 00%. Results can be read visually without any instrument. * hepatitis c test: is based on the principle of double antigen sandwich immunoassay where purified recombinant antigens are employed to identify anti- hcv with high sensitivity and specificity. * hepatitis a test: this is a specific serological marker for early diagnosis of hepatitis a. * hiv test: is a immuno-chromatographic, rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotypes specific to hiv 1 and hiv 2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole blood. * gonorrhea test: ideal for screening specimen samples containing at least 1 x 10 5 bacteria per ml. * tb/h pylori test: qualitative results are read visually without any instrument. Require no additional reagents. Sensitivity: 95, 9 % and 99.7%. Specificity: 98.2% and 89.6%. * malaria/ dengue test: highly sensitive and specific. No other reagent is needed. Results are read visually without any instrument. please contact us for complete information.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : AS REQUESTED

Delivery Time : 2-3 WEEKS

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Cardiac Test Kit

The clients can avail from us the finest range of Cardiac Test Kit, which meets the medical industry standards. Our assortment of Cardiac Test Kit encompasses. These Cardiac Test Kits show accurate results and have longer service life. We are a renowned Cardiac Test Kit Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier from USA.
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Allergy Test Kit

After extensive research and development, we have come up with a cutting-edge Allergy Test Kit, which meets all the medical industry standards. We are an eminent Allergy Test Kit Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier from USA. This Allergy Test Kit shows accurate results and works for longer time.
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Elisa Test Kits

We offer elisa test kits for hbv, anti-hcv, anti- hiv, anti-tp. * for professional use only. *sensitivity : hbv 0.5 ng/m; specificity: 100%anti hcv 99.82%; specificity: 100%anti hiv 99.86%; specificity: 100%tp inherently high sensitive and specific * 96 panel tests with reader and washers for the kits. * in nova brand or as required. micro plates:chemistry analyzer, microplate readers, mcroplate washers, coagulation analyzers, and fully automatic chemistry analyzers.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : AS REQUESTED

Delivery Time : 2-3 weeks

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Elisa Test Kit

A wide range of ELISA Test Kit is provided by us, which is designed to give 100% precise results. The ELISA Test Kit is produced after extensive research as per the set medical industry standards. We are known as one of the leading Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of premium ELISA Test Kit in USA


Product Description Catalog No.
Torch and Infectious Diseases
Rubella IgG EIA kitBC-1081
Rubella IgM EIA kitBC-1083
Toxo IgG EIA kitBC-1085
Toxo IgM EIA kitBC-1087
CMV IgG EIA kitBC-1089
CMV IgM EIA kitBC-1091
HSV I IgG EIA kitBC-1093
HSV I IgM EIA kitBC-1095
HSV II IgG EIA kitBC-1097
HSV II IgM EIA kitBC-1099
H.Pylori IgG (Qualitative) EIA kitBC-1051
H.Pylori IgG (Quantitative) EIA kitBC-1052
H.Pylori IgM (Qualitative) EIA kitBC-1053
H.Pylori IgA (Qualitative) EIA kitBC-1055
Dengue Fever IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Dengue Fever IgM EIA kitqELISA microtiter plate
Brucella IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Chlamydia IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Chlamydia IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Chlamydia IgA EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Epsteris Barr VCA IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Epsteris Barr VCA IgM EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Measles IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Measles IgM EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Mumps IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Mumps IgM EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Syphillis IgG EIAELISA microtiter plate
RPR EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Varicella Zoster IgG EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Varicella Zoster IgM EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HAV IgM EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HCV Ab EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HIV (Ab) EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HBsAg EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HBsAb EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HBeAg EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HBeAb EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HbcAb (total) EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HbcAb (IgM) EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HDV Ag EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HDV Ab EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HEV Ab EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
HGV Ab EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Fertility Tests
HCG EIA kitBC-1027
FSH EIA kitBC-1029
LH EIA kitBC-1031
Prolactin EIA kitBC-1037
Visual HCG Pregnancy EIA kitBC-1045
HCG Quantitative EIA kitELISA microtiter plate
Other Hormones/Analytes Test
Human Ferritin EIA kitBC-1025
HGH EIA kitBC-1033
IgE EIA kitBC-1035
Insulin EIA kit--
Digoxin (DIG) EIA kit--
CRP-C-Reactive Protein Turbidimetric Quantitative --
Microalbumin Turbidimetric Quantitative EIA --
CDT-Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin EIA--
Intact-PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) EIA kit--
Tumor Markers
AFP EIA kitBC-1009
CEA EIA kitBC-1011
CA 125 EIA kitBC-1013
CA 15-3 EIA kitBC-1015
CA 19-9 EIA kitBC-1017
PSA EIA kitBC-1019
Free PSA EIA kitBC-1021
Free B-HCG EIA kitBC-1023
Gastric Cancer MG7-Ag EIA kitBC-1039
B-2 Microglobulin EIA kitBC-1061
Lung Cancer EIA kit--
Thyroid Tests
TSH EIA kitBC-1001
U-TSH (S-TSH) EIA kitBC-1003
T3 EIA kitBC-1005
Free T3 EIA kitBC-1006
T4 EIA kitBC-1007
Free T4 EIA kitBC-1008
T3 Uptake--
Tu (Thyroid Uptake)--
Tu (Thyroid Uptake) EIA kit
Troponin I EIA kitBC-1105
Myoglobin EIA kitBC-1117
HS-CRP EIA kitBC-1035
Estradiol EIA kitBC-1111
Progesterone EIA kitBC-1113
Testosterone EIA kitBC-1115
17-a OH Progesterone EIA--
Estriol EIA--
Autoimmune Diseases
ANA Screen IgG EIA--
ENA Profile EIA--
ENA Combined Screen EIA--
Jo-l EIA--
Scl-70 EIA--
SS-A (Ro) EIA--
SS-B (La) EIA--
Histone EIA--
Rheumatoid Factor EIA--
Mitochondria EIA--
Thyroglobulin EIA--
Microsomal EIA--
Cardiolipin EIA IgG, A, M EIA--
MPO (mieloperoxidase) EIA--
PR3 (Proteinase 3) EIA--
Ribosomal P EIA--
Anti-TPO EIA--
Anti-TG EIA--
ASO Latex 1L ASO-A
ASO Positive Control 100MLASO-B
Serology Negative Control 100MLSNC
Glycine Buffer 20X 1LCRP-D
Latex 1LCRP
Latex 1LRF
Febrile Antigens
Febrile Antigens 1L--
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Infectious Diseases Test Kit

Atlas Link, Inc is a reliable hub for Buying Infectious Diseases Test Kit, known for its sensibility and quality results. Infectious Diseases Test Kit is inclusive of HBsAg Serum Strip, HBsAg Whole Blood Cassette, Anti-HIV 1/2 Serum Cassette, etc. Infectious Diseases Test Kit is offered in export standard packaging. Further, we offer Infectious Diseases Test Kit at the market leading prices.


Product Description Catalog No.Package
TORCH-IgM Screening Test PanelTORCH 15025 Pouches/Box 66 boxes /Carton
HBsAg Serum StripHBsAg 210100 Pouches/Box 78 boxes /Carton
HBsAg Serum CassetteHBsAg 21125 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton
HBsAg Whole Blood StripHBsAg 212100 Pouches/Box 78 boxes /Carton
HBsAg Whole Blood CassetteHBsAg 213425 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton
HBsAb Serum StripHBs 214100 Pouches/Box 78 boxes /Carton
HBsAb Serum CassetteHBs 21525 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton
HBeAb Serum StripHBeAb 216100 Pouches/Box 78 boxes /Carton
HBeAb Serum CassetteHBeAb 21725 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton
HBeAg Serum StripHBeAg 218100 Pouches/Box 78 boxes /Carton
HBeAg Serum CassetteHBeAg 21925 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton25 Pouches/Outer 66 boxes /Carton
HBcAb Serum StripHBc 220100 Pouches/Box
HBcAb Serum CassetteHBc 22125 Pouches/Box
HBV Multi-5 PanelHBV22320 pouches/Box
Anti-HCV Serum StripHCV 310100 Pouches/Box
Anti-HCV Serum CassetteHCV 31125 Pouches/Outer
MT HCV Serum/ Whole Blood Test KitHCV 312100 Pouches/Box
TB Serum/plasma Test CassetteTB 220225 Pouches/Outer
Anti-Malaria P.f/P.v Cassette (Serum, plasma or WB)Malaria 230125 Pouches/Box
Anti-Malaria P.f/P. vSTRIP (Serum, plasma)Malaria 230248 Strips/Box
Dengue IgG/IgM Ab Cassette (Serum, plasma or WB)Dengue 240125 Pouches/Box
Helicobacter Pylori serum/plasma CassetteH.P 260125 Pouches/Box
Strep A Test Cassette(Throat swab specimen)Strep A 270120 Packs/Box
Cervical / Urethral swab Chlamydia testChlam20 Packs/Box

Tests Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Product Description Catalog No.Package
Anti-HIV 1/2 Serum CassetteHIV 41025 Pouches/Box
Anti-HIV 1/2 WB CassetteHIV 41125 Pouches/Outer
Anti-HIV Tri-line Cassette (Serum, plasma or WB)HIV42040 Packs/Box
Gonorrhea Strip (urinary tract/ vaginal discharge)NGH 510100 Pouches/Box
Gonorrhea Cassette (urinary tract/ vaginal discharge)NGH 51125 Pouches/Box
Anti-Syphilis Serum StripTP 610100 Pouches/Box
Anti-Syphilis Serum CassetteTP 61125 Pouches/Outer
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Myoglobin Diagnostic Test Kit

The Myoglobin Diagnostic Test Kit is an immunochromatography based one step in vitro test kit. Myoglobin Diagnostic Test Kit is designed for qualitative determination of myoglobin in human serum specimens. The presence of myoglobin in serum at level 100 ngml or higher can be detected in 5 minutes through our Myoglobin Diagnostic Test Kit. Summary and Explanation :Myoglobin is a low molecular weight, cytoplasmic serum protein. Due to its low molecular weight, myoglobin is released more rapidly when muscle cells are damaged than other markers. Serum concentration of myoglobin increases above the normal range as early as 1 hour after myocardial infarction, and peak in approximately 4 to 8 hours after onset. Therefore, myoglobin is better suited for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction(AMI). Myoglobin Insta Test is a sandwich immunoassay. When serum sample is added to sample pad, it moves through the conjugate pad and mobilizes gold anti-myoglobin conjugate that is coated on the conjugate pad. The mixture moves along the membrane by capillary action and reacts with anti-myoglobin antibody that is coated on the test region. If myoglobin is present at levels of 100 ngml or greater, the result is the formation of a colored band in the test region. If there is no myoglobin in the sample, the area will remain colorless. The sample continues to move to the control area and forms a pink to purple color, indicating the test is working and the result is valid. Material Provided : Myoglobin Insta Test device Materials Required but not Supplied :
  • Serum collection containers.
  • Timer or clock
    • Storage : Store the test device at 2 to 30oC. Do Not Freeze. Precautions :
      • For in vitro diagnostic use only.
      • Do not use product beyond the expiration date.
      • Handle all specimens as potentially infectious.
        • Specimen Collection and Preparation :
          • The serum specimen should be collected under standard laboratory conditions
          • Patient samples performed best when tested immediately after collection. If the sample cannot be tested within 24 hours, freeze until the test can be performed. Allow sample to reach room temperature before proceeding.
          • Sodium azide can be added as a preservative up to 0.1% without effecting the test results.
            • Quality Control : The control band is an internal reagent and procedural control. It will appear if the test has been performed correctly and the reagents are reactive. References :
              • Clinical Laboratory Tests, values and implication, Springhouse Corporation (1991)
              • Fred S Apple, Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 2, 217-225 (1992)
              • Gibler WB., et al. Ann Emerg Med, Vol. 16, 851-856 (1987)
              • Montague C, Kircher T. Am J. Clin. Pathol., Vol. 104, 472-476 (1995)
                • Procedure :
                  • Bring all materials and specimens to room temperature.
                  • Remove the test card from the sealed foil pouch.
                  • Place the transfer pipette in the specimen and depress the bulb to withdraw a sample.
                  • Hold the pipette in a vertical position over the sample well of the test card and deliver 2-3 drops(100-150) of sample into the sample well.
                  • Read the result between 5 and 10 minutes.
                    • Limitations of The Procedure :
                      • A number of conditions, other than myocardiac infarction, including polymyositis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, shock, severe renal failure, or muscle damage caused by trauma, ischemia and inflammation, can cause elevated levels of myoglobin. These conditions should be considered with appropriate clinical evidence.
                      • Recent cardioversion or an anginal episode may increase myoglobin level.
                      • Testing 12 hours or later after after onset of myocardial infarction can produce misleading results, because serum levels may already have returned to normal range.
                      • As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the result of a single test, but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
                        • Expected Valves : Normal serum myoglobin levels range from 30 to 90 ngml. After 1 hour of the onset of myocardial infarction, serum myoglobin level can elevate to 200 ngml or even higher. During the peak hour, myoglobin level can be as high as 900 ngml. The level of myoglobin usually returns to normal 12 hours after the onset of the myocardial infarction. Elevated myoglobin level has also been observed in patients with other diseases as mentioned in LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE. Performance Characteristics :
                          • Sensitivity : Myoglobin Insta Test can detect myoglobin in serum with concentration of 100 ngml or greater.
                          • Interference testing : The following substances were added to myoglobin negative and 100 ngml myoglobin spiked serum samples. No interference was found with any of the substances at the following concentrations :
                            • Bilirubin : 10 mgdl
                            • Cholesterol : 800 mgdl
                            • Hemoglobin : 250 mgdl
                            • Triglyceride : 1250 mgdl
                                • Interpretation of Result :
                                  • Positive : If two colored bands are visible within 5 minutes, the test result is positive and valid. Note : Specimens containing very low levels of myoglobin may develop two colored bands over 10 minutes.
                                  • Negative : If test area has no color band and the control area displays a colored band, the result is negative and valid.
                                  • Invalid Result : The test result is invalid if a colored band does not form in the control region. The sample must be re-tested, using a new test device.
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Tumor Marker Test Kit

Tumor Marker Test Kit is widely used in detection and diagnosis of cancer. The package of Tumor Marker Test Kit comprises of AFP Serum Strip, PSA Serum Strip, PSA Serum Cassette, Occult Blood Feces Cassette, etc. We cater to the urgent demands for Tumor Marker Test Kit with complete responsibility. Further, we ensure timely quick and safe shipment of the orders for Tumor Marker Test Kit.


Product Description Catalog No.Package
AFP Serum StripAFP 810100 Pouches/Box
AFP Serum CassetteAFP 81125 Pouches/Outer
PSA Serum StripPSA 910100 Pouches/Box
PSA Serum CassettePSA 91125 Pouches/Outer
CEA Serum StripCEA 1001100 Pouches/Outer
CEA Serum CassetteCEA 100225 Pouches/Outer
Occult Blood Feces StripFOB 1101100 Pouches/Box
Occult Blood Feces CassetteFOB 110225 Pouches/Outer & 66 boxes /Carton
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Cardiac Troponin I Test Kit

Cardiac Troponin I Test Kit is for Insta Test TROPONIN I test, which is an immunochromatography based one step in vitro test. Cardiac Troponin I Test Kit is designed for qualitative determination of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) in human serum specimens as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. We provide qualitative and accurate Cardiac Troponin I Test Kit to the clients across the globe. Summary and Explanation :Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) is a cardiac muscle protein with a molecular weight of 22.5 kilodaltons. Together with troponin T (TnT) and troponin C (TnC), TnI forms a troponin complex in heart to play a fundamental role in the transmission of intracellular calcium signal actin-myosin interaction. The human cTnI has an additional amino acid residues on its N-terminal that do not exist on the skeletal forms thus making cTnI a specific marker for indicating cardiac infarction. cTnI is released rapidly into blood after the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Its release pattern is similar to CK-MB (4-6 hours after the onset of AMI). However, CK-MB level returns to normal after 36-48 hours, while levels of cTnI remains elevated for up to 6-10 days. The level of cTnI is very low in normal healthy people, and not detected in patients with skeletal muscle injury. Therefore, cTnI is a specific marker for diagnosis of AMI. Insta Test TROPONIN I test is a sandwich immunoassay. When serum sample is added to sample pad, it moves through the conjugate pad and mobilizes gold anti-cTnI conjugate that is coated on the conjugate pad. The mixture moves along the membrane by capillary action and reacts with anti-cTnI antibody that is coated on the test region. If cTnI is present at levels of 1.0 ngml or greater, the result is the formation of a colored band in the test region. If there is no cTnI in the sample, the area will remain colorless. The sample continues to move to the control area and forms a pink to purple color, indicating the test is working and the result is valid. Material Provided : Insta Test TROPONIN I Test device Materials Required but not Supplied :
  • Serum collection containers.
  • Timer or clock
    • Storage : Store the test device at 2 to 30oC. Do Not Freeze. Precautions :
      • For in vitro diagnostic use only.
      • Do not use product beyond the expiration date.
      • Handle all specimens as potentially infectious.
        • Specimen Collection and preparation :
          • The serum specimen should be collected under standard laboratory conditions
          • Patient samples performed best when tested immediately after collection. If the sample cannot be tested within 24 hours, freeze until the test can be performed. Allow sample to reach room temperature before proceeding.
          • Sodium azide can be added as a preservative up to 0.1% without effecting the test results.
            • Quality Control : The control band is an internal reagent and procedural control. It will appear if the test has been performed correctly and the reagents are reactive. Procedure :
              • Bring all materials and specimens to room temperature.
              • Remove the cassette from the sealed foil pouch.
              • Place the transfer pipette in the specimen and depress the bulb to withdraw a sample.
              • Hold the pipette in a vertical position over the sample well of the cassette and deliver 2-3 drops (100-150) of sample into the sample well.
              • Read the result between 5 and 15 minutes.
                • Limitations of The Procedure :
                  • The test result should be used in conjunction with other clinical information such as clinical signs and symptoms and other test results to diagnose AMI. A negative result obtained from a patient whose sample was taken at 2-16 hours after the onset of chest pain may help in ruling out AMI. A positive result from a patient suspected of AMI may be used as a rule-in diagnosis and requires further confirmation. Serial sampling of patients suspected of AMI is also recommended due to the delay between the onset of symptoms and the release of the cTnI in to the bloodstream.
                  • Insta Test TROPONIN I test only provides qualitative result. A quantitative assay method must be used to determine the cTnI concentration.
                  • As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the result of a single test, but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
                    • Expected Valves : Concentrations at 1.0 ngml or greater. The time required for blood cTnI level to reach the upper limit of normal has been found to be 4-6 hours after the onset of symptoms. cTnI level reaches the maximum concentration after 12-24 hours of the onset, and then remains elevated for 6-10 days in some cases. Therefore, a negative Insta Test TROPONIN I test designed to yield a positive result for cTnI result within the first hours of the onset of symptoms does not rule out AMI with certainty. If suspected, repeat the test at appropriate intervals. Performance Characteristics :
                      • Sensitivity : Insta Test TROPONIN I test can detect cTnI in serum with concentration of 1.0 ngml or greater.
                      • Interference testing : The following substances were added to Insta Test Troponin I negative and 1.0 ngml Troponin I spiked serum samples. No interference was found with any of the substances at the following concentrations :
                        • Bilirubin : 10 mgdl
                        • Cholesterol : 800 mgdl
                        • Hemoglobin : 250 mgdl
                        • Triglyceride : 250 mgdl
                            • References :
                              • Adams JE, et al. Circulation, Vol. 88, 101-106 (1993)
                              • Adams JE, et al. N. Eng. J. Med. Vol. 330, 670-674(1994)
                              • Bodor GS, et al. Clin. Chem. Vol. 41, 1710-1715 (1995)
                              • Brogan GX, et al. Academic Emerg. Med. Vol. 4, 6-12 (1997)
                              • Tucker JF, et al. Academic Emerg. Med. Vol. 4, 13-21(1997)
                                • Interpretation of Result :
                                  • Positive : If two colored bands are visible within 15 minutes, the test result is positive and valid. The test result can be read as soon as a distinct colored band appears in the test area. Note : Specimens containing very low levels of cTnI may develop two color bands over 15 minutes.
                                  • Negative : If test area has no color band and the control area displays a colored band, the result is negative and valid.
                                  • Invalid result : The test result is invalid if a colored band does not form in the control region. The sample must be re-tested, using a new test device.
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One Step IgE Insta Test Kit

We bring forth the best quality One Step IgE Insta Test Kit for the clients spread worldwide. InstaTest IgE is an immunochromatographic in vitro assay for detection of elevated levels of immunoglobulin E in human serum or plasma. Elevated concentration of IgE is commonly associated with allergic pathologies. It may also be caused by autoimmune diseases and some infections. Rapid detection of IgE using One Step IgE Insta Test Kit will help in diagnosis and monitoring of IgE-mediated disorders. InstaTest IgE detects IGE concentrations of 80 IUml and higher. The One Step IgE Insta Test Kit allows performing 50 tests. One Step IgE Insta Test Kit contains 50 sealed foil pouches, with one immunochromatographic testing device and one disposable sample dropper in each pouch. A testing device is a test membrane with anti-IGE antibodies and conjugates in a stabilizing matrix containing proteins and sodium azide, enclosed in plastic casing. The result is read visually by observing the symbols developing in the test ("T") and control ("C") zones of the result window. Distinctive control line serves as an indicator of proper performance of the test device. One Step IgE Insta Test Kit is for vitro diagnostic use only. Storage Conditions : Store below 28oC, do not freeze. Test Procedure and Interpretation of Result : Sample Collection : Collect blood using a proper aseptical technique. Allow the blood to clot completely. Centrifuge to obtain clear serum. InstaTest IgE works also on human plasma. If necessary, the sample may be stored in a refrigerator for up to 48 hours, or frozen for prolonged storage. For each test, approximately 0.15 ml of serum or plasma is required. Notes : Do not open the foil pouch until you are ready to perform the test. If a sample or a test kit was refrigerated, bring unopened pouch and test sample to room temperature before performing the test. Test Procedure :
  • Open a foil pouch by tearing along the "notch". Remove the testing device and the sample dropper. Place the testing device on a flat horizontal surface.
  • Holding the dropper vertically, carefully dispense exactly four drops of the serum or plasma into the sample well (marked "S") of the testing device.
  • Read the test results at five minutes.
    • Interpretation Of The Test Results :The Result is Indicated By the Two Color Lines (bands) : the control line in the control ("C") region of the test membrane, and the test line in the test ("T") region of the membrane.
      • Positive : Two pink-rose lines (bands) are visible in the control ("C") and test ("T") areas of the test window. The intensity of the test line may be less than that of the control line; this still means positive result: IgE concentration in the sample is 80 IUml or more.
      • Negative : The control line appears in the test window, but the test line is not visible. IGE level in the test sample is below the InstaTest IgE sensitivity of 80 IUml.
      • Invalid : The test is invalid if the control line is not visible at five minutes. The test failed, or the test procedure was not followed properly. Verify the test procedure and repeat the test with a new testing device.
        • Note : Do not interpret InstaTest IgE results after more than five minutes. To avoid confusion, discard the testing device after registering the test result at five minutes.Rev. 499
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