We have a direct genuine provider for fresh cut bg sblc for both lease and purchase with issuance from top aaa rated bank in europe. description of instrument instrument: bank guarantee (bgsblc) total face value: eurusd 1m(mininmum) to eurusd 10b(maximum) issuing bank: hsbc bank plc and barclays bank plc (london, uk) age: one year and one month leasing price: 7%+2%=9% delivery: mt-760 (bank-to-bank swift) payment: mt103 hard copy: bonded courier service ( within three to seven banking days) thomaschavez011(@)gmail, com all inquiries to mr. Thomas chavez should include the following minimum information so I can quickly address your needs: complete contact information: 1. What exactly do you need? 2. How long do you need it for? 3. Are you a principal borrower or a broker?