- MILSTD-454FCC PART 15 &18
- MIL-STD-220A.AFTZ/VDE 0871 to 0876
- MIL-STD-1857FDA MDA-201-0004
The “LossyLine” approach to EMI suppression is new and unique.
The principle of the “LossyLine” approach is that unwanted
RF energy travels through a “Lossy” medium surrounding the conductor,
where it is absorbed and dissipated. The lossy medium is flexible
with high RF attenuation and low Q. It is ideally suited for application
as a microwave low-pass type electro-magnetic interference filter.
The usual problems inherent in conventional reactive types of
surrpression filters, such as mismatch, reflections, grounding, and high
VSWR, are eliminated. This approach has proven ideal for the elimination
of undesired RF interference in high frequency equipment, such as radar, countermeasures, telecommunications, telemetry, etc. In most applications, lengths of only two to five inches are adequate.
These short lengths of flexible, small diameter, lightweight filter, are
very easily installed and usually require no special fittings, connectors,
and housings. The net result is low-cost, small size, lightweight suppression filter, effective to over 100GHz.
The “LossyLine” flexible filter can be readily installed in series or in
conjunction with existing cables or harnesses. It is available in operating
current ratings to 50