AT CARGO CONTROL "We Move the World" 35 YEARS and 200 years of combined knowledge in the moving of cargo worldwide.Beating the competition in rates and service hands down our EZ Track System is more reliable and easier friendly then the big courier movers that can't move freight the way we do. We offer 1-2 days service to anywhere in the world and discounted rates for 3-4, 4-5 day service.. our tracking system is second to none Cargo Control can move your shipments from any where in the world via air ocean rail truck for your import or export needs, Call us for a quote and visit us online at and remember at Cargo Control, Inc. "WE MOVE THE WORLD Contact me whenever you require a quote or information at or cal 1-516-593-4010 and speak to one of our friendly staff that can answer all your import and export needs. Thank you Cargo Control, Inc