Gem investment limited is a leading international consortium with full power and authority as local miners involved in mining, buying, selling, importing, exporting and authorizing agents to manage and conduct our mines, minerals & materials and related products businesses worldwide. Our mining and production line consist magnetic materials, metal mineral, non-ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal alloy, non-metallic mineral deposit, other minerals & materials, gemstones and precious materials with vision of becoming one of the biggest merchant worldwide in pearl, ruby, emerald, jade, agate, geode, jasper, garnet, sapphire, spinel, stones, quartz, opal , aquamarine, feldspar, diamond, coral, blue john, tiger's eye, carbuncle, carnelian, cat's eye, beryl, chrome , silver, citrine, cyanite, dravite , gold, turquoise, nickel, orthoclose, olivine, onyx, opal, sard and related products. We have experience in sourcing, we are in open communication with suppliers when need arises, sign contract agreements with other sellers or buyers, issue invoice, confirm pop through agent's bank brokerage accounts as well as conducting any business with any banking or financial institution with respect to any of our transactions, including, but not limited to, making, receiving payments, raising capitals/funds to cover our trading cost mostly through pre-financing, performing any act necessary to deposit, negotiate, sell or transfer values. We want to buy or sell depending on our demands and supplies chain: mineral deposit, in pearl, ruby, emerald, jade, agate, geode, jasper, garnet, sapphire, spinel, stones, quartz, opal , aquamarine, feldspar, diamond, coral, onyx, blue john, tiger's eye, carbuncle, carnelian, cat's eye, beryl, chrome , silver, citrine, cyanite, dravite , gold, turquoise, nickel, orthoclose, olivine, opal, sard and related products. We request offers from true end sellers with their offers, fob, asap,directly etc.
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Number of Employees
450 - 500
Annual Turnover
USD 1 to 5 Million Approx.