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Our Complete range of products are Custom Laser, DISCHARGE MACHINING, VACUUM HEAT TREAT, CUSTOM CNC MILLING HTM and Tube Products.

Low Pressure Turbine Vanes

  • Material High Temperature Super Alloys
  • Volume 600, 000 since 1980
  • Delivery Location FOB origin
PRECISION CNC MACHINING OF HPT AND LPT VANES FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYHi-Tek manufactured these high and low pressure turbine vanes for use in gas turbine assemblies. Produced in sets they are used for aircraft and land based turbines and vary in size from 4" to 24" in length, 2" to 8" in width, and 3" to 6" in height. Manufacturing processes include radial grinding of the forward and aft ends, milling of the vane ends, as well as milling the hooks, scallops, and tapped holes. The cooling holes were drilled by a fast-hole EDM, sinker EDM, and Laser. TIG and laser welding was utilized on the assembly details and the electrodes were stamped in house for EDM hole drilling. The Grinding and Milled features were inspected with CNC CMM equipment and the cooling holes were CNC Optically inspected along with Airflow verification. These components were also grit blasted, tumble deburred, vapor degreased, and cleaned. At Hi-Tek Manufacturing we take quality seriously, we're ISO 9001:2008 - AS 9100 Rev C certified and NADCAP accredited for NDT & Non-Conventional Machining. Since 1980, Hi-Tek has manufactured well over 600, 000 of these parts. Hi-Tek has among the best quality ratings in the market, utilizing airflow testing, CNC optical inspection, radiographic inspection (X-Ray), fluorescent penetrant inspection (FPI), coordinate measuring machine (CMM), as well as hard gaging.
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  • Material High Temperature Super Alloys
  • Volume Over 1 Million processed and shipped since 1980
  • Equipment Used to Manufacture Part 3, 4, or 5-Axis Creep Feed Grinder 5-Axis CBN Grinder 5-Axis Wire EDM 6-Axis Fast-Hole EDM 3, 4, or 5-Axis Sinker EDM 5-Axis YAG Laser Hi-Tek designed and built Tooling & Fixtures for all processes
PRECISION CNC MACHINING OF HPT BLADES FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYThese high pressure turbine blades were manufactured for use in gas turbine assemblies. Hi-Tek Manufacturing is a world class supplier of hot gas path components for the gas turbine industry. Composed of a high temperature super alloy, the high pressure turbine blades are one of the primary components in the hot gas path segment of a turbine and one of Hi-Tek's highest volume products. The HPT Blade machining processes utilize a wide range of manufacturing processes. The initial grinding of the root form was accomplished using our multi axis creep feed grinders and a 5-axis CBN grinder. The cooling holes were drilled using a multi-axis sinker EDM, a 6-axis fast-hole EDM, or a 5-axis YAG laser. The root form contours were inspected with CMM equipment and the cooling holes were CNC Optically inspected as well as Airflow tested. The components were also deburred, vapor degreased, cleaned, and marked. The finished parts can vary in size from 2" to 24" in length and 2" to 8" in width, featuring a surface finish of 16 RMS. Used in commercial and military aircraft as well as land based turbines for power plants up to 250MW, we have manufactured over one million of these products since 1980.
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  • Sizes 20" x 8"
Hi-Tek has many Continuous Dress Creep Feed Grinders up to 100 horsepower with table sizes up to 48" x 36"and wheel sizes ranging up to 20" x 8". Assorted part features with tight tolerances such as Turbine Blade rootforms are routinely produced. These modern, state of the art grinders using the latest in grinding wheel compositions and coolant technology positions Hi-Tek to provide our customers with "World Class" continuous dress creep feed grinding services. Hi-Tek's central coolant systems provide ultra-filtered, temperature controlled coolant for ultimate process performance delivered to each grinding machine at constant pressure.
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Custom Laser

  • Dimensional 92" x 72" x 36"
CUSTOM LASER PROCESSING SERVICESHi-Tek installed their first 5-Axis YAG laser in 1982. In the 30+ years since many additional 5 & 6 Axis Lasers of many sizes have been added. In addition to YAG Lasers Hi-Tek has C02 as well as the latest Fiber Lasers. Parts as large as 92" x 72" x 36"are able to be processed on Hi-Tek's CNC Laser Centers. LASER CUTTING For over 30 Years Hi-Tek has been using lasers for cutting many materials including high temperature NickleCobalt. Material thicknesses range from less than .010" up to 38 inches thick are routinely cut. Cutting final part configurations from sheet stock as well as Laser trimming formed sheet metal parts to exacting customer requirements are common. Non-metallic parts are Laser cut as well. In addition, openings of all sizes and shapes are cut into work pieces. LASER WELDING Hi-Tek has been 5-Axis laser welding for three decades. Similar and dis-similar aerospace materials are routinely welded. Covers, baffles, impingement sheets and other hardware are frequently welded to gas turbine HPT Blades, Vanes, Shroudes, Seals and various other hardware. LASER DRILLING In 1982 Hi-Tek purchased their first 5-Axis Laser. In the quarter century since, tens of millions of holes have been produced by Multi-Axis Lasers at Hi-Tek. Many new Lasers have been procured during this time as Hi-Tek continually expanded both capabilities and capacity. Parts up to 36" x 48" x 80" can be processed on our equipment. LASER ABLATION In the past few years there has been need for the ability to produce round and shaped cooling holes in HPT hardware AFTER TBC coating. Hi-Tek's technical crew addressed this need and developed a Laser Ablation process that today is routinely utilized on production HPT Blades, Vanes, and various other HGP components.
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Cubic Boron Nitride

  • Dimensional 36" x 36" x 36"
5-AXIS CBN (CUBIC BORON NITRIDE) Hi-Tek has many 5-Axis CBN Grinders for generating radial features on highly complex nickel cobalt turbine components. Parts as large as 36" x 36" x 36" can be processed on these grinders. Hi-Tek's central coolant systems provide ultra-filtered, temperature controlled grinding oil at constant delivery pressure for ultimate process performance. Segmented nozzles, shrouds, vanes, etc. are routinely produced to meet the exacting standards of aviation and power generation turbine engine manufacturers.
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  • Dimensional 51" x 39" x 20"
CUSTOM ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING (EDM) SERVICESWIRE EDM Hi-Tek began WEDM processing in 1984. Since then Hi-Tek has continually grown and updated its WEDM capabilities. Our WEDM equipment handles parts as large as 51" x 39" x 20". The department is supported by a total of (8) 4-axis and 5-axis CNC controlled machines to generate a variety of shapes and geometries. They are instrumental in the production of electrode holders for other EDM work, as well as performing metallurgical cut ups and cross sections to evaluate brazing and other related disciplines. PLUNGE EDM Hi-Tek's vast assortment of Plunge EDM Machines can handle parts of many sizes up to as large as 48" x 29"x 20". This equipment ranges from 3 axis manual to 6 axis CNC. CNC electrode changers exist on many of these machines. Hi-Tek was founded in 1980 with then current Plunge EDM equipment and has vastly expanded and updated ever since. Annually, millions of holes, slots, grooves, cavities, etc. are produced using our Plunge EDM equipment. FAST HOLE EDM Developed for speedy hole making, Fast Hole is one of the latest EDM developments. Hi-Tek stays ahead of the industry by designing and building their own Fast Hole EDM machines to outperform those that are commercially available. Hi-Tek has designed and built many sizes and configurations to best satisfy the specific needs of theirs customers.
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VACUUM HEAT TREAT & BRAZING VACUUM FURNACE BRAZING Hi-Tek uses multiple state of the art 2 Bar Vacuum furnaces for daily Vacuum Heat Treating and Brazing. This vertical integration allows Hi-Tek to retain complete control of the process and schedules and afford better cycle times and higher quality levels on hardware produced for our customers.
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  • Dimensional 20" x 40" x 30"
3&4-AXIS VERTICAL MILLING HTM has many heavy duty 3&4-Axis vertical milling machines of all sizes up to 20" x 40" x 30". Automatic tool setters and auto tool changers are used extensively. Most have probing capabilities. 5-AXIS VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL MILLING HTM has many heavy duty 5-axis Vertical & Horizontal CNC machine centers of all sizes up to 60" x 40" x 36". Automatic tool setters and changers are used extensively. Most have probing capabilities as well as automatic pallet changers on the larger machines.
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Heat Shields

  • Material High Temperature Super Alloys
  • Volume Over 250, 000 processed and shipped since 1980
CUSTOM CNC MACHINING OF HEAT SHIELDS & FAIRINGS FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYHi-Tek Manufacturing manufactured these heat shields and fairings for use in the gas turbine application. Composed of a high temperature super alloy, the components varied in size from 6" to 16" in length, 4" to 8" in width, and 4" to 8" in height. The finished part featured a material finish of 16 RMS and was run though X-ray, FPI, CMM, and hard gauging to insure that we met the customer's specifications.
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Tube Products

  • Material High Temperature Super Alloys
  • Volume Over 250, 000 processed and shipped since 1980
  • Industry for Use Aircraft Turbines - Commercial & Military Small Land Based Turbines - 1MW - 49 MW Large Land Based Turbines - 50MW to > than 250MW
PRECISION CNC MACHINING OF RING AND TUBE PRODUCTS FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYManufactured for the turbine industry, these tube and ring components were manufactured from a high temperature super alloy for use in a gas turbine application. Hi-Teks complete machining capabilities are featured in these products including: Precision CNC Turning, Wire EDM, CBN Grinding, Sinker EDM, Laser drilling, and TIG welding for final assembly. The CNC vertical turning center can accommodate materials up to 60" in diameter and 40" in height, while the horizontal turning center can manage parts up to 36" in diameter. To learn more about all of our precision CNC turning capabilities, please contact us directly.
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Gas Turbine Liners

  • Volume Over 100, 000 processed and shipped since 1980
  • Material Used High Temperature Super Alloys
CUSTOM MANUFACTURING OF CASINGS AND LINERS FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYThese custom gas turbine liners and casings were manufactured from a high temperature super alloy on Hi-Tek Manufacturing precision CNC vertical and horizontal turning centers. The process also utilized a 5 axis YAG laser, and a multi axis plungesinker EDM. Since 1980 Hi-Tek Manufacturing has produced over 100, 000 of these components which vary in size from 1" to 60" in inside and outside diameter, and 15" to 40" in height.
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Ring Segments

  • Equipment Used to Manufacture Part 3, 4, or 5-Axis Creep Feed Grinder 5-Axis CBN Grinder 5-Axis Horizontal Mill 6-Axis Fast-Hole EDM 3, 4, or 5-Axis Plunge/Sinker EDM 5-Axis YAG Laser Hi-Tek designed and built Tooling & Fixtures for all processes
  • Volume Over 500, 000 processed and shipped since 1980
  • Standards Met ISO 9001:2008 AS 9100 Rev C NADCAP: AC7116 Non-conventional Machining AC7114 Non Destructive Testing Customer Supplied Design & Prints: Drawing Formats - Unigraphics (PRT), STEP, IGES
PRECISION CNC MACHINING OF RING SEGMENTS & SHROUDS FOR THE GAS TURBINE INDUSTRYThe Ring Segments shown here are components of a gas turbine assembly, the manufacturing of which utilized a variety of precision machining equipment. The parts where machined on a multi-axis creep feed grinder , 5-axis CBN grinder, a horizontal mill, multi-axis fast-hole and sinker EDM, as well as a 5-axis YAG laser. Hi-Tek Manufacturing designed and built all of the tooling and fixtures for the machining processes. This ability gives us greater control over the manufacturing process. Production time is typically 4-8 weeks after receipt of order and material.
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