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MB Dynamics, Inc.
location United States

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  1. Steering Parts And Components

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  3. Others Products / Services 5 Products / Services available

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MB Dynamics provides shakers and amplifiers for general purpose vibration testing spanning the force range from 100N (25 lbs force) to 22kN (5, 000 lbs. force). MBs line of PM-Series Shakers uses permanent magnet technology and the voice coil principle to create vibration. These shakers are heavy-duty of a robust design that have operated for end-users for 10, 25 and even 40 years! The shakers come in five different sizes with peak sine force ratings of 100N, 200N, 500N, 1000N and 2000N or 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 lbf. The C40HP shaker outputs 22kN or 5, 000 lbs force peak and is part of the legacy of C-Series shakers that helped found the electrodynamic vibration test equipment industry. The PM25, PM50, PM100 and PM250 shakers are powered by either the MB500VI or MB1000VI amplifiers. The PM500 and C40 are powered by selections from the P-Series amplifier family. MB can provide MB Millenium Hawk vibration controllers, horizontal moving tables, slip tables, vibration fixtures, accelerometers, and applications know-how to assist in the implementation of a vibration test turnkey installation. Because MB shakers including the C10, C90 and C150 are known to last for decades, end-users have relied on MB to upgrade these shakers to strokes of 50mm p-p, replace with modern amplifiers, and add vibration controllers to further extend the useful life of the shakers. MB willingly supports an end-users continued use of MB shakers for years into the future. Download the Data Sheets to see all thats available.
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The MB Millenium Hawk MIMO controller replicates actual-use vibration conditions by simultaneously controlling up to seven actuators connected to one test item running independent vibration profiles. MIMO shaker control applications include time history replication and random vibration (PSD control), as well as single-shaker and multi-shaker sine with user-defined frequency and phase relationships. Practical MB hardware features and functions from 40+ years of applications know-how honed by doing vibration and dynamics tests augment commercially-available, continuously-innovated AD and DA hardware. The MB Millenium Hawk MIMO controls electrodynamic, electromagnetic, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuators as well as linear and rotary motion control test systems. Profiles are acceleration, velocity, displacement, force, motion and mixed profiles to simulate the end-use environment.
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Annoying noises like squeaks and rattles have become a significant quality issue for customers of passenger vehicles, light & heavy commercial vehicles, increasingly off-road vehicles, and even airplane applications. These unwanted sounds are a problem for numerous reasons including customer dissatisfaction, sizeable warranty expense, and the overlying difficulty to diagnose and fix. MB Dynamics offers an innovative line of Buzz, Squeak & Rattle (BSR) or Squeak and Rattle (S&R) Test Solutions, focused on helping to eliminate annoying noises through prevention, design verification testing, and production verification testing, before the product reaches the customer. At MB Dynamics, we have worked to earn a worldwide reputation for innovative BSR test solutions making us a leading worldwide supplier. MB technology focuses on helping detect, diagnose and eliminate those annoying noises through testing solutions that are quiet for S&R, powerful for durability, and multi-axis for realism. These configured turn-key test solutions may include mobile data acquisition of road load data and in-vehicle noises, acoustic test systems for objective evaluation of acoustic quality in the lab or factory, weight-optimized fixtures, calibration, and training and engineering services. Our squeak & rattle test systems meet the strict requirements on low operating background noise of different test procedures such as GMW14011, FORD CETP-L-413, PSA STE9646364399, BMW PR311-2, and Hyundai Engineering Standards some of which recommend MB equipment by name or in pictures. MB innovates and delivers quiet test equipment to replicate, in the lab, the on-road excitation conditions that can cause BSRs in material pairs, components (seat belt retractors, vent registers, audiovideoinfotainment systems, IP clusters, etc), subsystems (instrument panels, seats, door modules, sunroofs including panoramic), and full vehicles. Test solutions are used during R&Dproduct development, prototype build, launch, and for quality audits during series production. Simulation of on-road excitation can include PSD random vibration and time history replication plus sine tests for diagnostics. MB equipment is used in quiet rooms, hemi-anechoic chambers, and at environmental conditions from -40 degC to +65 degC. BSR Aging or causing degradation in BSR performance by accelerated lab simulation of customer-accumulated mileage kilometers can be performed using the same quiet excitation equipment. Versatility!
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Experimental modal analysis, or modal testing, is a process for physically obtaining a math model of a structures dynamic properties. Modal tests identify a structures modal properties: natural frequencies, mode shapes, mass, stiffness and damping. Modal test results help troubleshoot resonant excitation from operating forces, validate and verify finite element models, predict the benefits of structural modifications, support design verification, and understand structural responses due to complex loading conditions. Controlled excitation tests involve exciting the structure and measuring input forces and acceleration responses at a few or many locations. Impact or hammer excitation is a quick and often effective means for modal surveys. Often, however, multiple input forces must be used, the excitation forces must be controlled, the structure is non-linear, the excitation energy must be tailored differently across different frequencies, or excitation forces must be input and distributed across the structure so as to minimize the effects of local modes or high damping. Also, the benefits of random, burst random, pseudo-random, and sine sweep and dwell excitations may be needed for good FRFs. Thus, the only option is to excite with one or more modal exciters.
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The MB Dynamics Steering Module Test Simulator family of technologies (SMTS) is an assembly of components and software designed to facilitate the quiet testing, development, troubleshooting, and auditing of a variety of steering gear and steering column assemblies collectively referred to here as steering modules (including components). The MB SMTS provides quiet turnkey elements necessary to test the NVH and rattle performance of a steering module; to reproduce functional or running noises such as zipper, growl, howl, reversal clunks, howl & growl noises, steering nibble, and other annoying vibration and noises during NVH-related driving maneuvers; to evaluate noises during critical driving conditions like high-velocity parking lot maneuvers in tight spaces with large, rapid angle changes at zero vehicle speeds; and to characterize performance during low frequency (for example 0.2Hz) sinusoids, triangle wave, trapezoid, and CSV position inputs to the steering wheel. Using SMTS helps evaluate EPS, EPHS, EPAS, MDPS, ColPAS and HPS steering technologies and designs based on their propensity to rattle plus other NVH and driving-dynamics metrics. The MB equipment applies these steering column angular positions and tie rod excitations using electrodynamic, pneumatic, andor acoustically-quiet linear and rotary motor technologies. These are direct-drive and do not use gear reducers or other mechanical power transmission means that can add to test equipment noise and torque variation. SMTS test rigs do not use hydraulics so there is no high-pressure oil, no risks of leaks and maintenance headaches, no negative environmental impact, and much lower equipment noise levels. While not a durability rig, the SMTS can condition or wear a steering module to varying stages of useful life within the SMTS equipment limits. MB Engineering Services have been found useful to develop steering-specific test procedures and test processes, to perform test planning and results evaluation, for accelerated learning of the technology, and for data acquisition and analysis.
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Annoying noises like squeaks and rattles have become a significant quality issue for customers of passenger vehicles, light & heavy commercial vehicles, increasingly off-road vehicles, and even airplane applications. These unwanted sounds are a problem for numerous reasons including customer dissatisfaction, sizeable warranty expense, and the overlying difficulty to diagnose and fix. MB Dynamics offers an innovative line of Buzz, Squeak & Rattle (BSR) or Squeak and Rattle (S&R) Test Solutions, focused on helping to eliminate annoying noises through prevention, design verification testing, and production verification testing, before the product reaches the customer. At MB Dynamics, we have worked to earn a worldwide reputation for innovative BSR test solutions making us a leading worldwide supplier. MB technology focuses on helping detect, diagnose and eliminate those annoying noises through testing solutions that are quiet for S&R, powerful for durability, and multi-axis for realism. These configured turn-key test solutions may include mobile data acquisition of road load data and in-vehicle noises, acoustic test systems for objective evaluation of acoustic quality in the lab or factory, weight-optimized fixtures, calibration, and training and engineering services. Our squeak & rattle test systems meet the strict requirements on low operating background noise of different test procedures such as GMW14011, FORD CETP-L-413, PSA STE9646364399, BMW PR311-2, and Hyundai Engineering Standards some of which recommend MB equipment by name or in pictures. MB innovates and delivers quiet test equipment to replicate, in the lab, the on-road excitation conditions that can cause BSRs in material pairs, components (seat belt retractors, vent registers, audiovideoinfotainment systems, IP clusters, etc), subsystems (instrument panels, seats, door modules, sunroofs including panoramic), and full vehicles. Test solutions are used during R&Dproduct development, prototype build, launch, and for quality audits during series production. Simulation of on-road excitation can include PSD random vibration and time history replication plus sine tests for diagnostics. MB equipment is used in quiet rooms, hemi-anechoic chambers, and at environmental conditions from -40 degC to +65 degC. BSR Aging or causing degradation in BSR performance by accelerated lab simulation of customer-accumulated mileage kilometers can be performed using the same quiet excitation equipment. Versatility!
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Experimental modal analysis, or modal testing, is a process for physically obtaining a math model of a structures dynamic properties. Modal tests identify a structures modal properties: natural frequencies, mode shapes, mass, stiffness and damping. Modal test results help troubleshoot resonant excitation from operating forces, validate and verify finite element models, predict the benefits of structural modifications, support design verification, and understand structural responses due to complex loading conditions. Controlled excitation tests involve exciting the structure and measuring input forces and acceleration responses at a few or many locations. Impact or hammer excitation is a quick and often effective means for modal surveys. Often, however, multiple input forces must be used, the excitation forces must be controlled, the structure is non-linear, the excitation energy must be tailored differently across different frequencies, or excitation forces must be input and distributed across the structure so as to minimize the effects of local modes or high damping. Also, the benefits of random, burst random, pseudo-random, and sine sweep and dwell excitations may be needed for good FRFs. Thus, the only option is to excite with one or more modal exciters.
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