Rebling is the only manufacturer in the world certified to produce battery connectors for flying vehicles (military, commercial, passenger, cargo, fixed wing, rotary wing, RPAsDrones). Reblings technology, quality and reliability can be summed up in one statement: 35 billion air miles per year without a failure. Our 7007 is a two pole, four cable, avionics-grade, quick disconnect, cable-mounted plug and is designed to mate with our avionics-grade, bulkhead-mounted receptacles. The members of our avionics family of connectors conform to and are QPLd to Mil Specs MS25182, MS3509, Mil-PRF-18148, Mil-E-18148, Mil-E-81099 and are available under Reblings Cage Code 30525. Each connector undergoes an electrical resistance test prior to shipment, 100% of the attaching hardware is functionally tested, the connectors components are fully assembled, a unique serial number is attached to the connector as well as the individual container in which it is shipped and a list of all serial numbers for each shipment is included with the shipping documents.