Cangro custom designs and manufactures electrical control panel solutions to meet your specific power control needs, always with the highest standards of quality and safety. We’ve built our business and reputation on high quality products backed by excellent customer service. Our engineers have years of training and industry experience in planning, designing and manufacturing control panels. We perform thorough quality control testing to ensure the highest quality and performance of each electrical control panel. Small manufacturer or large manufacturer…basic controls or highly sophisticated systems…every Cangro professionally designed automated control system provides the highest rate of return on invested capital through increased production and improvement in product design. This enhances engineering coordination and eliminates problems associated with incompatibility of components and the administrative costs of multiple purchase orders. Cangro Electrical Control and Systems Development Center: Complete Fabrication of Custom Control Systems Application and Engineering Assistance System Integration AC and DC Drive Control Retrofits and Upgrades Machine Automation IDEC PLC Programming and Development Compliance with Professional Standards and Practices including ISA, JIC, NEMA, NFPA and EURONORM Conversion to EURONORM for obtaining CE Mark Start-up Assistance, Support and Training Cangro Industries Controls are currently in use at: Bank of New York Bell Helicopter Brookhaven Laboratories Caterpillar Delta Airlines GE Hickam Air Force Base Santa Fe Studios Smith and Wesson Texas Instruments U.S. Mint