Modelo: 30 THI Potencia máxima: 30 KVA armas longitud: 340 a 480 mm Fuerza máx: 390 daN a 340 mm y 260 mm a 480 daN more...
Designed to produce high welding forces without deflection, T. J. Snow’s heavy duty press- type resistance welders are available in a variety of set-ups including (but not limited to)— Spot (with arms), Projection (with platens) and Combination Spot and Projection (arms & platens). Standard AC transformer more...
PN F4SPT000, Weld-X™ Spot Welder for Spot Welding & Welding Repairs The high arc temperatures generated by the Weld-X™ easily fuse all standard thermocouple materials, including platinum and tungsten. Wires can be welded in pairs in gages of #20 or finer, and individually for gauges as heavy as #16. Welde more...
Spot Welders Resistance spot welders, stock machines from 35-200kva single phase 220V and 440V power more...
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