Our raw materials are essential bottleneck assets and thus these are carefully selected by our expert quality auditors after checking against varied quality parameters. With the assistance of our packaging experts and advanced machines, we became capable of meeting the standard as well as customized packaging more...
Up to 8 Independently controlled axes Up to 5 die tables allow long dies to be utilized Swing up to 45 degrees Direct acting or taper locked jaws available CNC control force and position modes for high accuracy and repeatability Proven design, providing quick and safe operation CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturi more...
For straightening of small shafts, we offer Savage CFS straightening presses. A full range of straightening accessories is available for the series including: adjustable carriages, anvils, OD rotation fixtures, centering fixtures and indicators. more...
Effective straightening of a slickline or wireline before can prevent unnecessary delays in well intervention. For both land-based and off-shore oil rigs, Sjogren’s hand-held straightener can help preserve the lifespan of your measuring or transmitting cable or tubing. We custom-machine our rollers for the more...