- VIC TALKER SAYSone hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred thirty three
- INPUT TEXT126933
Advanced English text-to-speech rulesimg1.gif (32151 bytes) Numeric, decimal and simple fraction rules Rules for dollars and cents Two user-definable voices Automatic or direct intonation control Text, proofreading, spell & say and spell-only modes User-programmable exceptions memory VIC-TALKER provides unlimited vocabulary translation of text to synthesized speech using advanced English language pronunciation rules and a user-expandable exception memory. The cartridge incorporates an internal audio mixer to blend the synthesized voice output with sounds generated by the "VIC" sound chip for simultaneous sound effects with voice. The English text to speech rules have been developed to maximize performance of the phoneme synthesizer chip, producing an intelligible synthesized voice from unedited text. In addition to the over 360 English rules, interpretation of numeric strings involving decimal fractions, simple fractions, dollars and cents is accomplished to permit proper voice synthesis of virtually any word processor output. BASIC commands such as GOTO, GOSUB and PRINT# are translated to allow easy interpretation of BASIC program listings. Special modes are provided to define and select two different "voices", either one to be used on a word by word basis. In a "proofreading" mode, the second voice is used to call out punctuation and symbols. The primary voice is then used to synthesize the words and numbers in the text. The VIC-TALKER may also be programmed to work in "spell and say" or "spell-only" modes. Changing the two pre-programmed voices is extremely easy for the user, and once set, each of the two voices can be selected by control commands. VIC-TALKER uses sentence-weighted intonation to provide a variable pitch voice to emphasize statements, questions, and exclamations. In the monotonic mode, intonation is controlled directly by commands on a word by word or letter by letter basis. Using direct control of pitch, the user can synthesize a singing voice, with the range of seven octaves on an even-tempered scale. Programming of the user-defined exception words is easily accomplished in the "learning" mode. The user commands VIC-TALKER to produce the desired pronunciation of a special word by sending the word followed by a phonetic spelling of the word. The letter string is pronounced according to the English rules, producing an output phoneme string for the synthesizer chip. This output string is then stored, upon user command, in the exception dictionary, along with the original word. In this way, personal names, city and street names, or any otherwise special translations of words will subsequently produce the desired pronunciation. The exception dictionary resides in EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory), such that the exception dictionary is never lost during power-down, and becomes a permanent extension of the internal rules. Facilities are provided to edit the exceptions and to prevent redundant storage.