Whitmore Rail offers a highly efficient, cost-effective mechanical trackside applicator called LubriCurve.® LubriCurve provides adjustable grease output when and where it’s needed. It increases rail and wheel life, while it reduces wheel squeal and flanging noise. LubriCurve is ideal for high or low speed traffic and has minimal plunger movement. LubriCurve 80lb reservoirs are available with single or dual EasiPump™ options. The reservoirs are robust, lightweight and designed for quick fill. Reservoirs are filled with a lever action dispenser pump and pail. The EasiPump dispenses a consistent grease volume into the wiping bars for precise delivery of grease to the wheel flange. Wiping bars are available in 16" and 24" sizes. They can be fitted for high and check rail lubrication, or both for reverse curve lubrication from one reservoir. Grease output rates vary depending on factors such as wheel shape, speed and plunger placement.