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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of IBM Cables, RF Assemblies, Aircraft Transmitters, Meters and Hydra Cable.

IBM Cables

We design, manufactures and markets standard and custom cable assemblies for interconnecting the entire line of IBM Mainframe and Mid-Range Systems and Peripherals. Listed below is a sample of the most popular cable types requested by our IBM customers: Token Ring Cables Data Connector to Data ConnectorToken Ring Cables 3720, 3725, 3745 LIC 1, 2 & 3 Cables V.35, RS-366, RS-2323380, 3390 Bi-DirectionalIBM Twinax and Coax Cables Y Assemblies Mini BNC Cables3174, 3274 Modem Cables3708 Interface Cables5394, 5494 Controller Cables2210 WAN Cables Cat5e Patch Cords ARTIC CablesRouter, DSUCSU CablesSDLC CablesBus & Tag Cables ESCON Cables We have a long standing tradition of manufacturing cables for the IBM environments, and a great part of our national reputation and growth is owed to our indepth IBM expertise. In addition, we have achieved our growth and success through customer service, product availability, value-added services and technical supports.
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Digital Panel Meters

Analog Control Modules For control and monitoring of portable generator power and equipment shelter systems. These units monitor and control AC power on the basis of one or more of the following parameters: FrequencyCurrentVoltagePhasePower Edgewise Panel Meters The edgewise family of panel meter products were designed to handle applications where panel space is at a premium. Both the 185 and 280 edgewise series meters may be mounted horizontally or vertically and meet ANSI C39.1. The Yokogawa line of edgewise meters are accurate to within 2% of full scale in DC and 3% for AC and come in a variety of sizes and electrical ratings. Yokogawa Meters, Yokogawa Instruments800 Plus Series Digital Panel Meters and Counter Analog Switchboard Meters Yokogawa Digital Multimeters Yokogawa Digital Power Series Calibrators Y Series AB40 Hour Meters Thermometers Pressure Gauges & Bimetal Thermometers Power Transducers Insulation Testers Earth Testers Yokogawa Instrument Transformers IPPAT Lite Hybrid Meter HACCP Yokogawa Digital Luxmeters DC Precision Measuring Instruments Clamp-on Testers Power Monitors HART Calibrator & Communicator Loop Indicators Recorders Yokogawa Digital Switchboard Meters Yokogawa Analog Panel Meters Elapsed Time Meters Rotameters Arga ControlsMeasurement and Control Instrumentation - Commercial Industrial Utility Government
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We supply Aircraft Instrumentation, Process & Industrial Instrumentation, & Metrology Instrumentation, such as Analog Meters, Digital Meters, Bargraph Meters & Instruments, Replacement Parts, & Custom Meters & Instruments. Our high quality, environmentally rugged meters and indicating instruments are used thru out the military and commercial aviation in their daily operations The following are some of the areas of use for our products. Applications Military Airplanes Commercial Airplanes Helicopters ShipsSubmarinesTanks Ground Support Please see below some of the products we offer: By Company: Phaostron InstrumentWeston Instrument - Weston Electrical InstrumentsMMC Metrology LabAmetek Aerospace Ametek Aircraft Instruments, Ametek Power InstrumentsPMTA&M Instrument - Meters & InstrumentationSimpson meters, instruments , indicators - simpson panel meter, simpson volt meter, etc.Triplett meters, Triplett test equipment, instruments, Edgewise panel Meters Yokogawa meters, Yokogawa Instruments, Yokogawa panel meterMK Electronics, metersArga - controls, metersTechnology Research Corp, metersCrompton Instruments, Crompton Meters (Tyco), instrument Jewell, instrument, metersPrime Technology, metersWacline Instrument, metersPA Instrument , metersEdgewise meters: Edgewise panel meter By Type: Frequency MetersFrequency Meter Digital Frequency Meter AC Frequency Meter Generator Frequency Meter Field Frequency Meter Radio Strength Tunable Audio Frequency Meter Radio Frequency Meter Printed Circuit Digital Frequency MeterPower Meters, VoltmeterMicroamp meterMilliamp meterThermocouples, wire, sensorTemp IndicatorTransducers, pressureMeter Relays, transducerCustom Meter, instrumentPanel MetersDigital Panel Meter, Precision Digital Panel MeterAnalog Panel MeterPanel Volt MeterDC Panel MeterPanel Amp Meter
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Ribbon Cables

We manufacture a wide range of internal ribbon cables, including: Universal floppy drive cable (5 connectors) IDE drive cables (2 connectors) IDE drive cables (3 connectors) IDE drive cables (4 connectors) SCSI I & II drive cables (2 connectors, 50 cond.) SCSI 1 & SCSI 2 drive cables (3 connectors, 50 cond.) SCSI I & II drive cables (5 connectors, 50 cond.) SCSI I & II drive cables (6 connectors, 50 cond.) SCSI III drive cables (3 connectors, 68 cond.) SCSI 3 drive cables (5 connectors, 68 cond.) SCSI III drive cables (8 connectors, 68 cond.) ATA CablesInternal Round Cables Ribbon Cable Ribbon cables are vailable in all standard socket sizes ranging from 10 to 64 position as well as with nonstandard 6 position, 8 position, 12 position, 44 position and 62 position IDC socket sizes. Our fabrication department can stack, bundle and route these assemblies into any length or routing branch requirements. We also ink stamp any desired customer identification on the assemblies. We also supply bulk ribbon cables and connectors. All flat ribbon assemblies may be custom made to any length and with any configuration. OUR STRENGTHS High Quality Products on a Consistent Basis Convenience and Ease of Doing BusinessProduct Customization and Custom ManufacturingIn-house Design and PrototypingFast Turn-Around Manufacturing100% Quality Guarantee Products Exceed Standard Specifications
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RF Assemblies

We manufacture a wide range of coax assemblies, including: Coax Cable Assemblies RG-62RG-59RG-58RG-174RG-213RG-6RG-11 All coaxial cables have various termination options, including:BNCCoaxial Bulk Cable TNCUHFMINI UHFN Type Coaxial Assembly Applications: VideoEthernetT-3 E-3IBMEtc. ________________ OUR STRENGTHS High Quality Products on a Consistent Basis Convenience and Ease of Doing BusinessProduct Customization and Custom ManufacturingIn-house Design and PrototypingFast Turn-Around Manufacturing100% Quality Guarantee Products Exceed Standard Specifications
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Aircraft Transmitters

We offer Aircraft Instruments Aircraft Meters, Aircraft Sensors & Aircraft Transmitters, such as Aircraft Ametek Instruments, Aircraft Panel Instruments, Phaostron Instruments, Weston Aerospace Instruments, etc. Our high quality, environmentally rugged aircraft instruments, meters, sensors and transmitters are used throughout the military and commercial aviation. The following are some of the products we are providing most frequently to our customers. Phaostron Instrument and Electronic Company Phaostron InstrumentsPhaostron SensorsTransmitters Weston Aerospace Weston InstrumentsAerospace, Marine and Allied Industries IndicatorsAnalogue IndicatorsPressure Transducers and Aviation Fuel Density TransducersSpeed and Torque ProbesTemperature Sensors Ametek Aerospace & Defence Aircraft and Engine SensorsAccelerometers Angle of Attack Sensors Cable Harness Assemblies Densitometers Exhaust Gas Temperature Probes Flowmeters Fuel and Fluid Measurement Instrumentation LVDT Transducers Level and Waste Sensors Pressure Transducers Speed Sensors Thermocouples Total Temperature SensorsAvionics and Black BoxesElectromechanical and AMLCD Instrumentation Fatigue Meters Protocol Converters RVSM Compliant Altimeters Stall Warning Computers Vibration MonitoringData Acquisition Units A&M Instrument Aircraft Instruments & Aircraft SensorsTransmitters Power MeterPressure Meter Temperature Meter Speed Meter Position SensorFlow Meter Frequency Meter Avionic Mechanisms Pitch Meter Roll Meter Turn Rate Meter Glide Slope Meter Localizer Speed Meter Others
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Digital Indicators

Our company offers Ruggedized, MIL Spec & Switchboard Meters & Analog & Digital Indicators, such as Mil M 10304, Mil M 16034, Mil M 23167, Mil V 23151, Mil W 19088, etc. Over the years we have developed a reputation of providing unsurpassed level of customer service for the Navy supply systems, new construction out-fitting, fleet modernization programs and the Department of Defense. Ruggedized Meters are ideal for use: In field communication or test equipment where severe environmental conditions are encounteredIn industrial applications where moisture, extreme temperature or vibration may be a problemPlease see below some of the products we offer: Phaostron - Mil-Spec Ruggedized MetersMMC Metrology Lab - Ruggedized Panel MetersWeksler InstrumentsA & M Instruments - Ruggedized Meters, Switchboard Meters Yokogawa Switchboard MetersTechnology Research Corp - Power Control and Monitoring Devices If you need assistance in determining your requirements, our technical staff has the experience and know how to help you obtain the "right" instrument the "first" time. We can also provide factory accredited calibration services for all the Mil-Spec instruments. Mil-Spec Ruggedized Meters and Edgewise Meters Mil-M-10304, Mil-M-16034, Mil-M-23167, Mil-V-23151, Mil-W-19088 ACDC Voltage MeterACDC Current MeterFrequency MeterTemp MeterPower MeterVars Power Factor For Sales, Service, Custom Meters & Instruments, as well as Replacement Parts
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Patch Cables

We manufacture a wide range of network patch cables. They are available in all wiring types, colors and lengths and they are designed to meet and exceed all standard specifications. Copper: Cat 5e Patch Cords CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6 grade cables4 Pair, 2 Pair Enhanced Cat 5UTP, STP, FTP and SFTPStranded and Solid CablesBooted and UnbootedPVC and Plenum10Base-T, 100Base-T . to GigaspeedEthernet, Token Ring, T1, T3, Fiber ChannelStraight Thru, Crossover and Customer Spec.RJ45 to RJ45 - wired to your specificationsUSOC, WECO, EIA, 568A, 568B, TELCO, 110 .Coax, TwinaxCustom manufactured , Wired to your specifications Fiber Optic: We stock as well as custom make a wide range of fiber optic patch cords: SC Duplex Patch Cords MTP, LC, MT-RJ, SC, SCAPC, ST, FC, FC PC Patch Cord FCAPC, FDDI, Mini BNC, SMA, D4. Here are just a few reasons why you should work with us on all your fiber cabling projects: Automated Polish and Manufacture, 100% optically tested, Excellent consistency, Low insertion loss, Low Back Reflection, Guaranteed performance, High temperature jacket, Excellent concentricity. Cat5e CableAll cable assemblies and patch cords, both copper and fiber, are 100% tested. Same day service for rush orders is available. Please contact us to inquire about all your cable needs!_
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We provide environmentally rugged meters and indicating instruments used for harsh environments, the military, commercial aviation, prime contractors and sub-contractors. The following are some of the typical users of our products. Customers: U.S. Government & its AgenciesU.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Air Force U.S. Coast Guard All U.S. Armed Forces Reserves FAA Prime Contractors for the Department Of Defence Sub Contractors for the Department Of Defence Other Countries of the World Governments
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Hydra Cable

We manufactures and markets a full line of high quality Telco cable assemblies. They are used for data and voice applications with punch down blocks, patch panels and distribution boxes. They can also be used as extension cables. Our high quality starts with the purchase of the best cable, connectors and components and continues throughout the manufacturing and testing process. Telco Custom CablesTelco Cable Assemblies Telco 50 female to female Telco 50 male to female Telco 50 male to male Telco 50 female to open Telco 50 male to open Octopus Hydra Cable Assemblies Hydra Cable Assemblies 12 legs, 4 wire, RJ11 modular 8 legs, 6 wire, RJ11 modular 6 legs, 8 wire, RJ45 modular Our octopus cables are built with our Category 5 cable to ensure optimum performance of your system. Fan assemblies are available with standard wiring configurations as well as in custom pinouts to fit your specific application. Please specify pinning: USOC, WECO, EIATIA 568A & B, 10 BaseT, Token Ring. Trunk cables are also available. OUR STRENGTHS High Quality Products on a Consistent Basis Convenience and Ease of Doing BusinessProduct Customization and Custom ManufacturingIn-house Design and PrototypingFast Turn-Around Manufacturing100% Quality Guarantee Products Exceed Standard Specifications
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