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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Art Diffusor Model C and BlockAid Vinyl Sound Barrier (MLV).

Sound Channels Acoustical Wall Covering

  • Backing: Fusible Clear Latex
  • Composition: 100% Solution Dyed Post-Consumer Recycled Polyester
  • Flame Spread: 15
  • Smoke Developed: 15
  • Passes Corner Burn: NFPA 265, UBC 8-2 (formerly UBC 42-2)
Acoustical Fabric for Vertical SurfacesSound Channels acoustical wall fabric is a dimensional fabric that offers excellent acoustical properties, unmatched fade resistance, and a firesmoke retardant Class A rating. Sound Channels is resistant to moisture, mildew, rot, bacteria, and is non-allergenic. Produced with no VOCs (volatile organic compounds), ODSs (ozone depleting substances), heavy metals or formaldehyde, it's the perfect acoustic fabric for offices, classrooms, conference centers or any area where speech intelligibility is a critical factor.
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Sonora Fabric Wrapped Acoustic Wall Panels

Sonora Acoustical Wall Panels, previously referred to as Respond Panels, are used to reduce echo and reverberation in applications, small and large. These panels are manufactured from a rigid high density (6-7 PCF) glass fiber acoustical board and covered with an acoustically transparent fabric. The edges on these decorative wall panels are chemically hardened and offer several edge design choices. These absorbers are suitable for all applications including offices, recording, broadcast, worship facilities, schools, gymnasiums, museums, auditoriums, theaters or any application that requires an acoustical solution. Sonora sound panels also make a great alternative to fabric stretch wall systems. These sound control panels look as good as they sound. VIDEO:SOUND ABSORPTION: How Acoustical Panels Improve Sound
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Geometrix Bass Trap

Products Absorbers Sonora Fabric Wrapped Panels Geometrix Broadband Absorber Geometrix Bass Trap Broadband Absorber The Geometrix Broadband Bass Trap is a sculptured sound absorbing panel used for wall, corner and ceiling applications. Available in half-rounds or quarter-rounds. This unit can be installed vertically or horizontally to create dynamic installations. Acoustics First Geometrix are useful in acoustic treatments for studios, theaters or settings that require critical listening and low frequency reduction. The Geometrix is wrapped on the exposed face, top and bottom with a Guilford of Maine FR701 2100 Series woven polyester fabric. Z-clips or adhesive are recommended mounting methods. Geometrix demonstrates outstanding performance in all sound frequency ranges. Tests measure 1.54 Absorption at 125 Hz!
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Tone Tile White Paintable Acoustical Panels

  • Thickness 1-1/8"
  • Construction: 1 " Fiberglass 6 PCF acoustical core + molded fiberboard + paintable facing. Resin hardened square edges. Paintable finish covers face and exposed edges.
  • Class A rating per ASTM E 84
  • Panel Size: AFTT23: 2' X 3' (24 inches by 36 Inches) Custom Sizes Available
  • Quantity per box: AFTT23: 4 Panels (24 sq. ft)
The Acoustics First Tone Tile is a white acoustical wall panel with a soft textured appearance. Their easily managable sizes provide installers the flexibility to mount acoustical panels around existing objects. In addition to reducing echo and reverberation, these acoustical panels are used to create unique designs and patterns. The glass fiber core is faced with a paintable covering. This allows you to match or complement existing wall colors by applying a light coat of flat or matte spray paint. To customize the look even further, many local printing companies now have the capability to produce an image directly to the face of these panels. Available from StockQuick & Easy acoustical solutionSoft drywall texture appearancePaintable & Printable finish Print images on panel face at your local printerMake it an art project and stencil on your own images
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FireFlex Max Wedge Acoustical Foam

FireFlex Max Wedge Acoustical Foam is designed for controlling low frequency sound while maintaining a Class A (1) fire rating. These acoustical foam wedges withstand constant temperatures up to 320F, as well as meeting all Class 1 regulations for flame spread, smoke density, and fuel contribution. This material is used in anechoic chambers, sound testing facilities, recording and broadcast studios or anywhere maximum absorption is required. FireFlex materials are constructed of lightweight, porous acoustic melamine. The material's internal structure is a spacious cellular complex of slim, flexible webs. These elastic filaments are fiber-free and completely open-celled.FireFlex Max Wedge- Specs.pdf
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Art Diffusor Model C

  • Material: 250 Hz to 16 kHz
  • Size: 23-5/8 x 23-5/8”
  • Depth: 4.5” Weight: 4 pounds
  • Mount: Direct mount (wall or ceiling) or Drop intoT-Bar grid (15/16")
  • Bandwidth: Art Diffusors® Brochure (PDF)
The Art Diffusor Model C is a patented, two dimensional, four octave, binary array diffuser. This diffuser improves sound clarity and ambience while increasing the overall perceived space of the room. The range of the Art Diffusor is extended over other designs by its unique angled end caps to further control specular reflections above 4 kHz. The animation to the right is intended to help visually demonstrate the process of sound diffusion from a single sound source. The Model C Art Diffusor deflects the sound on two planes, a result of the angled end caps and the various well depths.
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Cutting Wedge 2000 Acoustical Foam

CUTTING WEDGE 2000 installs to create seamless absorptive walls, and enhance imaging by reducing unwanted reflections. The "2000" design enables you to increase thickness quickly by nesting layers instead of buying different and incompatible products. By adding 2 or 3 nested layers of CW2K, you can control energy hotspots in corners or in the path of first reflections quickly and efficiently. Cutting Wedge makes creating virtual bass-traps in corners, using 3 or 4 nested layers of CW2K, simple and efficientStackable to increase low frequency responsePrevent destructive specular reflections from distorting or coloring the sweet spot.Eliminate room modes, comb filtering, standing waves and undesirable specular artifacts.Attenuate sound pressure buildup at room boundaries (where walls meet walls).
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Art Diffusor Sound Diffusers

  • Size: 23-5/8" x 23-5/8"
  • Depth: 4.1"
  • Bandwidth: 1 kHz to 16 kHz
  • Brochure: Art Diffusors® Brochure (PDF)
  • Specs: Art Diffusor® Model F Specifications (PDF)
Two Dimensional diffusion in 3DThe Art Diffusor is a patented, two dimensional, binary array sound diffuser. The range of the Art Diffusor is extended over other designs by its unique angled end caps to further control specular reflections above 4kHz. These diffusers reduce the intensity of sound by scattering it over an expanded area. This prevents comb filtering and standing waves while maintaining the live intensity of the sound. A diffusive room will sound larger and more open with improved sound clarity.VIDEO: DIFFUSING SCATTERING SOUND: Sound Diffusion Explained
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Standard Panel Fabric

Select from over 50 different fabric choices in a wide variety of natural colors. The color spectrum, from tans and grays or other vibrant or muted hues, allow you to create many design possibilities. This fabric is acoustically transparent and can be used to cover acoustical panels, used as speaker grill cloth or with stretch wall applications.View FR701 2100 Color Chart
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BlockAid Vinyl Sound Barrier (MLV)

  • Color: . . . Black
  • Width: 54" Wide
  • Length: 20', 30' and 60' Rolls
  • Thickness: . Thick
  • Weight: . 1 pound per square foot
BlockAid Vinyl Sound Barrier, also known as mass loaded vinyl (MLV), is a limp-mass material used to block unwanted noise and reduce sound transmission without reducing space. Constructed of non-reinforced high temperature vinyl with no lead fillers, this material is as heavy as lead, yet is safe and easily cut with a utility knife. Originally designed to block transmission of sound through walls, floors and ceilings, BlockAid is also available as a backer for Cloudscape Ceiling Tiles to limit sound flanking over walls with ceiling grids, in Quilted Fiberglass Blankets to create sound enclosures or in Composite Foam to quiet noisy machinery. It can also be used as an effective pipe or duct wrap. For use in new construction or retrofits, BlockAid can be installed over studs, sandwiched between layers of drywall or applied over existing layers of drywall then covered with a finish material such as Sound Channels acoustical wall covering.
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