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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Gaskets, Die Cut Gaskets, CUSTOM METAL GASKETS and STANDARD METAL GASKETS.


Advanced Gasket & Supply is a leader in the gasket industry. We die cut non-metallic gaskets and components from a wide range of materials, which allows us to satisfy all of your gasket design requirements. Our experienced technicians have an extensive knowledge of the die cutting process and materials to fabricate a superior die cut part. Our years of experience means your design is manufactured to your specifications with less down time and quicker delivery. Give one of our sales professionals a call today and let us be your go to supplier for all your gasket requirements.
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Die Cut Gaskets

Advanced Gasket specializes in custom die cutting. We die cut non-metallic gaskets and components from a wide range of materials, which allows us to satisfy all of your gasket design requirements. Our experienced technicians have the knowledge of materials and the die cutting process to deliver a superior die cut part. We offer fast turnaround, samples, and prototypes for testing. Advanced Gasket's quick response and large inventory of materials allows us to fabricate with less downtime and more saving to you.
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Advanced Gasket & Supply offers spiral wound gaskets in a variety of styles to suite your particular flange facing. Spiral-wound gaskets are made of a preformed metallic strip and a soft filler material wound together under pressure, with an outer guide ring. They are constructed with a metallic guide ring, metallic winding, and a filler element. The winding is manufactured from metal in a complicated form of a spiral, in assembly with a filler material. The filler materials fill the irregularities of the flanges. It's external guide ring has the function of centering the gasket in the flanges and gives the sealing elements additional resistance to the flow pressure and excessive bolt torque. For applications with high temperature variations (thermal cycling), andor pressure variations, andor flange rotation problems etc., gaskets with adequate residual stress (stress retention), and flexibility are needed. Our spiral-wound gaskets have been designed to meet these demanding requirements.
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Advanced Gasket & Supply offers spiral wound gaskets in a variety of styles to suite your particular flange facing. Spiral-wound gaskets are made of a preformed metallic strip and a soft filler material wound together under pressure, with an outer guide ring. They are constructed with a metallic guide ring, metallic winding, and a filler element. The winding is manufactured from metal in a complicated form of a spiral, in assembly with a filler material. The filler materials fill the irregularities of the flanges. It's external guide ring has the function of centering the gasket in the flanges and gives the sealing elements additional resistance to the flow pressure and excessive bolt torque. For applications with high temperature variations (thermal cycling), andor pressure variations, andor flange rotation problems etc., gaskets with adequate residual stress (stress retention), and flexibility are needed. Our spiral-wound gaskets have been designed to meet these demanding requirements.
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