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Aj Abrams Company Inc.
location United States

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  1. Computer Monitor 4 Products available
  2. Sheet Metal Electrical Enclosure

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  3. Measuring Instruments & Equipment

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  4. Spying & Intelligence Devices

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  5. Hose Pipes

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  6. Others Products 2 Products available

Our Products

Our offered Product range includes Honeywell Analytics and Lumidor Enforcer.

Honeywell Analytics

  • Dimensions 49mm x 84mm x 136mm (1.9" x 3.3" x 5.3")
  • Weight Maximum 520g
  • Operating temperature# -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to +131°F)
Available in two configurations, the Impact andImpact Pro accepts either disposable andorserviceable cartridges respectively, all of which arepre-calibrated and can be replaced in under oneminute, so simplifying maintenance and minimizingcost wherever possible. Compact and ruggedthese monitors are designed for tough workingenvironments while being small, lightweight andunobtrusive, making them ideal for use in confinedspaces where entry and exit may be difficult.
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Dusttrak Environmental Enclosure

  • Dimensions (H x W x D) 2 x 43 x 48 in. (5 x 109 x 122 cm)
  • Weight 34 lb (15.3 kg)
  • Power Supply Voltage 5–12 V
The DustTrak II and DRX Aerosol Monitor Models 8530, 8530EP, 8533 and 8533EP are portable, battery-operated, laser-photometers thatmeasure and record airborne dust concentrations. The DustTrak AerosolMonitors have a custom-designed, weatherproof EnvironmentalEnclosure Model 8535 for making the same accurate and precisemeasurements outdoors.
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  • FLOW RATE 220 ml/min(150cc/minflow alarm)
  • WEIGHT 5kg(176oz)
  • DIMENSIONS Length:465xHeight:89xDepth:61 mm (18.3x3.5x2.4”)
The Tiger Select is revolutionary hand-held gas detector with two mode operation for the rapid detection of benzene and Total Aromatic Compounds (TACs) providing accurate, reliable data you can count on. Utilizing a high output Ion Science 10.0eV detection system, a reading for Total Aromatic Compounds (TACs) is seen immediately on start-up. Should aromatics be detected, a benzene pre-filter tube can be easily attached to ensure rapid detection and selective measurement of benzene. Throughout the measurement process, Tiger Select continues to display real time data, ensuring the final reading represents the full value of actual benzene present. Benzene concentrations are displayed down to ppb levels, giving you the most accurate, reliable data you can count on. Tiger Select is capable of providing 15 minute STELs and 8 hour TWAs for TACs. A 10.6 eV lamp can easily be installed for the detection of a wide range of TVOCs. In addition, the unique MiniPID VOC sensor incorporates both Anti-contamination technology and Fence Electrode technology for extended operation in difficult working environments. The Tiger Select benzene and total aromatic compound detector can also be used in standard operational mode without the use of a benzene pre-filter tube to deliver active indications of VOCs, including benzene at concentrations as low as 1 ppb benzene equivalent.
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Lumidor Enforcer

  • Accuracy +/-5%
  • Weight 0.44Kg (16oz)
  • Pressure 34 bar (maximum)
Bump testing should be carried out before use ofany portable gas detector. This involves exposingeach gas sensor to a known concentration oftarget gas and ensuring that it responds correctly.If not, the unit must be re-calibrated or serviced toreplace those parts not working.Personal gas monitors are normally calibratedevery 3 to 6 months. Typically this requiresspecialist knowledge and equipment that is costlyor the work is sub-contracted to a third party.During this time instruments are not available foruse and so could delay essential operations orforce additional monitors to be purchased.The Enforcer calibrates Impact multigas monitorsfitted with oxygen, flammable, carbon monoxideand hydrogen sulfide sensors in less than twominutes. Volumes and flow rates are minimized toallow approximately 200 calibrations per cylinderof gas making calibration as low in cost as aBump test.
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  • Series 600
Model 600 incorporates various core materials designed to be compatible with the product being conveyed. The most common cores are EPDM, SBR and neoprene. The hose features a built-in electric heating element which is machine-wound to close tolerances to assure the uniform heating so important in the efficient transfer of thick, viscous substances. In most freeze protection applications, thermal insulation is not required, thus eliminating a compressible exterior surface and adding to overall durability. These hoses feature a tough, scuff-resistant jacket. They are available in any length up to 1000 feet with one voltage input, and are supplied hydraulically and electrically complete, ready for use.
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Gas Meter

  • Pump Tubing length 100 feet PhD6 Extended-length Tubing Test
  • Temperature range (Certifi cation) -20 to +50ºC
  • Pump Flow Rate 1 LPM nominal
Material Polycarbonate with tough rubber overmoldWeight (Alkaline) 1.1 lbs17.6 oz499 g (5 sensors)Weight (Alkaline) + Pump 1.4 lbs22.4 oz635 g (5 sensors)Weight (Lithium-Ion) 1.0 lbs16 oz454 g (5 sensors)Weight (Lithium-Ion) + Pump 1.3 lbs20.8 oz590 g (5 sensors)Dimensions wo std belt clip 6.63 x 3.13 x 2 in.16.83 x 7.94 x 5.08 cmDimensions with std belt clip 6.63 x 3.13 x 2.5 in.16.83 x 7.94 x 6.35 cmDimensions wo std belt clip, with pump 8.5 x 3.13 x 2.38 in.21.59 x 7.94 x 6.03 cmDimensions with std belt clip and pump 8.5 x 3.13 x 2.63 in.21.59 x 7.94 x 6.66 cm
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