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Fresh Fruits

Our Complete range of products are Pepino Melon, Rambutan and Physalis Aka Golden Berry.

Pepino Melon

Family: SolanaceaeGenus: SolanumOther Names: Sweet pepinoBotanical Name: Solanum muricatumCondition: FreshGrade: ACertification: GLOBALG.A.P. (in process)Place of Origin: EcuadorNative of: The Andean region Maturity: 85% - 90%Brix level: 6-8Availability: All year roundStorage: 20 daysStorage temp: 10 Celsius, (50 F) Taste: Medium sweetWeight of each box: 2.8 kilograms (6.17 lb.)Weight of each fruit: Between 150 and 350 grams Packaging: 12, 16, and 20 fruits per boxPopular for: Being easy to combine with vegetables, fruits, meats andfish Delivery details: Approximately 15 days after receiving the orderTasting like melon and pear, this sweet fruit is very common in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Bolivia. The fruit is yellow color, oval shape, and will develop purple stripes when ripe. It grows at altitudes between 1000 and 3000 meters above sea level.The pepino melon we produce has a particular flavor and sweetness, perhaps because it grows on the slopes of the Tungurahua volcano. Typically the sweet pepino is enjoyed raw, just cut it in half and scoop out the seeds. It is very useful as a garnish and combined with papaya, banana, or cantaloupe makes tasty sorbets. In syrup or served with ice cream it makes a healthy dessert.Eating sweet pepino regularly regulates the blood pressure, prevents diabetes and the formation of kidney stones, boosts the immune system and lowers cholesterol. However, for some people the most important property is that sweet pepino eliminates constipation and prevents colon cancer. Pepino is rich in vitamins A and C. Its also a good source of calcium, and potassium.Vitamin A is important for good vision, the immune system, and reproduction.Vitamin C, besides being a powerful antioxidant, it helps to regenerate tissues, aids in the absorption of iron, decreases bad cholesterol, and prevents wrinkles.About 99% of the total calcium in our bodies is in our teeth and bones. Since every day we lose it, it is essential to replenish this mineral from the food we eat, other way it will be taken from our bones.A diet rich in potassium lowers the blood pressure because it counteracts the tendency of our bodies to store water produced by NaCl.Finally, since the pepino is low in sugar, it is a safe food for diabetics and a fruit to be considered on a weight reduction diet.
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  • Calories 310 kJ
  • Serving size 140 grams
  • Fat 0.9 g
  • Carbohydrate 15.7 g
Family: Sapindaceae Other names: Chm Chm, mamon chino, Botanical Name: Nephelium lappaceum Condition: Fresh Grade: A Certification: GLOBAL GAP (in process) Place of origin: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala Native of: South Asia Maturity: 90 - 95% Brix level: 19 - 22 Availability: Mexico: May to August Guatemala: April to July Costa Rica: August to December Honuras: August to December Shelf life: 1 week Storage temp: 41 F (5 C) Taste: Sweet Fruitskg: 30 35 Packaging details: Carton boxes of 2.26 kg (5 pounds) Plastic containers of 6.8 kg (15 pounds) Delivery details: Approximately 10 days after placing the order
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Physalis Aka Golden Berry

  • Energy 222 kJ (53 kcal)
  • Dietary Fiber 3 g
  • Total Fat 0.5 g
  • Serving size 100 grams
  • Carbohydrates 11.20 g
Family: SolanaceaeGenus: PhysalisOther Names: Cape gooseberry, golden berry, poha uchuva, uvilla, agaymanto, Inca berryBotanical Name: Physalis Peruviana Condition: FreshGrade: ACertification: GLOBALG.A.P.Place of Origin: ColombiaNative of: The Andean region Maturity: 95%Brix level: 12-14Availability: All year roundShelf life: 8 days without husk, 24 days with it Storage temp: 7 Celsius, (45 F)Taste: A combination of sweet and tartFruitskg: 195 205Diameter: 2 3 centimeters Packaging: With husk in baskets (12x100g) with husk in bulk (1.5 kilograms)without husk in clamshells (12x142 g) Delivery details: Approximately 10 days after receiving the orderGolden berries, also known as Cape gooseberries or physalis (uchuva, uvilla and aguaymanto in spanish) are a good source of phosphorus.This mineral is very important for the restoration of tissues and cells in the body, and combined with calcium, it fortifies bones and teeth. Phosphorus also plays a crucial role in how the body manages its energy. Although there is no scientific evidence to support the use of golden berries to reduce inflammation, in South America this fruit has been used for this purpose, for centuries, with good results.Finally, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and low in calories, physalis is a good source of energy and a perfect choice for a weight loos diet.
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