ARC Technologies, Inc. offers a wide variety of RF absorbers. Multilayer (ML) is a family of lightweight, flexible open cell foam absorption material, designed for broadband applications. The ML absorbers function on an impedance matching principle, with each layer loaded for predetermined loss tangents, providing electrically tapered reflection loss characteristics.Product OverviewA combination of open cell foam sheets with stepped carbon loads. It is available in sheet form, it has low density, light weight, and can be custom carbon loaded to meet high or low loss requirements. This RF absorber is effective mainly for far field requirements and controlling surface currents.Broadband absorption from 500 MHz to 40 GHzReflection loss of -20dB are achievedFlexible and lightweightEasily cut to shapeConductive ground plane is availableCan be attached with pressure sensitive adhesiveCan be treated (sealed or wrapped) to withstand weather and harsh environmentsFunctions on impedance matching, different loss tangent layers laminated together for an electrically tapered absorberWhy ML is Effective?The ML (multilayer) RF absorber allows the LS layers to be built up with each of the layers loaded for a predetermined loss tangent, providing electrically tapered reflection loss characteristics. The layers can be laid up to match the customers specification.When to Use:Crosstalk reductionAntenna shroudingShadowing parts for RCS MeasurementsShadowing components of anechoic chambersElastomer coatings can be added to resistance against:Jet fuelHydrolic fuelGasolineWaterTypical Performance