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Herbal Products
2 Products availablePure And Natural Herbs
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1 Products availableBeverages
1 Products availableIn recent years Chicory has become the new trend in healthy hot beverages, coffee blends and coffee substitutes markets. Use of chicory has deep historical roots in many cultures. Bio Factor Group’s chicory products are produced from carefully selected, high quality chicory roots. The manufacturing of the final products takes place via a natural purified water extraction process of roasted chicory roots, with no chemicals used or added during the entire production cycle and is concentrated under vacuum, which allows maximum retention of natural vitamins and minerals. There are no preservatives or any colors added during extraction and spray drying processes. It is 100% natural, fully soluble, caffeine free, tasty healthy hot or cold beverage with exquisite taste and aroma and a wealth of health benefits. It is also a natural source of inulin (a form of natural dietary fiber), vitamins and minerals. Free of any pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMO), unadulterated, and safe for consumption.
CEREAL BLENDS AND COFFEE SUBSTITUTES : 100% Natural, Pure, Instant spray dried cereal blends and coffee substitutes may contain instant: chicory, roasted barley, malted barley, roasted rye; Custom compositions and combinations are available.
INSTANT, SPRAY DRIED COFFEE BLENDS : 100% Natural, Pure, Instant spray dried coffee blends may contain instant: chicory, roasted barley, malted barley, roasted rye and green coffee beans extract (GCBE); Custom compositions and combinations are available.
100 Pure spray dried Barley and malted Barley : Bio Factor Group products containing Barley: -100% Pure, Instant Spray Dried Roasted Barley; -100% Pure, Instant Spray Dried Roasted Barley blends may contain instant: coffee, chicory, malted barley, roasted malted barley, roasted rye and green coffee beans extract (GCBE); -100% Natural, Instant Spray Dried Malted Barley; -100% Natural, Instant Spray Dried Roasted Malted Barley; -100% Pure Barley Malt extract in liquid (78% Solids -Custom compositions are available.
100% PURE SPRAY DRIED GREEN COFFEE BEANS EXTRACT : Bio Factor Group 100% Pure, with no preservatives or artificial colors added spray dried Green Coffee Beans Extract (GCBE) is produced from premium quality green coffee beans. The main distinction of Bio Factor GCBE is that the manufacturing takes place via a natural purified water extraction process, with no chemicals used or added during the entire production cycle, and is concentrated under vacuum, which allows maximum retention of natural vitamins and minerals. There are no preservatives or artificial colors added during extraction and spray drying processes. Free of any pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMO), unadulterated, and safe for consumption.
Chicory Products : Bio Factor Group manufactures a variety of products containing Chicory: -100% Natural, Instant chicory: spray dried, original. -100% Natural, Pure, Instant spray dried chicory blends may contain instant: coffee, roasted barley, malted barley, roasted rye and green coffee beans extract (GCBE); -100% Natural, Instant spray dried chicory with USA FDA approved extracts and flavors; -100% Natural, Pure Roasted chicory cubes: 2-18 mm in size; -100% Natural, Pure Roasted ground chicory and coffee - chicory blends; Custom compositions and combinations are available -100% Pure, Roasted Chicory root extract in liquid (72% solids);
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