Dual extension spring lift mechanism.Heavy duty steel lever, with special EZ-grip handle.Can be self stored or placed inside building.Roller-bearing lift mechanism for easy lifts.Cold-rolled steel hinge pin for added strength andlong life.Grease fittings throughout. High-strength steel safety tread plate, 70, 000yield tensile.Heavy duty bumpers blocks with 4" x 12" x 13"Tuf-cord bumpers.Bumper projection = 15"Secondary gussets for added strength and extendedlife.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONBondor NEVERLIFT Edge-Of-Dock levelers mount todock face and provide a working range of 5" to 5" belowdock. The unit is operated by moving a lifting leverapproximately 50 away from dock edge, and thenreturning the lever to its original vertical position. Deck and lip are constructed with high-strength steelsafety tread plate, 5500 psi (or better) minimum yield.Extended life bumpers are molded of first quality rubber.Bumper blocks are 516" steel with a full length centergusset for reinforcement. Long life hinges include greasefittings throughout.OPERATION PROCEDUREBondor NEVERLIFT is the easiest to operate of all lever-operated dock levelers in America today. EachNEVERLIFT model comes with a ball-tipped steel lever. With the lever in the operating slot, the operator simply pullsthe lever to a position that is approximately 50 away from dock edge. This lifts the deck and lip. Next, the operatorreturns the lever to its original vertical position. This extends the unit outward and allows it to rest in the trailer. There'sabsolutely no required back bending, no lifting, no difficult push toward the dock edge, and no leaning over the dockedge. Just pull back, then return to the original position.