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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Blended Top Hammer Felts, Piano Felt and Felt Products.

Blended Top Hammer Felts

Providing the latest technology, engineering skills second to none, Bacon Felt can produce to your specifications. Royal Red PremiumSuperior Quality and Performance. Available in 5 - 12.5 kg. White Glove PriceValueUnbeatable Quality at an Affordable Price. Available in weights 5 - 9 kg. Blue Rhapsody Price BlandPerformance not normally associated with such an Economical Price.
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Piano Felt

Knuckfelt, Underfelt, Understring, Felt, Backcheck Felt. KnucklefeltBacon Felt has developed a new Proprietary "in house" machining center that gives us the ability to produce the world's first "perfect knucklefelt".UnderfeltOur proprietary dyeing system provides total penetration of a wide variety of colors.Understring FeltWe will custom manufacture strips in a wide variety of colors.Backcheck FeltBacon Felt will produce backcheck felt to meet your precise needs.Key Rest Cushion Felt, Under Lever Frame Felt, and Upright Piano Understring FeltCustom made to match your specific profile, shape size, and color.
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Felt Products

Felt can be cut to size, machined to your specifications, provided in sheets, or stripped to width. Adhesive backing can be provided. Paramount Polishing Products: Polish faster and easier with an expanded line of Paramount products-wheels, ring buffs, bobs, brushes, and muslin buffs. Drumbeaters: The same excellence in Piano Felt production is provided by Bacon Felt for custom Timpani. Steel Felt: From raw felt fiber to the finished product, Bacon Felt designs for cold mill rolling, hot rolling mills, annealing and coil resets. Felt Dots: Adhesive Backed Dots 14 inch to 1 inch diameter in a variety of colors.
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