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Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than 50 years. And with over 20 million copies in print, generating a movement that spans over 100 nations, its indisputably the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind. Here is the anatomy and full description of the reactive mind, the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. This book shows you how to get rid of it, and so achieve something Man has previously only dreamed of: the State of Clear. Among the discoveries herein: The Goal of ManThe Dynamic Principle of Existencethe one word that motivates all living thingsThe Four Dynamicsthe drives upon which all of life is compartmentedThe Descriptic Graph of Survivalrevealing ones true potential and how to achieve itThe discovery of and complete anatomy of the reactive mindThe painful experiencesengramscontained in the reactive mind which command one to act irrationally against their own wishes and goalsThe impact of prenatal engramswhat took place before you were born and how its influenced you ever sinceThe complete Dianetics procedure to discover and eradicate these harmful experiences so they never affect you again, revealing the one person youve always wanted to knowyou.
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Originally written and published in national magazines to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, here is L. Ron Hubbards own story of his developmental trail and two-decade journey to the discovery of the Reactive Mind. Evolution of a Science contains the only account of: How the optimum computing machinethe mindworksHow Mr. Hubbard discovered Basic PersonalityHow the Dynamic Principle of ExistenceSURVIVE!was first isolatedHow wrong answers enter into the mind and are held down, giving further wrong answersHow there seem to be Demons of the mindHow the engram was discoveredHow Dianetics techniques were developedThats why Evolution of a Science is the story of the greatest adventure of allthe exploration that discovered the Reactive Mind and the technology to conquer it. He wrote it so you would know.
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Handbook for Preclears is the legendary self-processing manual that marks the transition from the subject of Dianetics to Scientology. Here are the breakthroughs that revealed the phenomenon of the LIFE CONTINUUMa mechanism by which every individual takes on the disabilities of the deceased or departed, until they are no longer living their own life. Here, then, are the answers to getting rid of all those parts of you that arent really YOU. The book includes: Expansive essays providing the most complete description of The Ideal State of ManThe Goals of Man, and why his survival depends upon the conquest of the physical universeThe Human Mind, how it operates and its underlying purposeThe Control Center, the awareness of awareness unit of the mind, and how it is CAUSE of the body and environmentThe Hubbard Chart of Attitudes, a milestone breakthrough that complements the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, which explains ones reactions to lifeThe Fifteen Acts of self-processing that move an individual from EFFECT to CAUSEprocesses so powerful that this book is now known as the book of miraclesAnd, the Definitions, Logics and Axioms providing the very basis of the study of knowledge and the underlying truths of what life itself is doing
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