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BW Industries
location Orlando, United States

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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Primary Mezzanine Floor Beams, Cleats and Restraints Inset (Web) Cleats, Oversail (Flange) Cleats, BW Eaves Tie and BW Eaves Beams

Primary Mezzanine Floor Beams

BW Industries supply a wide range of galvanised Cee sections.The larger section sizes are ideal for use as primary beams in place of fabricated hot rolled beams.Optimum section selection ensures an efficient floor design, resulting in cost savings.Primary beams can be designed using the BW Building Wizard Software.Fin plate 8mm thick.Column cap plate 120 by 120 by 8mm thick.Fin platecap plate connection 6mm fillet weld.Cap platecolumn connection 6mm fillet weld.All holes 18mm diameter.
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Cleats And Restraints Inset (Web) Cleats

Floors designed using the inset system make maximum use of available headroom. The secondary floor beams are connected within the depth of the primary supporting beams thus minimising the overall depth of the floor structure. All cleats are manufactured from pre-galvanised material as follows: Light duty cleats to be 3mm thickStandard duty cleats to be 4mm thickHeavy duty cleats to be 5mm thick
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Oversail (Flange) Cleats

The oversail system with top flange cleats may be used where there are no restrictions on floor depth. The maximum allowable overhang should be no greater than one eighth of the adjecent span. All cleats are manufactured from pre-galvanised material as follows: Light duty cleats to be 3mm thickStandard duty cleats to be 4mm thickHeavy duty cleats to be 5mm thick
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BW Eaves Tie

The BW eaves tie with end brackets connects the eaves beam to the bottom purlin.Comprising: 45 x 45 x 2mm galvanised angle with end brackets factory-fitted to preset angle.Eaves beam and bottom purlin punched at 14mm diameter to accept eaves ties.
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BW Eaves Beams

  • Range E195
  • Gauges mm 2.0, 2.4, 3.0
Designed in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-3.Manufactured by cold roll forming of pre-hot dipped galvanized strip to BS EN 10346 with minimum tensile strength of 450 Nmm2 and Z275 coating.Section ranges are referenced E followed by three digits being the overall depth in mm.Individual sections are referenced E followed by five digits the first three being the overall depth in mm and the final two being the gross material thickness in mm multiplied by 10.For more details relating to the full range of eaves beam sections and ancillary components, please refer to our Purlin Brochure.
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Eaves Beam Cleat & Stiffening Bracket

The eaves beam cleat is used for the main stanchion connection to the eaves beam section.The eaves beam stiffening brackets are bolted inside the eaves beam to offer a fixing point for the eaves tie fixing bracket.
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Mezzanine Flooring

Mezzanine Flooring requirements - then BW can get you started. BW Industries are a leading supplier of Mezzanine Flooring Systems, offering one of the largest range of section sizes, for both primary and secondary beams, within the UK. The leading Mezzanine Flooring Manufacturers use our standard cold rolled metal sections (125mm 350mm deep) together with bespoke C Sections that can be produced up to 500mm deep and 6mm in gauge and forms an integral part of the jigsaw when you are looking for new floor space. Due to the range of mezzanine beams we produce, our clients have the opportunity to value engineer the sections that are compatible for their project and thus assist in winning more work.
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Cladding Rails

As a leading supplier of cold rolled metal sections, BW Industries manufacture a range of Cladding Rails, also referred to as Sheeting Rails, from our 110, 000 square foot manufacturing facility in Carnaby, East Yorkshire. These are supplied in standard sizes from 121mm deep through to 341mm and produced to the required lengths. Cladding rails can then be pre-punched with either 14mm or 18mm holes to suit your application and are supplied as either a Z Purlin or C-section. We can often supply these pre-punched cladding rails to your exact requirements contact our Sales Team with your required details. With almost 40 years experience in manufacturing steel components you will not be surprised that we also produce ancillary components to compliment the range of rails supplied. We also offer a full design service and can provide full structural calculations from straightforward projects through to the more complicated schemes. This is a service we offer using our in-house fully qualified Structural Engineer. You can also download design software from this site to assist you select the most economical cladding rails section required and if you need any assistance with this then just contact us. Everything we manufacture is produced from prime pre-galvanised steel and using the most economical gauge of metal available to meet the rigours of each individual project. We are able to do this by carrying a wide variety of coil at our works and as a consequence can often produce bespoke cold rolled sections at no additional cost.
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Steel Roof Purlin

If this is the first time you have heard of BW Industries, or you are a returning user, then we would advise you that we are a competitive alternative for steel components, particularly for our range of Purlins and Ancillary Components. BW Industries manufacture a range of Roof Purlins that can be supplied as Sleeved, Butted, Lapped or Heavy End Bay systems. The most popular purlin system we supply is the sleeved system but each application has its benefits. Our design software allows you to select the appropriate and most cost effective purlin system to suit each project and if assistance is required through the design process our Structural Engineer is on hand to offer advice. Our flexibility means that we offer one of the widest ranges of purlin sizes within the UK and we also offer bespoke cold rolled sections up to a massive 500mm deep x 6mm. Our steel roof purlins are supplied using pre-galvanised steels and have undertaken rigorous testing to achieve the SCI Assessed status. We can supply your purlins pre-punched to either a standard pattern or to your bespoke requirements. All of our steel roof purlins are made to order although we do have a small selection of galvanised purlins for sale visit our news section for details. We can also press-form metal sections at lengths of up to 7300mm for products such as gutters, roof flashing, wall panels and grainwalling.
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Steel Framing Systems

If this is the first time you have heard of BW Industries, or you are indeed a returning user, then we would advise you that we are a competitive alternative for steel components and particularly for our range of Steel Framing of both Load Bearing and Non-Load Bearing sections.The market for steel framing is quickly expanding throughout the domestic, educational, commercial and industrial sectors. With its many benefits including speed of construction and erection, high strength and long life, it is fast becoming an economic and versatile alternative.
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BW Side Rail Restraining Systems

BW Restraint or Supporting ancillaries are incorporated to deter loading deformation of the side rails and assist in strengthening the overall structure when loaded with the side sheeting.All loading conditions are specifically calculated, only use BW products illustrated to ensure correct stability under wind pressure and suction loads.
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BW Fire Restraint Wall Systems

In certain applications it is necessary to include fire protection to some or all of the perimeter walls around the building. There are many fire resistant wall cladding systems which are available today.ButtNon-Continuous Rail Arrangement, normally fixed outside the columns.Can also be fitted between the columns.Allow 60mm gap at rail joint for expansion.
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Special Firewall Sleeves

Punched with slotted holes to allow expansion at the side rail column connection. General Notes The rail or cleat is slotted longitudinally (14mm x 50mm) on the standard gauge lines.60mm gap required between ends of rails.Fixing bolts to all joints must be fitted with a combustible washer, which will collapse under fire conditions, to allow movement for the rail to expand.The period of resistance is solely dependent on the cladding material used, and the type of construction.A certificate should be obtained from the cladding supplier.All primary structural steelwork, supporting the rails and cladding, should be fire protected.
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Side Rail Systems

BW Industries offer 3 types of Side Rail Systems: SleevedButt JointedHorizontal Cladding, The sleeved side rail system is suitable for buildings with two or more bays and utilizes single span length side rails with sleeves.The sleeves are formed from plain channel section ie without lips.The sleeves, which achieve a high degree of continuity over the side rail supports are fitted at all penultimate column connections and staggered on internal bays, allow economy of side rail section selection.The system can be used for single span side rails and for double span side rails.
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Window Trimmer Cleats

  • Sheeting Rail Width mm 141
  • Cleat Width mm 100
  • Long Cleat Depth mm 165
  • Short Cleat Depth mm 110
  • Base Width mm 89
Cee Section members are ideal for framing doors and windows, and when they are arranged so that the web is orientated towards the opening, a flush surface is able to accept fixing of the door and window frames. This flush surface is achieved by using either flush rivets or counterformed holes and packer plates, in conjunction with standard trimmer cleats, which are sized to suit the sheeing rail section.
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