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We offer a complete product range of Packaged Forced Draft, SQA Airfoil Centrifugal, Pitch Vane Axial and SQBD Direct Drive

Packaged Forced Draft

Initially developed 30 years ago for packaged boiler systems, Chicago's Packaged Forced Draft fan has earned a reputation as the industry standard. The PFD is a compact, direct connected, airfoil bladed fan offering exceptional reliability. To afford the highest efficiencies throughout the performance range, there are three wheel diameters available for each fan size. Fan and wheel width can also be varied to obtain maximum performance. For systems design versatility, seven standard discharge positions can be specified in each rotation.
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SQA Airfoil Centrifugal

The SQA is Chicago's most popular fan because it fulfills most commercial, and general industrial air moving needs. With its airfoil wheel and square housing design, the SQA is efficient, economical and versatile. It is also quickly available through Chicago's Stock Fan program. "Packaged" fans, those furnished with motor, V-belt drive, belt guard and other options, are factory aligned, run tested and shipped ready to install. By eliminating jobsite assembly, the packaged SQA fan can substantially reduce overall installation cost.
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Pressure Air Fans

To meet specific applications, PA fans can be built with stainless steel or alloy construction. Split housings facilitate wheel removal without disturbing connecting ductwork. Integral inlet boxes, pre-spin inlet dampers and opposed-blade outlet dampers all control air flow. Belt guards and shaft coolers are also common options, in addition to the various housing and wheel liners. Chicago Blower engineers are eager to design and build the pressure fan that meets your exact requirements.
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Drive Panel Fan

Before the development of PowerMate, fan selection was often a compromise between too little and too much - "close enough" was good enough. Now, with hundreds of PowerMate propeller configurations readily available for each fan size, the optimum selection to meet system requirements can be assembled quickly using the stock components. With PowerMate you can quickly and economically match your exact needs. It's like ordering a custom fan without the added expense or long lead time.
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Direct Drive Airfoil Plug Fan

Direct drive simplicity converts to lower initial cost and less operating expense, as there are no fan shafts, bearings, belts or guards to maintain. Plug fans utilize Chicago's quiet, efficient airfoil wheel with hyperbolic inlet cone. Exceptional rigidity is afforded by the heavy steel panel with flanged edges and gusseted motor base. Plug fans are designed for horizontal or vertical installation.
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Pitch Vane Axial

Chicago's Design 47 Vane Axial Adjustable Pitch Fans are used in applications where demands vary with system or seasonal change. Blade pitch is manually set to increase or decrease performance. Blades are easily adjustable externally at the hub. Available in compact direct drive models.
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SQBD Direct Drive

Direct Drive SQADSQBD fans combine the performance and efficiency of Chicago's versatile "Square" Fans with the advantages of a compact directly driven arrangement. With the fan wheel mounted directly onto the motor shaft maximum efficiency is constantly maintained. Belt noise, power loss, maintenance and troublesome adjustments are eliminated.
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