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Chicago Controls
location chicago, il, United States

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Refrigeration Parts

Our product range contains a wide range of Elderly Thermostat, HCVAR Limited Thermostat, Vacation Rental Thermostat, Auto Setback Thermostat and DADSTAT Thermostat

Elderly Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
The HC7376 Limiting thermostat is for landlords that want a slightly higher temperature limit for elderly tenants etc The highest possible setting on this model is 73 degrees. The tenants cannot set the heat higher than 73 degrees, also the AC cannot be set lower than 76 degrees. As with all of our thermostats, the HC7376 is completely tamper proof and is a simple wire for wire replacement. Takes about 5 minutes. Perfect for older or very young tenant applications.
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HCVAR Limited Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
The HCVAR is a limited thermostat where the user sets the limits. Ideal for landlords, property managers, housing authorities, this thermostat restricts users by what can be set.
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Vacation Rental Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
This is your perfect Tamper Proof thermostat for vacation rental properties. This thermostat is fully tamper resistant and can save you thousands of dollars every year. As a rental property owner you have control over your energy bills with this thermostat that is perfect for landlords.
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Auto Setback Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
The HC71SB Auto Setback is a completely tamperproof thermostat with automatic setback that limits the heat to 71. The HC71SB resets itself to 68 degrees every 3 hours (when in the heat mode). Has all the advantages of a 7 day programmable thermostat, except there is no programming needed. Our thermostats are completely tamper proof unlike the competition because, the temperature limitations are added directly to the circuit board. If youre looking for a landlord thermostat that is tamper resistant and is built with energy savings in mind, this is it!
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DADSTAT Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
This parent friendly (and Landlord friendly) thermostat has NO limits. However it automatically resets to 68 degrees after 3 hours (when in the heat mode) and automatically resets to 76 degrees after 3 hours (when in the AC mode).
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Pre-Programmed Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
When in the HEAT mode, the PREPRG71 is a 52 day Pre Programmed thermostat. It changes the temperature settings automatically at predetermined intervals throughout the day to match a typical workhome schedule. At any time the tenant can over ride the schedule BUT ONLY TO A MAX OF 71 DEGREES. The over ride lasts only until the next scheduled interval, then it resumes the schedule again. When in the COOLING mode, it has no schedule. It s simply a limited thermostat that limits the cooling to 74 degrees. Like all of our thermostats, it is completely tamper proof. Once it leaves our factory, the schedule and the limits cannot be changed.Not even by us ! The pre programmed schedule is as follows:
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Residential Thermostat

  • Weight 0.368544 lbs
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 11.43 x 3.81 in
HC7176 Residential Thermostat is a completely tamper proof landlord thermostat that limits the heat to 71 and AC to 76. No more getting taken advantage of by abusive tenants. Our HC7176 residential thermostat is extremely versatile. It is compatible with almost any residential system! It can operate on 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 wire systems and it does not require a common connection! Typical 24V thermostat as found on almost all residential HVAC systems. Typical installation in about 5 minutes. Wire for wire replacement in most cases to industry standard coloring. The temperature setting range is 40F-71F when in the heat mode, and 76F-95F when in the air conditioning mode.
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