Our disposable cleanroom beard covers help keep your cleanroom environment free from contaminants. The beard covers are latex free and made from a soft spunbound polypropylene. Regular and extra large sizes available to fit any size of beard. Color: White
Cleanroom boot covers in clean, sterile, and bulk pack options. Sizes Medium, Large, and Extra Large. Bulk: Bulk packagedClean: clean-processed and individually bagged - Class 10 (ISO 4)Clean and Sterile: clean-processed, individually bagged, and sterilized by gamma irradiation - Class 10 (ISO 4)
PVC Aprons are heavy duty 20 mil thickness for greater chemical and abrasion resistance. Available with or without stomach patch. Ties are extra long for added comfort and ease of tying. The CPP line of vinyl and PVC aprons consists of over 30 styles and more than 200 individual part numbers. Call for complete product listings, descriptions and ordering information.
Air showers serve to protect your cleanroom environment from unwanted contamination. Clean garments become contaminated during the gowningungowning process, general use, and because of high traffic in the gowning area. The contamination problem is amplified when the same garment is worn several times or is taken on and off numerous times during the day.
Our cloth glove liners are available in an array of styles, sizes, and materials to increase comfort and reduce irritation from latex and other irritants found in many rubber based disposable gloves. Many of the gloves are used for inspection and assembly projects directly rather than sole as glove liners.