we are offering glass panel blocks or setting blocks are small blocks of wood, lead, neoprene, or any other suitable material placed under the bottom edge of a glass panel to support it within the frame, and prevent it from settling down onto the lower rabbet or channel. Glass panel blocks also protect glass against vibration and shock from handling, shipping, and wind loads. We make glass panel blocks available with or without pressure-sensitive adhesive; blocks elevate and isolate insulating glass units from sash. Glass panel blocks also allow safe contraction and expansion of the glazing panel. Nowadays leading glass manufacturers recommend silicone glass panel blocks to be compatible with insulated glazing. Vinyl refers to various glazing gaskets that hold the glass safely in the frame. Vinyl gaskets come in various shapes and thickness. Vinyl gaskets are also used in securing the screen in its frame. Also, glass panel blocks are applied in weather proofing applications on doors.