In addition to standard profiles, we also produce custom shapes that have been specifically designed by our customers for their own product. Enclosures, heat sinks, telescoping tubes, trim molding, lighting fixtures and odd shaped hollows and solids are examples of custom profiles manufactured by Coltwell for our customers. We produce profiles which range in size from mini up to large circle size. To find your circle size, determine the diameter of the smallest circle that will entirely enclose the cross-section of your part. This will be the profile's circle size. Our profiles are available in many hard and soft alloys such as 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000 series alloys in various tempers. Aluminum alloys are selected for their unique characteristics including strength, corrosive resistance, machining and versatility. In conjunction with our aluminum profiles, we offer as an additional service to our customers if their product requires it, injection molded plastic components to complement the product. This service provides our customers with the comfort of a finished product with sole source responsibility. Good multi-purpose alloys are found in the 6000 series. The 5000 series offers strong welding characteristics and corrosion resistance in a marine environment. Alloy series 2000 and 7000 are high in strength and widely used in the aircraft industry. The 1000 series is better than 99% pure aluminum and has several applications typically in the electrical and chemical fields. Our profiles are available in several types of finishes. In addition, secondary fabrication is also available to our customers. Prior to designing your profile you should consider the function of the product, the tolerances required, the surface finish and the alloy. Often times, a standard shape can be utilized rather than a custom shape by making slight modifications to your product.