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ComEnCo Systems, Inc.
location United States

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  1. Heaters, Thermostats & Heating Devices

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  2. 1 Products available
  3. Heat Exchangers

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  4. Incinerator

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  5. Industrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans

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  6. Others Products / Services 3 Products / Services available

Products / Services

Our product range contains a wide range of Automotive Paint Curing Oven Coolers, Automotive Paint Shop Air Supply House and Coil Coating Oven System

Automotive Paint Curing Oven Coolers

ComEnCo manufactures direct and indirect fired air heaters heating re-circulation air for automotive paint curing ovens. Chilled water or DX coil air cooler are used for cooling chamber in automotive paint shop. The heater and cooler design and component selections are met with automotive specification. Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers burn natural gas and propane through position proportional controls in the combustion control system and through flame safeguard relay in the burner management system. ComEnCo uses Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers model series CIF and CF with a burner capacity of 1, 000, 000 to 4, 500, 000 degrees. The process air outlet temperature reaches 300 to 600 degrees with process airflow reaching 7, 000 to 70, 000 ACFM. This product has an indirect fired heater flue gas temperature reaching 700 degrees and an indirect fired heater thermal efficiency of 80 percent. These heaters and coolers have an indoor installation location and are used in body e-coat, primer, top coat oven, bumper top coat, fascia and dry off oven. The features of this ComEnCo product are designed for high thermal efficiency and low resistance with a compact molecular design. Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers have a simple control system with low maintenances and proven technologies leaving clean supply air.
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Automotive Paint Shop Air Supply House

ComenCo Systems, Inc.'s Automotive Paint Shop Air Supply House Air Make Up Unit is a stand-alone ambient air control system with heating, cooling, moisture, and humidity control features. The Air Supply House Air Make Up Unit is used in automotive industries, paint booths, and similar environments where its vital to the production process to maintain control over the ambient air environment. ComenCo builds standard and custom-designed Automotive Paint Shop Air Supply Houses Air Make Up Units depending upon their customers requirements. Features include: Direct indirect fired pre-heat and post heaterEvaporative DX chilled water coolingMedia or spray water humidity control with mist eliminatorIntegral supply fan unitThe Air Supply House Air Make Up Unit provides a number of benefits including precise control over the ambient air environment. The Air Make Up Unit also makes the enclosed environment safer for workers by facilitating the elimination of toxic fumes.
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Air Heaters

  • Model Number Model Number
  • CO Emission 0 to 0.075 lb/MMBtu/hr
The burner management system has a flame safeguard relay with the first out annunciator. The combustion control system allows a radio control and position proposition control to meter air and fuel flow. The Low Emission Air Heaters can be installed both indoors and outdoors. ComEnCo uses the Low Emission Air Heaters is series AH with a burner capacity of 10, 000, 000 to 15, 000, 000 Btuhr. The temperature of the process air outlet is 600 to 1000 degrees with a process airflow of 150, 000 to 400, 000 ACFM. The Low Emission Air Heaters feature an indirect fired heater flue gas temperature of 150 to 180 degrees and a thermal efficiency of 90 percent to 95 percent. The heaters produce emissions of NOx at 0.01 to 0.05 lbMMBtuhr as well as emissions of CO from 0 to 0.0075 lbMMBtuhr. The Heaters burn Natural gas, Propane, Butane, Hydrogen, Biogas and number 2 and number 6 oil. The Low Emission Air Heaters have high burner capacity, high thermal efficiency, low emission and a safe and state of the art control system.
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Heat Recovery System

ComenCos Heat Recovery Systems are designed to help you make optimal use of your existing energy expenditures by re-using heat generated during your industrial process. The heat energy can then be redirected elsewhere resulting in increased energy savings and reduced energy costs. Operating temperatures in many process industries can reach 2000 degrees Fahrenheit depending upon design features. By selecting the correct Heat Recovery System for your needs, you can maximize heat conservation, redirection, andor reusage. The recovered heat may be suitable for direct use as a recirculated, controlled atmosphere for your manufacturing process, used to sustain initial oxidation of any emission abatement systems you may be using, or recovered in a secondary heat exchanger or waste heat boiler.
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Thermal Oxidizers

ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers enable manufacturers in process heatinehg industries to eliminate industrial exhaust emissions (up to 99%) using the heat generated from their industrial processes. By recycling the existing heat, oxidation equipment enables manufacturers to optimize heat efficiencies and save energy costs, while reducing emissions. Benefits: Lower operating costs and higher energy efficiency No solid or liquid waste disposal Flexible, easy and low cost installation Meets regulatory requirements.
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Coil Coating Ventilation System

With an average pre-painting rate of 700 feet per minute (FPM), ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Coil Coating Oven and Ventilation System provides a fully automated pre-painting environment for a high quality, uniform coil coating process. What enters the ovens as raw, untreated coiled steel exits as fabrication-ready pre-painted materials ready to be manufactured into washer and dryer housings, automobile bodies, aluminum house sidings or numerous other applications. ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Coil Coating Oven and Ventilation System is an enclosed 100 percent fugitive emissions capture coater room designed to clean, treat, prep, and pre-paint steel and aluminum coils. System specifications include: High temperature, high efficiency convection floatation ovens 900 1000 degrees Fahrenheit operating temperatures900 foot per minute (FPM) line spread of paintGas electric IR oven100 percent fugitive emissions capture coater room designHeat recovery system
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Coil Coating Oven System

With an average pre-painting rate of 700 feet per minute (FPM), ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Coil Coating Oven and Ventilation System provides a fully automated pre-painting environment for a high quality, uniform coil coating process. What enters the ovens as raw, untreated coiled steel exits as fabrication-ready pre-painted materials ready to be manufactured into washer and dryer housings, automobile bodies, aluminum house sidings or numerous other applications. ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Coil Coating Oven and Ventilation System is an enclosed 100 percent fugitive emissions capture coater room designed to clean, treat, prep, and pre-paint steel and aluminum coils. System specifications include: High temperature, high efficiency convection floatation ovens 900 1000 degrees Fahrenheit operating temperatures900 foot per minute (FPM) line spread of paintGas electric IR oven100 percent fugitive emissions capture coater room designHeat recovery system
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Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters

ComEnCo manufactures direct and indirect fired air heaters heating re-circulation air for automotive paint curing ovens. Chilled water or DX coil air cooler are used for cooling chamber in automotive paint shop. The heater and cooler design and component selections are met with automotive specification. Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers burn natural gas and propane through position proportional controls in the combustion control system and through flame safeguard relay in the burner management system. ComEnCo uses Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers model series CIF and CF with a burner capacity of 1, 000, 000 to 4, 500, 000 degrees. The process air outlet temperature reaches 300 to 600 degrees with process airflow reaching 7, 000 to 70, 000 ACFM. This product has an indirect fired heater flue gas temperature reaching 700 degrees and an indirect fired heater thermal efficiency of 80 percent. These heaters and coolers have an indoor installation location and are used in body e-coat, primer, top coat oven, bumper top coat, fascia and dry off oven. The features of this ComEnCo product are designed for high thermal efficiency and low resistance with a compact molecular design. Automotive Paint Curing Oven Heaters and Coolers have a simple control system with low maintenances and proven technologies leaving clean supply air.
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Catalytic Oxidizers

ComenCo Systems, Inc.s Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers enable manufacturers in process heatinehg industries to eliminate industrial exhaust emissions (up to 99%) using the heat generated from their industrial processes. By recycling the existing heat, oxidation equipment enables manufacturers to optimize heat efficiencies and save energy costs, while reducing emissions. Benefits: Lower operating costs and higher energy efficiency No solid or liquid waste disposal Flexible, easy and low cost installation Meets regulatory requirements.
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