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Continental Electronics
location United States

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Our product range contains a wide range of Shortwave Broadcast Transmitter, high Efficiency Solid-State Modulators, Embedded Exporter and FM Exciter

High-Power Combined FM Transmitters

  • Series D816R
Continental's D816R Series Transmitters, ranging from 40 kW to 70 kW, are the most well known and admired transmitters in the industry. The basic design has been used for almost 30 years with a field proven track record of dependability. Choose from: D816R-2C (40 kW), D816R-3C (50 kW), D816R-4C (55 kW), D816R-6C (60 kW), and D816R-5C (70kW). These combined transmitters use only one tube each, the final power amplifier tube. The IPA is solid state and requires no tuning. The exclusive "Soft-Start" circuit and low voltage controls allow the transmitter to recycle and return to the exact previous operational status.
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Shortwave Broadcast Transmitter

  • Series 418G-DRM 100 kW
he Continental Type 418G-DRM 100 kW Shortwave Broadcast Transmitter has been designed and developed to provide high performance, optimum efficiency, and long-term reliability in the shortwave broadcast bands. The transmitter can be operated in standard amplitude modulation (AM) mode, AM with Controlled Carrier-level Modulation (CCM), or digital streaming in the DRM mode (when used with the optional DRM Encoder Exciter). The CEC 418G-DRM transmitter is a field tested and proven DRM transmitter system. The Type 418G-DRM 100 kW Transmitter is the direct descendent of a long and successful line of Continental 100 kW broadcast transmitters. The 418G-DRM employs the highly refined and reliable RF sections of its predecessors. The RF amplifier tube of the 418G-DRM is the 4CV100, 000C tetrode, which is one of the longest life high-power tubes available.Selection of up to 280 preset frequency channels achieved within 30 seconds between any two frequencies Standard Frequency Range 3.2-22 MHz with options of 3.9-26.1 MHz and 2.3-16 MHz New Computer-Assisted Touch Screen Control System, as well as front panel button operation TCPIP Based Remote Control System allows unattended operation, with complete control from off-site with no modification 70 74 % overall efficiency on average DRM Operation with standard optional DRM Encoder Exciter, plus all AMPM Modes High-Efficiency Solid State Modulator and HV Power Supplies offer low-stored energy protection without crowbar Exclusive CCM (Controlled-Carrier level Modulation) allows carrier reduction from 0-6 dB in 1 dB steps Self-Contained Water System for Primary Loop Cooling to external heat exchanger or facility water Dual Fan, Epoxy Coated, External Heat Exchanger with Coated Coils for Corrosion Resistance High-Speed Arc Sensors In All Critical RF Component Areas Both PA and Driver Tubes and Vacuum Capacitors available from alternate sources
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Low Frequency Transmitters

  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Rf Transmitter
  • Certification CE Certified
  • Weight 200-400 Gm
  • Voltage 12-24 VDC
  • Driven Type Electric
  • Series LF / VLF

Continentals Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Low Frequency (LF) transmitters serve a critical role in providing reliable communications between military commanders and their submarines and surface ships around the globe. Continental has more than 50 years of experience in VLF and LF communications including turnkey projects such as the well known Cutler, ME VLF station (NAA) that utilizes a Continental 2, 000kW transmitter. Our transmitters are so widely deployed that at any time, at any location on earth, a Continental VLF transmitter signal can be received. Continental has developed, in cooperation with Transradio, a complete line of VLF and LF solid state transmitters that incorporate the latest advances in digital modulation techniques. By combining sophisticated digital signal processing with high efficiency power amplifiers Continental offers VLF and LF systems that require less energy and significantly smaller antenna footprints without sacrificing signal penetration or coverage area. Continental has developed, in cooperation with Transradio, a complete line of VLF and LF solid state transmitters that incorporate the latest advances in digital modulation techniques. By combining sophisticated digital signal processing with high efficiency power amplifiers Continental offers VLF and LF systems that require less energy and significantly smaller antenna footprints without sacrificing signal penetration or coverage area. Continental has developed, in cooperation with Transradio, a complete line of VLF and LF solid state transmitters that incorporate the latest advances in digital modulation techniques. By combining sophisticated digital signal processing with high efficiency power amplifiers Continental offers VLF and LF systems that require less energy and significantly smaller antenna footprints without sacrificing signal penetration or coverage area. Continental has developed, in cooperation with Transradio, a complete line of VLF and LF solid state transmitters that incorporate the latest advances in digital modulation techniques. By combining sophisticated digital signal processing with high efficiency power amplifiers Continental offers VLF and LF systems that require less energy and significantly smaller antenna footprints without sacrificing signal penetration or coverage area. Continental has developed, in cooperation with Transradio, a complete line of VLF and LF solid state transmitters that incorporate the latest advances in digital modulation techniques. By combining sophisticated digital signal processing with high efficiency power amplifiers Continental offers VLF and LF systems that require less energy and significantly smaller antenna footprints without sacrificing signal penetration or coverage area.

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High Efficiency Solid-State Modulators

  • Series SSM
Continental Electronics high efficiency solid state modulators provide outstanding efficiency and reliability. In addition, their audio quality sets new standards of performance for high power broadcasting. Other features such as installation flexibility, size, ease of maintenance, cooling system simplicity, etc., make these and their associated transmitters the clear choice of the broadcasting community. Along with the conventional AM (A3E) mode of operation, the modulators also provide operation in the Controlled Carrier-Level Modulation (CCM) mode, and the h3E and R3E Single Sideband (SSB) modes.
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Gas Caps Capacitors

Continental GAS-CAP gas-filled capacitors are widely used in high-power transmitters and in induction heating equipment. Fixed and variable models are available with current ratings up to 400 amps, at 1 MHz, capacitance up to 25, 000 pF, and peak voltage ratings to 85 kV.GAS-CAP capacitors are precision built and sealed in rugged steel tanks to completely eliminate atmospheric and dust conditions. Continental has used gas-filled capacitors in high-power transmitters and antenna tuning units since 1947. Experience has proven their reliability and long life.
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Embedded Exporter

  • Series 800EXP
Continental Electronics' new 800EXP Embedded Exporter represents the next generation of HD Radio Exporter technology. Based on Embedded DSP Technology, the Continental 800EXP offers standard exporter technology and integrated Continental proprietary technology to provide a more accurate and reliable HD Radio broadcast experience. Enclosed in a small package is all of the technology required to develop and manage complex HD signals. Control and monitoring is accessed through a standard web browser and, since there is no hard drive or OS, system start-up is incredibly fast and stable. The 800EXP is a small, 1RU, package but delivers all previously standard exporter features including up to 16.4 seconds of analog audio delay. Continentals 800EXP is also compatible with IP based STL systems, both unidirectional or bidirectional, is field upgradable through its web browser interface, and offers uncompromised reliability, without the need for external GPS clock synchronization, when paired with a Continental 802EX FM Digital Exciter using a dedicated Exporter to Exgine network processor. Finally, Continental is also offering an additional discount of 15% to registered NAB Members.
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FM Exciter

  • Series 802B
Continental's 802B FM Exciter is the radio industry standard, offering broadcasters the outstanding performance of digital sound quality, superb reliability and modular construction. With a variable output from 5 to 50 Watts and the internal harmonic filter, the 802B may be used as a low power transmitter. The 802B is totally self-contained and all subassemblies are modular and accessible from the top of the exciter. All components have been selected to exceed the rated requirements for their application providing years of trouble free service. The 802B Exciter will accept the composite baseband signal from any stereo generator and STL system or monaural audio and SCA program input.
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HF Communications Transmitters

HF communications transmitters; overthe-horizon (OTH) HF radar transmitters; and large-scale RF amplifiers for many scientific and industrial applications in HF, VHF, microwave and even millimeter wave bands are just a sample of the types of cusyom RF systems we are capable of providing. With experience in essentially every segment of the electromagnetic RF spectrum Continental can provide reliable RF systems not available from other suppliers.
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High Power FM Transmitters

  • Series 816HD
Only Continental delivers the "most elegant" and highest power solutions for HD Radio broadcasting. 816HD systems use low-level combined FM+HD in a single transmitter for higher power levels than were previously possible from a single transmitter system. 816HD FamilyThe 816HD family of transmitters is based around three analog+HD power ranges. For TPO's from 10-20kW the standard 816HD-20 is the best solution, while the 816HD-25 would be more appropriate in applications with TPO's up to 25kW, and our liquid-cooled 816HD-28L fits applications with TPO's up to 30kW. Each of our 816HD systems can operate at higher than standard power levels for specific frequency and power ranges.
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High-Voltage Power Supplies

An example of Continentals' cabilities in designing and manufacturing High-Voltage Power Supplies (HVPS) is the 100 kV Supply designed and manufactured by Continental Electronics for Brookhavel National Laboratories. The HVPS is integrated with a 1 MW CW klystron transmitter operating at 704 MHz. The equipment is part of an ERL (Energy Recovery Linear accelerator) experiment to be conducted at BNL for several years. The ERL was installed as an improvement to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) facility. The HVPS is based on Continental Electronics Crowbar-less IGBT High-Voltage Switching supply design and provides up to 100 kV at a full-load current of 21 A for the 1 MW klystron Transmitter. No crowbar circuit is needed because the solid state switching approach leaves little stored energy to be dissipated during a shut-down.
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