Yard Metric Yard
Turns per inch (TPI)
1 TPI = 40 turns per m (T/m)
E-Glass YarnsProduct Description: E-Glass fibers are produced in a pultrusion process; by its own weight, the molten glass is conducted through a bushing.A bushing has multiple hundred holes of which each represents the formation of a filament. All filaments combined form a strand of the final yarn.Immediately, when the filament is formed, a seizing needs to be applied in order to keep the filaments flexible, prevent them from breakage and protect them for later to come textile processes. The seizings are also designed for the final application and therefore may consist of ingredients such as Acrylic, Parafin, Silane, Starch-Oil, or other.Besides the choice of the seizing, the End-User also has a choice of various filament diameters and various yarn densities. The choices heavily depend on the final applications and the production steps necessary to develop and produce the desired final end product.Culimeta E-Glass products are in compliance with ASTM D 578-98, Section 4.2.2.Chemical Composition: Al(2)O(3): 13% 15 %SiO(2): 51% 55%CaO: 20% 24%Balance: B(2)O(3), K(2)O, Na(2)OBasic Yarn Types:Yarns unprocessedYarns TwistedYarns TexturizedRovingsYarnsYarns have a very low twist, for protection of the product, Typically they have a lower density and filament diameter.In most cases, they are the raw material for dyeing, texturizing or twisting, Yarns TwistedYarns are twisted, if one or more strands have experienced a pre-defined number of turns inch or turns meter. In most cases, the final twist is in a S-Direction.In order to twist two or more yarns in the final S-twist, they need to be pre-twisted in the opposite direction which is called a Z-Twist; this is to balance out the Yarns recall-effect, the desire to twist back into its original form.Sewing threads have a very high twist, typically in the Z-Direction.The product can be ring-twisted or direct cabled, assembled, or also called false-twisted. Depending on the final application, the End-User can decide for one of those choices.Yarns TexturizedIn brief, one or multiple strands are mechanically bulked by applying compressed air.Usually, texturized yarns increase the insulation values of the final product, or contribute to aesthetics in decorative applications.Please click her for a detailed explanation: Detailed Documentation on Texturized ProductsRovingsRovings normally have higher filament diameters and higher densities than the yarns described above. Typically, they have different seizings, more applicable to reinforcement applications.Nomenclature: The Letter E in E-Glass stands for excellent electrical properties. For this reason, this fiber is widely used in fabrics, tapes, scrims etc, for electrical insulation applications; in many cases, the fabrics, tapes, etc will need to be treated with chemicals in order to further enhance the electrical insulation values.As one of the most widely used, it also is one of the most economical of the Glass-Fiber families, It therefore is also commonly used in thermal applications.The US-Nomenclature e.g. differs from the European Nomenclature.Below is a conversion table to provide an overview and comparison: