We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Indian Plaid Scarf, Ruffle Scarves and New Plaid Scarves
Indian Plaid Scarf
Here is a really beautiful design called the "Indian Plaid" Scarf. This was a special request from our customer. We have to give a lot of credit to the weavers for interpreting the arrangement of the warps and wefts so well. The eye dances between the diamonds (high contrast) and squares (low contrast).
These are "Ruffle Scarves". They are woven like regular scarves, but are then hand-pleated and stitched after weaving. This gives the fabric an undulating, ruffly drape. Because the pleats gather the fabric, these scarves are about twice as long when they come off the loom. One of the designs has four broad stripes, the other more narrow stripes which repeat.
After a long interval of no new items, we finally have some new stuff we're excited about. These are some of the 100% baby alpaca scarves we made for a menswear company with a chain of stores in the south and NYC. This company provided us with the designs and then selected the colors from the mill's swatch book. The weavers sourced these yarns from the mill and proceeded to weave the scarves according to the customer's specifications. They came out really nice!