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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Array Tape Advanced Consumable, Nexar Plate Stacker, Araya User Interface, Multi-Channel Dispense Jet and Array Counter.

Array Tape Advanced Consumable

  • THIN (0.3 mm)
Array Tape Advanced Consumable Continuous Polymer Array TapeArray Tape is a continuous polymer strip, serially embossed with reaction wells in customized volumes and formats including 96-, 384- and 768-well arrays. Array Tape is thin (0.3 mm) and flexible, which allows up to 800 microplate equivalents to be spooled onto a single reel. It is a flexible microplate replacement for applications that enables a streamlined lab process. Reduced Cost Sub-Microliter ReactionsCurrent applications support sub-microliter reactions ( 800 nL). These fluid volumes are significantly less than microtiter plates where the minimum practical reagent volume is approximately 5L in a 384-well plate. The smaller reaction volumes in Array Tape reduce reagent costs by 80-90% compared to microplate-based systems. Array Tape not only enables significant increases in throughput due to inline processing, but also dramatically reduces cost per data point. Douglas Scientific provides clean consumable Array Tape - certified by an outside lab to be RNAse, DNAse, and pyrogen free.
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There is a demand for rapid and accurate nucleic acid analysis at the point of sample collection to enable professionals to quickly and accurately render a decision and take action. The AmpliFire is a portable point of use instrument optimized for isothermal chemistry with the capability to process eight samples simultaneously. With data storage, touch screen interface and easy analysis, the AmpliFire allows you to bring your lab anywhere! FeaturesUp to eight samples can be processed simultaneouslyTouch screen user interfacePortability enabled by rechargeable batteryAmpliCode - a QR Code generator available with the instrument software, allows you to easily configure the instrument based on specific chemistries.Detection and AmplificationHeating block supports up to eight samples per runIntegrated detection systemMultiple fluorescent channels monitored in real timeOptimized for Isothermal ChemistryThe AmpliFire allows true isothermal reactions at a single incubation temperature in reaction volumes as low as 20 L. With the ability to use crude sample prep and the elimination of mid-run enzyme or buffer additions the AmpliFire truly is a portable, easy to use solution. Data AnalysisWith easy to use touch screen protocol generation and sample assignment you can be sure your data generation is simple. Real time data display with end-point calls allows you to view reactions as they occur. Portability of the instrument is enhanced with the ability to analyze and store up to 100 runs (800 samples) or share data via USB.
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Soellex High Throughput PCR Thermal Cycler

Soellex High Throughput PCR Thermal Cycler Thermal Cycle 230, 400 Data Points in a Single Process RunThe Soellex is an ultra high throughput end-point polymerase chain reaction (PCR) thermal cycler leveraging a 3-chamber water bath. The heating system in the Soellex tightly controls the temperature throughout the water bath delivering efficient and rapid energy transfer from the water, through the Array Tape and to your samples. Thermal Cycle 230, 400 Data Points SimultaneouslyThe Soellex is capable of simultaneously processing up to three spools of Array Tape, each with two hundred 384-well arrays per spool. Therefore, the Soellex has the potential to thermal cycle between 76, 800 and 230, 400 reaction wells in a single process run. Intuitive Thermal Cycler User InterfaceThe touch screen user interface is simple, yet feature rich, providing the control necessary to process requirements. It includes: Intuitive run progress and monitoring feedback screenThermal cycling protocol programming wizardCustomizable alarms and warningsRemote computer monitoringnotificationReports generation and log file reviewerAnd more!High Throughput Energy SavingsHigh throughput processing of up to 230, 400 samples in Array Tape requires one Soellex water bath - replacing the 18 water baths (32 plate capacity) or 150 block heaters required for microplates. These energy and space saving benefits put high throughput laboratories well on their way to achieving significantly greener, more environmentally sound operations. Common End Point PCR ChemistriesThe Soellex supports all common end-point PCR chemistries including but not limited to TaqMan and InvaderPLUS. Versatile Microplate System DesignThe Soellex system design is versatile and supports PCR processing in traditional microtiter plates as well as in Array Tape. The Soellex can process up to 152 microplates (384-well, 11 mm tall) in a single run. Decrease Thermal Cycling TimesArray Tape allows miniaturization of the reaction, has thin walls and low thermal mass (7 times less than a microplate) enabling rapid temperature changes contributing to shorter cycle times and improved results. Laboratory scientists who have experienced nonspecific binding issues recognize sharp temperature changes in Array Tape as a key advantage.
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CyBio Dispense Pipette And Wash Station

  • Mechanism Simultaneous air displacement
  • Manufacturer Suggested Volume Range 0.2 - 10 µL / 25.0 µL (dependent on tip vol.
  • Manufacturer Precision CV < 2%, at 1.0 µL
CyBio Dispense Pipette and Wash Station Customizable Rapid Dispense PipetteThe Dispense Pipette contains an integrated CyBio Light Pipetting Head. It can be customized with a 96 or 384 tip tray. Aspirate and dispense volumes, along with CVs, are determined by the type and style of pipettor and tip tray used. Typically, a large volume of sample is aspirated and a smaller volume is dispensed simultaneously into each well in the array. The Dispense Pipette Attachment also contains a 1D2D barcode reader that can read the 2D code on the Array Tape and the 1D (linear) code on the end of the source plate. Parallel channel pipetting from plates using the CyBio LDH head provides rapid sample and reagent dispense into Array Tape using 96- or 384-tips in either full or quadrant stamping in a range of 600 nL to 800 nL. Pipetting Head SpecificationsCYBIO 384 HEAD (CYBIO)Mechanism: Simultaneous air displacementManufacturer Suggested Volume Range: 0.2 - 10 L 25.0 L (dependent on tip vol.)Manufacturer Precision: CV < 2%, at 1.0 LCyBio Dispense Pipette Wash StationsDouglas Scientific offers a pair of dispense pipette washing options to meet sample cleansing needs. Pipette Wash The Pipette Wash provides your first defense against cross-contamination while minimizing contaminant carryover between plates. When the wash procedure is used at the start and end of your daily analytical runs, the Pipette Wash provides a high degree of certainty that other air-borne contaminants are eliminated. During normal analytical runs, the wash procedure is automatically controlled by the Nexars built-in software andor protocols. The Sonic Wash provides ultrasonic washing of pipette tips to clean residual samples from nozzles and pipette tips. Water is plumbed into the tub and overflows the edges into a collection trough to be pumped out of the instrument. Ultrasonic cleaning is provided by a transducer mounted under the tub while water in the tub is aspirated and flushed out multiple times to remove residual sample.
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Array Tape Sample Dryer

Expansion Block Module DehydratorThe Dehydrator, mounted in the Expansion Block Module, is used to dry down sample as Array Tape is passed and paused underneath. This attachment takes incoming dry air and heats it to a preset temperature. Dry down times vary based on the volume of sample present.
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Nexar Plate Stacker

  • Size 335mm
Nexar Plate StackerNexar Plate StackerThe Plate Stacker, mounted in the Expansion Block Module, is used to store source or reagent plates up to 335mm high in each of the two removable extruded aluminum chutes. Each chute can be designed as an incoming or outgoing rack. Plates are automatically moved to and from the chutes without manual intervention through use of solenoids, a motorized lift arm, and conveyor system.
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Araya User Interface

Nexar and Araya User Interface Efficient Design and User ExperienceThe Nexar and Araya are designed to provide a simple and efficient user experience. The user interface (UI) provides flexibility in each key area: Nexar User InterfaceSystem Configuration The UI displays only the necessary options based on the system configuration.Auto or Manual - Systems can be operated in automatic mode with little to no user interaction or manually with full user control.For information on protocol generation, data management and scoring, view the Intellics Software overview.
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Multi-Channel Dispense Jet

  • Mechanism Micro-solenoid valves
  • Volume Range 250 nL to 2, 500 nL
  • Channels 4 or 8
Multi-Channel Dispense Jet Four Tip Dispense JetNexar FlexJet Dispense JetThe Dispense Jet is an independent, multi-channel attachment containing four or eight nozzles to aspirate and dispense reagent from a plate to Array Tape. The Dispense Jet moves horizontally (x and y-axis) and vertically (z-axis) on the Positioning Rail, allowing the nozzle(s) to reach any well in the Array Tape. Typically, a large volume of reagent is aspirated into each nozzle and smaller volumes are dispensed into the Array Tape. The Dispense Jet Attachment also contains a 1D2D barcode reader that can read the 2D code on the Array Tape and the 1D code on the end of the plate. FOUR TIP DISPENSE JET Mechanism: Single jet solenoid micro-valveVolume Range: 750 nL to 1250 nLPrecision: CV < 7%Channels: 4FlexJet Mechanism: Micro-solenoid valvesVolume Range: 250 nL to 2, 500 nLPrecision: CV < 7%Channels: 4 or 8
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Array Tape Sealer

  • Temperature 15°C
Array Tape Sealer Tape Sealer ModuleNexar Array Tape SealerThe Array Tape Sealer Module applies a seal, securing the samples and assays in Array Tape. It contains two spindles, an upper spindle for unwinding the master roll of cover tape and a lower spindle for rewinding the backer tape. The Array Tape path passes below a rubber roller where the cover tape is applied. The rubber roller is engaged with a toggle handle and is monitored by a photoeye. An inline photoeye indicates when the cover tape is empty. Low Seal SensorA Convenient and Efficient Solution for Cover Seal OutagesEliminate cover seal monitoring challenges with the Low Seal Sensor. The sensor, available as an upgrade to the Array Tape Seal Module, provides reliable and consistent detection of low cover seal levels, supporting proactive instrument pause states. Walk away with confidence knowing the sensor will bring the instrument to a controlled pause, allowing the lab technician to change the cover seal roll without disruption to, or loss of, assays. Tape Sealer Product FeaturesFiber optic sensor - measures a reflectivity signal directed at the cover seal rollRolling tape guide - additional precaution that prevents adhesive from reattaching to the tape guideFunctions with current softwareCustomizable sensor threshold - the threshold can be adjusted to control the amount of cover seal remaining upon pause.Walk away with confidence knowing the sensor will bring the instrument to a controlled pause. Tape Sealer With Integrated ChillerThe array is chilled down to 15C within seconds to enable precise incubation and temperature.
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Array Counter

The Array Counter provides a quick way to count the number of arrays when specific run sizes are required. It can also be used to prepare Array Tape for the centrifuge by winding it onto another reel to achieve the desired well direction (wells facing out).
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Higher throughput in a smaller footprint!Related DownloadsHydrocycler2Hydrocycler2 - How does it workCombining throughput, efficiency and robust design, the Hydrocycler2 offers an attractive alternative to traditional Peltier-based thermal cyclers for high-throughput PCR. Water conducts heat - Using water to conduct heat to a PCR sample offers multiple advantages including the ability to process many plates or arrays in parallel for high throughput with minimal variation in temperature from plate to plate or array to array. Fast cycling time - In addition, cycling time is 40% faster since there is no need to ramp temperatures up or down during the PCR cycle. Precise temperature control - Plates and arrays automatically move from one temperature bath to another and the temperature of each bath can be precisely controlled. Hydrocycler Why choose the Hydrocycler2?Increased ThroughputAbility to process more than 145, 000 samples in an eight-hour day*Suitable for 96-, 384- and 1536-well plate formats and 384-well Nexar or IntelliQube Array Tape with minimal system set up* Throughput is highly dependent on specific cycling conditions and chemistry selection. This estimate is based on 1536-plates and a standard KASP 36-cycle run totaling 1 hour 10 minutes. Efficient AmplificationCirculation Jet ensures temperature uniformity in each tank for high PCR consistency and eliminates edge effectMulti-bath system delivers precise temperature control, enhances cycling time, and eliminates temperature fluctuationsMinimal external heat generation eliminates the need for an air conditioned environmentCompact footprint for placement on floor or lab benchtop with tank covers minimizing water evaporationOptimized protocols for both plates and Array TapeSimple and intuitive user interface for easy useOptional barcode tracking with accompanying softwareReports generation and log file reviewerChemistrySupports all common end-point PCR chemistries and protocols as well as emulsion PCR (ePCR)Provides uniform temperature across the entire plate or array for consistent reactions and accurate data
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Araya In-Line Fluorescence Detection System

Araya In-Line Fluorescence Detection System Fully Automated Fluorescence Detection SystemAraya Fluorescent Scanner Araya is an inline fluorescence detection instrument that includes fully automated Array Tape in-feed, bar code reading, fluorescence detection, and Array Tape out-feed. Detection may be placed at one or more process points within the system configuration, providing a high degree of flexibility in process design. Scan Time for 384-Well ArrayThe typical scan time of a 384-well array in Array Tape is 20 to 30 seconds. PMT-Based Reading ModesThe Araya is a PMT-based system supporting detection of three different dyes in a single well. Each dye is read in a single back and forth pass over a column in the Array Tape. Current customers have selected mirrors and filters to read TaqMan and InvaderPLUS assays utilizing single (FAM, VIC, and ROX) or multiple dyes (FAM with "Redmond" Red). The modular design of the Araya is ideally suited for integration of other scanning technologies. If your application requires different reading modes, Contact Us about a custom solution. Data Logs OutputAll run information is logged in XML files. The log files can be queried for errors, sample location, and dispense parameters while the run is in process. Configurable XML output LIMS summary files are also available. For information on data management and scoring, go to the Intellics Software overview.
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AmbiStore Plate Handling And Storage

AmbiStore Plate Handling and Storage SystemAmbiStore Plate StorageThe AmbiStore plate handling and storage system from HighRes Biosolutions has been integrated into the Nexar. Sample and assay plates are rapidly delivered from the AmbiStore to the Nexar for transfer into Array Tape wells. The AmbiStore adds significant storage capacity (managing up to 924 low-profile plates in the M model) with integrated barcode scanning for fast inventory tracking.
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Inline Araya Detection System

Inline Araya Detection ModuleNexar Inline DetectionThe inline Araya detection module configured into the Nexar liquid handling and assay processing system allows laboratories to capture data in line with liquid handling and amplification. The Araya is a PMT-based system supporting detection of 3 fluorescent dyes in each reaction well. Inline detection modules are currently utilized for the following applications: End-point Isothermal DNA AmplificiationReal Time Isothermal DNA AmplificiationqPCRLearn more about inline detection with the Araya on the Araya Detection System page.
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Array Tape Centrifuges

Douglas Scientific has retro-fitted select models of centrifuges with the capability to spin Array Tape and force the sample to the bottom of the well. An air knife that blows a steady stream of air through the Array Tape aids in the removal of moisture that may have become trapped between layers during PCR water bath.
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