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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of the Wonders of Wakulla Springs, Artistic Video: Chen Style Tai-Chi with Master Tseng, Yun Xiand, Stroke Conversion and Explanation DVD and Dvd - Amish Life - Amish Children - Amish At Work - Amish Values & Virtues
Created by researchers at The University of Texas and Health Sciences Centre at Houston Stroke Conversion and Explanation DVDs offered by us is very popular among buyers. We are an eminent Supplier of Stroke Conversion and Explanation DVDs from USA. The Stroke Conversion and Explanation DVDs offered by us have two segments and it brings for the stories of stroke survivors and families. These stories help to educate people about the significance of early recognition and treatment of stroke.
Living After Stroke : Conversations with Couples: This video is an honest and poignant exploration of the impact of strokes on the lives of six couples. The couples, ranging in age from their early 40s to their Late 70s, are interviewed two to four years after their strokes. They discuss the impact of the stroke on their lives and relationships. They explore TOPICS such as intimacy, finances, depression, pain, frustration, fear, job loss, and daily struggles. Despite their suffering, they reveal the ability of the human spirit to maintain hope and to work for a better future.
Stroke : Early recognition & treatment - This DVD is an in-depth exploration of stroke – the warning signs, early treatment, and continuing recovery. Interviews with three neurologists are interspersed with short clips of couples describing the onset of their strokes. The audience learns about the newest techniques for reducing brain damage through early treatment of stroke in the emergency room. Rehabilitative measures to retrain the body after the stroke are also discussed.