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Elite Jewelers Inc.
location Northbrook, Illinois, United States

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Fancy Jewellery

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Piercing Earrings, Birthstone Youth Earrings, Heel Shoe Pendant, SHOP Pendant and Hook Charm Pendant.

Piercing Earrings

  • SKU 21537:2317980:P
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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Birthstone Youth Earrings

  • SKU 192016:10400:P
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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Heel Shoe Pendant

  • SKU C3214
  • Quantity 1
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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SHOP Pendant

  • Quantity 1
  • Length 20 mm
  • SKU D3318
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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Hook Charm Pendant

  • SKU 67053:122:P
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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Accented Heart Pendant

  • SKU FP298:101:P
If you will not be home to sign for your order, Elite Jewelers can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. As a security precaution to protect our customers against fraud, when you order merchandise priced $300 or more to be delivered to a destination other than your billing address, we will confirm that your credit card or financing company has this alternate shipping address on file. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
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