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Fluitron, Inc.
location United States

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Our Products

  1. Spiral PP Chemical Reaction Vessel

    1 Products available
  2. Industrial Pump

    1 Products available
  3. Oil Plant And Extraction Machinery

    1 Products available
  4. Reciprocating Compressors

    1 Products available
  5. Machines And Equipments

    1 Products available
  6. Others Products 3 Products available

Our Products

Our Complete range of products are custom systems, Containment Cells and Isostatic Presses.

High Pressure Pumps

The Fluitron SP Series high-pressure syringe pumps are motor-driven, positive displacement pumps designed specifically for the precise injection of catalysts and other fluids into high-pressure systems. The design features a slow-moving plunger moving through a relatively large "barrel". Controlling the speed of the motor accurately controls the plunger speed and therefore, the flow rate. Since the pump does not reciprocate, there is a continuous, pulseless flow. Another advantage of the syringe pump is that there are no check valves to malfunction, "miss a beat", or respond differently to various flow conditions or fluid properties. The SP series syringe pumps are available in various flow ranges, volumes, and pressures. For applications requiring continuous, pulseless flow over long periods of time, two pumps can be configured in a duplex arrangement. Series MP Hand PumpsThe Fluitron MP hand pumps cover a pressure range of 15, 000 to 150, 000 psi in 5 models. They are easy to operate and maintain, and are suitable for use on many fluids. The linkage in the MP pumps is simple, and has a high mechanical advantage, permitting the development of high pressure with reasonable effort. The basic design results in a compact unit of low weight resulting in a truly portable high pressure pump. Materials used in these pumps have been chosen to permit use with tap or distilled water; alcohol; synthetic oil; etc. Plungers in the 100, 000 and 150, 000 psi pumps are Tungsten Carbide, hand finished for wear resistance and low leakage. Plungers on other pumps can be supplied in 17-4 SS, 316 SS, etc. The check valves are springless, ball type, operating in cages providing the necessary guiding and lift required for proper operation. The check valves are vertical so that all air is purged and priming is assured in a few strokes.
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Pressure Vessels

Welded pressure vessesl and tanks from lab scale to 500 gallonsPressures from 15 to 5, 000 psi for welded vessels, and to 60, 000 psi for forged vesselsMaterials including Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Nickel-based Alloys, and other machinable, weldable alloysClosures selected for the application, including:Conventional bolted flange closures, utilizing standard ANSI flanges or custom Fluitron flanges where practicle, for pressures up to 6, 000 psiHinged man ways of doors for pressures to 1, 500 psiThreaded closures for pressures to 60, 000 psiQuick-opening breech-lock closures for low or high pressure vesselsQuick-opening pin vessels for pressures to 60, 000 psiCustom closures for almost any application
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Custom Systems

Fluitron engineering and manufacturing experience is available in designing, building, and testing complete customized turnkey systems for almost any pressure application. Fluitron has the resources to design, manufacture, assemble, and completely test systems in our facility prior to shipment. We can provide any level of control to meet customer requirements, from manual controls to fully automated process systems operating in production environments.
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Containment Cells

Containment cells are a unique approach to providing a safer means of operating small, bench scale, high pressure reactors which might be dangerous. The idea of fully containing a hazardous reaction vessel and its contents upon failure, rather than exhausting it to the outside via frangible walls, ducts, etc. is new. It offers the small laboratory, institution or university the opportunity of now safely conducting high pressure research in close or confined quarters which was not possible before due to the inability of safely handling the resulting shock waves and missiles.
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Isostatic Presses

Isostatic presses are available for powder metallurgy and other applications in a variety of sizes and pressure ratings. Systems feature the compaction chamber, pressurizing pump, fluid reservoir, piping and a convenient steel console. Fluitron has the ability to provide any level of control to meet the customer's requirements. Our experience ranges from manual control to fully automated process systems operating in production environments.Manual, Microprocessor, PLC or PC ControlIn-house Operating Software ProgrammingComplete System IntegrationComputer InterfaceIn-house PLC ProgrammingData AcquisitionThe heart of any isostatic press is the chamber where the pressing takes place. The chamber is a highly engineered structure, which must be capable of withstanding the high stresses associated with isostatic pressing. All Fluitron chambers are fabricated from the highest quality pressure vessel materials. In addition, Fluitron is an ASME certified pressure vessel manufacturer, assuring the user of the highest level of safety.
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Supercritical Fluid Extraction

The Fluitron Model SFE-10 is an extremely versatile research tool for studies in supercritical fluid extraction. Fluitron's 30+ years experience in high pressure and temperature technology has produced a unit that is easy to use, facilitates quick turnover and is low maintenance. The system features a 100cc, 10, 000 psi extractor, 500cc separator, air-operated liquid pump, temperature, pressure & flow controls, as well as all of the necessary interconnecting piping, valves, fittings and electronics. A schematic diagram of the piping system and controls is provided. The carbon dioxide is first filtered, and then pressurized and pumped into the extractor. The fluid passes over the material being processed in the extractor vessel. Pressure is maintained in the extractor using a micro-metering valve. Temperature of the extractor is maintained by a PID microprocessor based controller. The solute-laden carbon dioxide is then depressurized and separated in the separator vessel. The extracted solute is collected in the separator. The carbon dioxide passes through a flow meter and is then vented.
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Diaphragm Compressors

We scrutinize every part manufactured and ensure our compressors meet or exceed performance and safety standards as well as fulfill our customer's specifications. Our staff has over 35 years of experience in compression and high pressure applications. We provide maintenance and troubleshooting for all our compressors. We even customize and improve existing systems. Here at Fluitron, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the highest quality system and support for their application. Our highly trained and experienced engineers are always available to ensure specifications are met and customers are satisfied
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Pilot Plants

Fluitron Offers a wide variety of Laboratory and Pilot Plant Reactors and Systems for almost any chemical reaction application. Our reactors come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 300cc up to 100 gallons, can reach working pressures of up to 5000 psig and are capable of operating under full vacuum conditions. We also offer a variety of drive units and impellers to meet a wide range of process requirements. With parameters such as fluid viscosity, density and agitator speed, our engineers can work with you in sizing and specifying an agitation system.
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