Twin Power belts have teeth on both sides to provide synchronization from both driving surfaces. MarketsApplicationsPowerGrip HTD Twin Power belts are suitable for many applications including data storage, hand power tools, postage handling, food processors, office machines, centrifuges, money handling, medicine diagnostic, sewing machines, ticket dispensers, robotics, vending machines and vacuum cleaners. FeaturesAdvantagesGates Twin Power belts have nylon facing on both tooth surfaces providing equal load carrying capabilities on either side of the belt. Belt capacity is equal to standard single-sided PowerGrip HTD belts. Fiberglass tensile cord provides high strength, excellent flex life, and high resistance to elongation. Neoprene body provides protection against grime, grease, oil, and moisture. Nylon tooth facing provides a durable wear surface for long service life. Quieter than roller chain drives and eliminates lubrication and re-tensioning to reduce maintenance and labor. - See more at: http:www.gates.comproductsindustrialindustrial-beltssynchronous-beltspowergrip-htd-twin-power-belts#sthash.duWx3VMm.dpuf