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General Atomics
location United States

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Our offered Product range includes Integrated Medium Voltage Drive Systems, Terminal Automation, TRIGA Nuclear Reactors, Radiation Monitoring Systems and Hazardous Waste Destruction.

Integrated Medium Voltage Drive Systems

GA is on the forefront of the design and manufacture of high density power drives, high speed permanent magnet motors, and integrated drive system solutions for a wide range of oilgas, energy, maritime, mining, industrial, transportation and defense industry applications. We excel at product customization to suit specific application and customer requirements. Integrated Medium Voltage Drive SystemsFor OEMs and system integrators, GA is a single source solution for the design and manufacture of integrated, adjustable high speed power drive systems. GA's proven medium voltage power inverter modules (MVP-PI) and advanced permanent magnet motors (MVP-PMM) come together in seamless, integrated system designs suitable for new and retrofit applications. By providing greater power efficiencies and higher reliability, GA's integrated drive solutions offer a significant opportunity for customers to improve performance while reducing capital, operational, space and lifecycle maintenance costs. Medium Voltage Power Drive Systems 8MW MVP-InDRIVEMedium Voltage Power Inverter ModulesGA's MVP-PI modules offer high power density, greater reliability, and more efficient liquid-cooled thermal management to ensure operational performance under the most severe environmental conditions. GA's MVP-PIs are smaller, lighter weight modules that can easily be configured as an Active Front End (AFE) or Inverter (INV), helping reduce space requirements or the need to accommodate additional power conversion components.
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Terminal Automation

GA's family of Terminal Automation Products (TAP) has served bulk product terminals for over 40 years. Success has come from listening and then combining new technology with old-fashioned personal service to help our customers compete most effectively.
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TRIGA Nuclear Reactors

GA's TRIGA (Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) reactor is the most widely used non-power nuclear reactor in the world. GA has installed 66 TRIGA reactors at universities, government and industrial laboratories, and medical centers in 24 countries. GA's reactors are used in many diverse applications, including production of radioisotopes for medicine and industry, treatment of tumors, nondestructive testing, basic research on the properties of matter, and for education and training. These reactors operate at thermal power levels from less than 0.1 to 16 megawatts, and are pulsed to 22, 000 megawatts. The high power pulsing is possible due to the unique properties of GA's uranium-zirconium hydride fuel, which provides unrivaled safety characteristics. The safety features of this fuel also permit flexibility in siting, with minimal environmental effects. TRIGA International, a joint venture company with CERCA of France, manufactures and sells TRIGA fuel to research reactors.
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Radiation Monitoring Systems

Our radiation monitoring systems are designed for a lifetime of service. For nearly 50 years, General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems' (GA-EMS) qualified radiation monitoring systems have been operating in over 120 sites worldwide. GA-EMS provides radiation monitoring systems for new plant builds and to retrofit existing plant installations. Systems are designed and manufactured in the U.S.A., and lead the industry in meeting safety and non-safety requirements. Our quality assurance program ensures systems fully comply with: 10CFR50, Appendix B10CFR21NQA-1 (2008) and NQA-1a (2009)ANSI N45.2, including applicable daughter standardsISO 9001-2008Regulatory Guide 1.97NUPICWe provide unparalleled customer support, training, and obsolescence mitigation to ensure each fielded system continues to operate reliably for the plant's entire operating lifecycle. GA-EMS is also experienced in creating customized systems for use in industrial environments, providing users with the capability to monitor, measure, and identify radiation in and around the workplace.
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Hazardous Waste Destruction

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) industrial Supercritical Water Oxidation (iSCWO) technology is successfully treating a broad range of pumpable hazardous and non-hazardous waste, with a 99.99% destruction removal efficiency. iSCWO provides a safe, cost effective, and environmentally sound solution to replace alternative technologies that have high emission rates, post treatment requirements, and substantial installation and operation costs. Safe, effective destruction of Expired or obsolete pesticides, fertilizers and fungicidesContaminated water (waste water clean up)Expired or obsolete paints andor petroleum productsPetroleum waste streamsOrganic cleaning solutionsEnergetic material (explosives or propellant)Unique material not suitable for normal transportation or disposalFixed and Transportable Solutions In addition to offering fixed site solutions, GA-EMS provides the only flexible, transportable iSCWO system available today to facilitate "generate and destroy on-site" capabilities. The modular design allows for rapid set-up and start of process operations. A single three gallons per minute (3 GPM) transportable system consists of two compact equipment skids housed inside two shipping containers to create a convenient, cost effective platform for multiple site waste destruction when and where it is needed. Parallel, redundant system designs are available for both fixed and transportable systems to increase throughput and improve efficiency.
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Transportation Solutions

General Atomics (GA) is a pioneer in the research and development of innovative permanent magnets and linear motors to create clean, fast and efficient transportation solutions. GA's passive maglev system uses permanent magnetics on vehicles and linear synchronous motors on guideways to levitate and propel vehicles. Maglev systems do not require electric motors, engines, or fuel, and have no moving parts on the vehicle. The result is a clean, light-weight vehicle design that eliminates engine and wheel noise, and harmful emissions. By using permanent magnets for levitation, any requirement for overhead powerlines or electric third rails is eliminated, helping improve safety and environmental aesthetics. GA was the first in the United States to build a full scale working maglev system, which operates on a 400-foot test track in San Diego, California. GA's Electromagnetic Systems Group (GA-EMS) provides design, prototyping and manufacturing capabilities for the Maglev system permanent magnets and linear motors. GA-EMS manufacturing offers the depth of experience and sophisticated machining, winding, milling, assembly, and test equipment for the production of these highly specialized components.
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High Voltage Capacitors

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) is globally recognized as the leading U.S. developer and manufacturer of advanced high voltage capacitors for DC, pulsed power, high frequency AC, and specialized system applications for defense, commercial, and research systems worldwide. GA-EMS specializes in creating unique power and energy technologies to meet the most demanding specifications and extreme operating environments. Our expertise in design, manufacturing, and testing enables us to provide the most energy-dense capacitors available today. We have successfully developed record-breaking high energy density capacitors to create pulsed power systems powerful enough to support future railgun applications. In addition, our extensive product portfolio includes all types of film and paper dielectrics, metalized and discrete foil electrodes, oil-filled and dry constructions, and a wide range of packages. GA-EMS offers innovative capacitor designs for: High energy density High peak currents Low inductance, low ESR Wide temperature range High mechanical shock Greater reliability In addition to standard designs and a catalog of in-stock capacitor products, GA-EMS also offers customization services to meet specific application requirements and exacting voltage and capacitance specifications. Contact us to discuss your particular needs.

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Gulftronic Electrostatic Separator

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) Gulftronic electrostatic separators remove all FCC catalyst fines from slurry oil, providing refineries with more options to market and increase revenue from upgraded clarified oil products. With over 50 systems operating worldwide, GA-EMS has been helping customers increase revenue and reduce environmental waste for more than 35 years. The Gulftronic Difference GA-EMS' unique technology uses an electrostatic process to polarize, capture and remove all catalyst fines (down to the submicron level), that resist separation by conventional mechanical filtration processes. Gulftronic Electrostatic Separators are impervious to fouling by asphaltenes and coke particles. The resulting clarified oil produces feedstock for various marketable products, including carbon black, needle coke, fuel oil, and electrode pitch. The system also eliminates sedimentation of catalyst fines as hazardous sludge from refinery storage tanks, reducing settling tank waste collection and disposal. The Gulftronic difference results in higher per barrel returns, more efficient slurry oil filtration, less downstream contamination, greater throughput, and significantly Increases the value of feedstocks produced from decant oil. Additional Features Performance guaranteed certified below 100 ppm clarityField-proven reliabilityDesigned for continuous operationImproves per-barrel returns from FCCRFCC, hydrocrackingCompact, preassembled unit eliminates need for on-site constructionBuilt to ASME standards
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General Atomics' hardware agnostic data aware storage software, Nirvana, provides a global view of all data across an organizations multiple storage systems, including cloud storage. Nirvana implements intelligent, automated tiering across flash, parallel file systems, NAS, object and cloud storage - with comprehensive data awareness and rich analytics about the data stored and its contents. With Nirvana, data can be stored and moved across multiple tiers with no vendor lock-in, reducing storage costs by 75%. Nirvana also provides comprehensive metadata extraction, creation and search capabilities through an intuitive graphical user interface, making data easy to find, track, move, and manage throughout its lifecycle - while providing security, auditing and data provenance across global, multi-organization collaborative workflows.
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Straight Corrugated Waveguides

General Atomics supplies circular corrugated waveguides with inside diameters from 31.75 mm (1.25") to 88.9 mm (3.5") in lengths up to 2.13 meters (7 feet). Popular diameters are 31.75, 45, 60.3, and 63.5 mm. Depending on the size and corrugation geometry, these waveguides propagate the low-loss HE11 mode from 28 GHz to over 300 GHz. They can also be used to transmit the circular TE01 mode in bends with low loss at frequencies as low as 10 GHz. In addition to 6061-T6 aluminum, waveguides are available in CuCrZr and 316L stainless steel. APPLICATIONS Industrial processing systems using millimeter wavesElectron cyclotron heating of fusion plasmasPlasma diagnosticsSubmillimeter laser cavitiesAntenna feedsFEATURES Extremely low loss (as low as 1% per 100 meters)Extremely large bandwidths in the HE11 mode (up to 8:1 or more)Excellent radiation patternsHigh-power transmission (up to 1 MW in air; higher in vacuum)Thick wall tubing allows for stable alignmentHelicoflex vacuum seals can be located between waveguidesWaveguides are relatively lightweight even in the largest sizeCan be used with quasi-optical equipment such as miter bends
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