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Goffs Enterprises, Inc.
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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Doors, HarshGuard Doors, Mesh Trailer Doors, Side Seal Doors and Strip Doors


  • SERIES G2 Bug Blocking Mesh Doors
G2 Bug Blocking Mesh DoorsKeep the bugs and birds out of your facility while letting fresh air in with Goffs G2 Bug Blocking Doors!Goff's G2 Doors are High Performance, High Speed, Wind Load Rated Roll-Up Doors for an Affordable Price! The G2 Door requires little maintenance and automatically resets after impact or blowout. The G2 also has easily replaceable, exchangeable heat sealed panels available in solid vinyl, mesh, & clear PVC, creating a truly All season door! With a design that excludes wheels, cables, springs and sewing the G2 Door is Simply. Intelligent. High Speed - Up to 36" per second Goff's G2 Doors Low Maintenance - No cables, wheels, springs, or sewn construction Wind Load Rated - 45mph wind load* Durable - Fiberglass windbars wont bend or break. Automatically resets after impact Quick & Easy Installation - Upper Box completely assembled in factory Multi-Season - Exchangeable panels available in mesh, clear & solid vinyl Fire Resistant - Meets NFPA-701 & CSFM standards for flame retardancy
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HarshGuard Doors

  • Series G2 HarshGuard Doors
G2 HarshGuard DoorsFast Acting Vinyl Doors for Extreme Conditions! Perfect for Food Processing Areas!The G2 HarshGuard Door requires little maintenance and has a break-a-way design with auto reset. The G2 also has easily replaceable, interchangeable heat sealed panels available in solid vinyl, & clear PVC and is constructed with stainless steel and aluminum hardware! Other features include a 110 volt single phase water proof operator & a complete weather seal. With a design that excludes wheels, cables, springs and sewing the G2 Door is Simply. Intelligent. Benefits of Goff's HarshGuard Door Include: No rust due to stainless steel, PVC & Aluminum ComponentsWind load rated doorSlanted roof allowing water run offWithstands caustic & corrosive chemicalsWithstands moisture build upInterior & exterior useApplications Include: Car WashesBottling PlantsWash Down AreasFood Processing Plants
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Mesh Trailer Doors

Vinyl & Mesh Trailer DoorsCustom Vinyl & Mesh Trailer Doors Made to Fit Your Trailer!Benefits of the Vinyl Trailer Doors Keeps Temperature InHelps Control NoiseBenefits of the Mesh Trailer Doors Keeps bug outProvides 65% shade factor
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Side Seal Doors

Side Seal DoorsGoff's manual side seal door is our most economical solution to keeping bugs, birds, & debris out while allowing fresh air and light into your facility!Goff's Bug Blocking Mesh Door is the most economical solution to blocking pest and allowing fresh air into your facility. Providing a 65% shade factor, Goff's Mesh Doors keep the temperature down and lower energy costs! Goff's Mesh Doors improve ventilation and help meet FDA requirements! Side Seal Door Benefits Include: 65% Shade factor-helps keep the facility cooler longerSignificantly reduces heat from sun while allowing light into work areasKeeps out unwanted pests, birds and intrudersImproves securityFive-year warrantyLifetime warranty on all mounting hardwareImproves building appearanceAllows fresh air to flow through for comfort and productivityDraw screen into use when needed; glides out of the way when notStandard sizes fit most door openingsSide Seal Doors are Ideal for: Manufacturing FacilitiesLoading DocksWaste AreasFood Processing & Packaging PlantsProcess AreasBarns and WarehousesGarages
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Strip Doors

Strip DoorsLet People & Industrial Equipment Through, While Blocking Dirt, Dust, Noise & Temperature with Goff's Strip Doors!Strip Doors are the most economical solution for protecting employees and goods from adverse environmental conditions. A strip door, also called strip curtain affords protection and controls noise and temperature while still allowing supervision and passage of light. Benefits of Goff's Strip Doors Include: Protection of employees and goods from adverse environments such as noise, heat, cold, humidity dust, & draftsRestriction of air pollutantsRoomFactory DivisionImprovement of Employee comfortRugged & DurableEasy installation, cleaning, maintenance, and replacementEasy access for walkdrive through trafficApplications Include: Temperature ControlInterior & Exterior DoorsRoom DivisionLoading DocksNoise ControlWelding Booths
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Trailer Doors

Trailer DoorsGoff's Strip Trailer Doors help to regulate temperature while allowing a visible barrier to the outside!Benefits of Strip Trailer Doors include: Quick and Easy Access to the TrailerControl TemperatureReduce Noise
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Lite Spring Assist Doors

  • Series G2 Lite Spring Assist Doors
G2 Lite Spring Assist DoorsBug Blocking Mesh Spring Assist Doors Keep out unwanted bugs, birds, and pests while allowing fresh air in with Goff's G2 Lite Bug Blocking Spring Assist Doors! G2 Lite Doors New G2 Lite Spring Assist Doors Goffs G2 Lite Spring Assist Door features a durable internal custom torsion spring and an exclusive interior chain-pull quick-release feature for easy and hassle-free opening. It has a rugged centrifugal latching mechanism that allows the door to be stopped at any position and released from both sides. Its designed with a modular web construction with replaceable panels available in vinyl, mesh, and clear PVC. The doors have impact-resistant fiberglass wind bars that allow it to easily be reset without damage to the door.Also available in Solid Vinyl! Keep out unwanted bugs, birds, and pests while allowing fresh air in with Goff's G2 Lite Bug Blocking Spring Assist Doors! G2 Lite Doors New G2 Lite Spring Assist Doors Goffs G2 Lite Spring Assist Door features a durable internal custom torsion spring and an exclusive interior chain-pull quick-release feature for easy and hassle-free opening. It has a rugged centrifugal latching mechanism that allows the door to be stopped at any position and released from both sides. Its designed with a modular web construction with replaceable panels available in vinyl, mesh, and clear PVC. The doors have impact-resistant fiberglass wind bars that allow it to easily be reset without damage to the door.Also available in Solid Vinyl! Keep out unwanted bugs, birds, and pests while allowing fresh air in with Goff's G2 Lite Bug Blocking Spring Assist Doors! G2 Lite Doors New G2 Lite Spring Assist Doors Goffs G2 Lite Spring Assist Door features a durable internal custom torsion spring and an exclusive interior chain-pull quick-release feature for easy and hassle-free opening. It has a rugged centrifugal latching mechanism that allows the door to be stopped at any position and released from both sides. Its designed with a modular web construction with replaceable panels available in vinyl, mesh, and clear PVC. The doors have impact-resistant fiberglass wind bars that allow it to easily be reset without damage to the door.Also available in Solid Vinyl! Mesh Doors Significantly reduces heat loss while allowing light into work areas.Keeps out unwanted pests, birds and intruders.Mesh material provides a 65% shade factor to lower temperature and save energy.Improves building appearance.Allows fresh air to flow through for comfort and productivityHelps meet FDA and AIB requirementsSolid Vinyl Doors Controls airborne contaminants.Separate Work Areas.Improves building appearance.
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