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  • RANGE: 0.01 to 1.00 OD 1.00 to 2.00 OD using the X10 switch 0-100% transmission
  • Wavelength Selections: 510 or 600 nm.
The model FWT-91R reader is a dual wavelength photometer for readout of the FWT Radiachromic dosimeters. The meter reads directly in Optical Density (OD) or percent transmission. The two wavelengths available are 510 nm and 600 nm and are used to cover the range of the Radiachromic Dosimeters. The instrument is simple to use. The front panel controls are used to setup the instrument for operation. The wavelength is selected from the front panel switch and the dosimeter is placed in the holder and lowered into the well. The x10 switch increases the sensitivity for reading high OD dosimeters. The instrument uses bandpass filters, which have excellent long term stability, for wavelength selection. The lamp has a long life and is easily replaced.
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  • Type of Dosimeter: radiochromic optical waveguide
  • Trade name: Opti-Chromic Dosimeter Dose Range: FWT-70-40M: 0.01-1 kGy
FWT-70 series of Opti-Chromic Dosimeters are designed for low level radiation processing. They are small optical waveguides that gradually changes from clear to deep blue in relation to absorbed dose. The sensitivity ranges from 10 Gy to 20 kGy depending on the model.The dye is derived from the family of aminotriphenyl-methane. These dyes can be made radiochromic: that is they will change from colorless to a deeply colored state as a function of absorbed dose. The FWT-70 series of dosimeters use hexa(hydroxyethyl) aminotriphenylacetonitrile (HHEVC) dye inside an optical waveguide. Readout of the dosimeters is by photometric means using dual wavelength photometry.
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  • OD Range: 0.001 to 1.999, 2.00 to 3.00.
  • Internal Controls: None
The model FWT-92D reader is a dual wavelength photometer for readout of the FWT Radiachromic Dosimeters. The LED digital display reads directly in Optical Density (OD). The two wavelengths are 510 nm and 600 nm and are used to cover the range of the Radiachromic Dosimeters. The instrument is simple to use. The front panel controls are used to setup the instrument for operation. The wavelength is selected from the front panel switch and the dosimeter is placed in the holder and lowered into the well. The 12 digital display shows the Optical density to 2 or 3 decimal places. The instrument uses bandpass filters, which have excellent long term stability, for wavelength selection. The lamp has a long life and is easily replaced. Options include an RS232 output for computer interface and a set of neutral density filters for checking the operation of the instrument.
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  • Mass ratio: Alanine/binder 0.96 / 0.04
  • Dosimeter mass 65.0 +/- 0.5 mg specified on the package
Alanine dosimetry is an internationally approved technique for the dose measurement in various radiation fields.In the amino acid alanine irradiation with ionizing radiation causes the production of radicals (unpaired electrons), of which the number is proportional to the dose absorbed over a wide dose range. The crystalline structure of the tissue equivalent dosimeter material counteracts the recombination of radicals. A fading of the signal generated in the alanine is only observed at dose values above 3kGy and lies within the range of a few percent per year. The non-destructive readout of the radiation induced measuring signal is performed by the procedure of electron spin resonance (ESR). With careful adjustment of the ESR-spectrometer and by using the appropriate dosimeters dose values within the range from 2Gy to 200kGy can be determined (with an overall uncertainty of 3.5 %, at confidence level of 95 %). Alanine dosimeters are small, compact and easy to handle. They are characterized by low influence of temperature, humidity and dose rate as well as a wide measuring range, which makes them applicable for radiation therapy, in blood components irradiators and in industrial irradiation facilities. Because of its high quality and low costs the dosimetry system can be utilized both for reference and routine dosimetry.
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  • FWT-60-00: 1 cm x 1 cm x 42-52 microns, 1000 pieces/box
  • FWT-60-20T: 10 x 10 cm sheets, priced per sheet
FWT-60 series of radiochromic dosimeters are designed for radiation processing. They are thin, colorless films that gradually change to deep blue in relation to absorbed dose. Colorless derivatives of the family of aminotriphenyl- methane dyes can be made radiochromic: that is they will change from colorless to a deeply colored state as a function of absorbed dose. The FWT-60 series of dosimeters use hexa(hydroxyethyl) aminotriphenylacetonitrile (HHEVC) dye. Analysis of the dosimeters is simple using a photometer or spectrophotometer. FWT manufactures Radiachromic readers designed specifically for analyzing its dosimeters. The wavelengths in general use are 510 nm and 600 or 605 nm. Together they cover the whole range of the dosimeter. SpecificationsType of Dosimeter: radiochromic thin filmFWT Trade name: Radiachromic DosimeterDose Range: 0.5-200 kGy (0.05-20 Mrad)Dose Rate Dependence: Independent to over 10E12 Gysec (10E14 radssec)Intrinsic Sensitivity: The response (change in absorbance divided by thickness) is independent over unit thickness. Calibration of one thickness is applicable to all thicknesses.Peak color wavelength: 605 nmWavelength of interest: 510 nm and 600 or 605 nmColor Build Up Time: Typically within 1 hourColor Change: Unirradiated: clear; irradiated: deep blueUV Sensitivity: Will color when exposed to wavelengths less than 350 nm.
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  • OD Range: 0.001 to 2.60
  • Photometric Precision: ±0.003 OD @ 0.000 to 1.000 OD; ±1% of reading @ 1.000 to 1.999 OD;± 2% of reading @ 2.00 to 3.00 OD
The Model FWT-100 Radiachromic Reader System offers a state-of-the-art performance for both high and low volume users of Radiachromic film dosimeters. This reader is fast, accurate and above all easy to use. The system consists of a reader head, ISA interface card that plugs into the inside of your PC and assorted programs. The interface card and cable are the same as used with the FWT-200 Opti-Chromic Reader Head, but each system uses different software. The addition of the computer to the measurement cycle reduces the complexity of the system. The computer does all the calculations necessary not only to take a reading but also to reduce the data and store it for later reference or reporting. It assists the user by performing the following tasks: Automatic Zero The computer will automatically set the zero of the system as needed. SoftwareBeginning with version 2.0 the software is compatible with Win 9598ME2000XP. The windows version of the software is a dynamic data exchange (DDE) server. It provides information on the wavelength and the absorbance readings for either the 600 nm or the 510 nm analysis wavelengths to DDE client programs such as Microsoft Excel or Access. A sample Excel spreadsheet is included to illustrate how data may be accessed by Excel's DDE functions. OperationalThe Radiachromic head has a single slot for the film. Place the film in the slot using round tip tweezers and the computer will signal when the reading is complete. It is not necessary to release the film from the tweezers. This makes the measurements not only easier but much faster than instruments with separate film holders. The Model FWT-100 Radiachromic readers represent an advanced system for measuring Radiachromic Dosimeters. With this new system, accurate, repeatable measurements are made faster than ever before.
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  • Radiation detected: Alpha > 3 MeV, Beta > 45 KeV, Gamma > 6 KeV
  • Window effective diameter: 1.75 in (4.4 cm)
The model 55005505 Pancake probe is designed to detect contamination. It uses a standard 2" dia pancake GM tube as the detector. The tube is held firmly in place by three set screws assuring good electrical contact and strong retainment. The housing is made of anodized aluminum and is as compact and light as possible. The grip is made of smooth acrylic and feels warm to the touch. Access to the GM tube is through the four top screws. Model 5505 has a fine mesh screen covering the window.Radiation detected:
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  • High Voltage String: 100 Meg
  • Size: .4"(3.5cm) Dia x 8.5"(21cm) Long
The Model 55307530 is a NaI scintillation Probe. When used with a count rate meter, it is useful for measuring background levels of Gamma Radiation. When used with an MCA it can show the gamma radiation spectrum. The sensitivity is high compared to standard GM detectors. This probe is manufactured with a high quality NaI detector and photomultiplier. The slim shape makes it easy to grasp.
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  • Weight 5 1/4 pounds (2.4 kg)
  • Dimensions: Height 14 3/4" (35 cm), width 5-1/4’1(13.5cm), depth 4" (10 cm)
The HPI model 1010 is a portable survey meter. It can accurately and quickly evaluate low level continuous or pulsed radiation fields, and also provides a tool for general surveying of penetrating radiation hazards. The instrument can be used to scan for near background levels on the 0.1 mradh range. If accurate measurements are needed at these levels, the dose can be integrated for a short time using the 0.01 mrad range. Used in this manner the Model 1010 becomes a fence post monitor. The detector is tissue equivalent, and all measurements are taken as the absorbed dose in soft tissue. In mixed radiation fields which would be in the vicinity of accelerators, or in gamma-neutron fields, the reading can be corrected by a quality factor to obtain the dose equivalent. The instruments high sensitivity, wide range, and tissue equivalent response are the result of an HPI developed multiplying ion chamber. It is made of tissue equivalent plastic and is operated with gas multiplication. This detector makes possible a survey meter with unsurpassed characteristics: tissue response, a sensitivity of 0.1 mradh full scale, and a wide range extending to 1 radh in 5 linear decade ranges.
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