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Hoffmeyer Co.
location United States

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  1. Conveyor Belts 5 Products available
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Conveyor Belts

Our Complete range of products are Incline Conveyor Belt, MOR CONVEYOR BELT, HEAT-RESISTANT BELT, Cleated Conveyor Belt and URETHANE CONVEYOR BELT.

Incline Conveyor Belt

Our incline belts, such as rough top or wedge grip belts, are designed to move products uphill without rollback. These belts are flexible and durable, as well as resistant to abrasion, oil and heat. Belts come in a variety of compounds, including nitrile, SBR and gum.
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Hoffmeyers selection of Moderately Oil-Resistant (MOR) belts are designed for intermittent exposure to oil. Our MOR belts work well in recycling applications and come in a variety of cleat profiles.
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These belts are built to handle hot material and high temperatures that would damage normal belts. Temperature requirements dictate belting material: PVC for low heat applications, butyl and EPDM for the highest temperature jobs.
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Cleated Conveyor Belt

Hoffmeyer GP-custom cleated belts are designed to prevent rollback when transporting products up inclines of 18 degrees or greater. Cleated belts come in a variety of sizes and profiles, including T profiles, V guides, curved and chevron cleating.
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Urethane belts, such as our standard red smooth and rough top models, offer a high value conveyor solution. These belts provide the highest resistance to abrasion, cuts and tears available. Our urethane belts offer longer life than rubber or PVC in most applications.
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