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Our Complete range of products are BASSWOOD HONEY, Buckwheat Honey, Orange Blossom Honey, Wildflower Honey and Honey.


Basswood Honey is our naturally lightest honey in color and thinnest in consistency. It comes from the Basswood tree (otherwise known as the Linden tree) which grow very abundantly in Wisconsin, in fact before Honey Acres had the name we have today we were known as Linden Apiaries. Sweet with a very light flavor, this exquisite honey is almost a tad citrusy to some peoples taste buds. It makes a great sweetener or a substitute for sugar because it is so mild and won't change the flavor of whatever you add it to. Light, delicious, fresh and of course always raw this honey would be a great addition to any dish.
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Buckwheat Honey

If you're looking for something different, Buckwheat Honey is the thing for you. This robust honey is so dark in color and thick in consistency you cant see through the jar! Buckwheat, much like Clover, is a standard of comparison and many consider them on either sides of the spectrum.Our Buckwheat honey has a very distinct robust a flavor that many people compare to Molasses and Sorghum. It pairs well with nutty, strong cheeses and tastes amazing drizzled over whole wheat pancakes. This honey is also popular for brewing meads which it adds a very distinct flavor to.
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Orange Blossom Honey

Our only non-local variety, we source our Orange Blossom Honey from the vast Orange Groves of Florida. The bees produce this Honey predominantly from Orange trees but they do wander around a little bit and visit the other citrus commonly found in these groves, including Grapefruits Lemons and Limes. Our Orange Blossom Honey has an aromatic flavor with strong hints of citrus and pairs well with creamy cheeses such as Brie. While it commonly has a slight orange hue to it this honey has a distinct flavor that isn't as orange-centric as many assume. The source from which this Honey originates, is most evident in its Citrus aroma.
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Wildflower Honey

Our Wildflower Honey is a multi-floral honey made from natural, Wisconsin Wildflowers, mainly Golden Rod but with hints of any other flowers the Bees wish to visit. Darker than most commonly available honey, it has a robust flavor that tastes great in smoothies and homemade bread. However, due to its more robust flavor it acts as more than just a sweetener, so expect to taste it in whatever you add it to! Our Wisconsin Wildflower Honey is a great middle-ground between a lighter honey like Clover and some of our darker varieties like Buckwheat.
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We take tremendous pride in creating our line of natural, unique and versatile Honey Products, from the complex floral flavors in our varietal honeys, to the carefully blended and precise flavors of our Natural Honey Creams, we take great care in filling our jars with only the finest products.
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