Hudson's Linear Low Density Polyethylene plastic tubing (LLDPE) is far superior to any LDPE, yet just as economical. With its superb stress-crack resistance, Linear Low Density Polyethylene plastic tubing is ideal for applications requiring low-temperature flexibility and durability. LLDPE tubing is widely used in transporting air, water and chemicals. We manufacture LLDPE tubing from raw materials meeting FDA requirements. Plastic tubing meeting NSF 5161 standards is also available. For more information about the chemical resistance properties of linear low density polyethylene tubing, visit our plastic tubing specifying guide. LLDPE Tubing Colors:Natural (Milky white)Red, Green, Blue ( .170, 14, 38)White, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Purple ( .170, 14, 38)Black(Available in several stock sizes or on custom basis) - The color black is good for improved durability in direct sunlight and outdoor exposure. Coil Length:100' (metric only available in 100')500' (.170 x .250, 14 x 38, 38 x 12)1000' (18, .170) Reel Length:500' (.170, 14, 38)1000' (116, .170) Linear Low Density Polyethylene plastic tubing is available in cut Pieces, special lengths and other colors on a custom basis. I.D.=Inside DiameterO.D.=Outside Diameter