Hardwall Whip Hose:Recommended anywhere a hardwall hose is required.Highly resistant to cuts, abrasions, sun and weather.Improves ozone and abrasion resistance while providing increased life.Wirebraid Whip Hose:Recommended anywhere a hardwall or softwall hose is inappropriate.Provides full flow with no internal spring guards and will withstand full suction.Flexibility of a softwall, durability of a hardwall.Softwall Whip Hose:A lightweight, flexible hose for use when a hardwall hose is inappropriate.Highly resistant to cuts, abrasions, sun and weather.All Whip Hoses:Recommended for all Gasoline and GasolineEthanol blends at Ethanol levels designated as Gasohol (E10 maximum or less), Diesel fuel and Diesel fuelBiodiesel blends with nominal Biodiesel concentrations up to 5% (B0 B5), Kerosene and Fuel Oil (heating oil), Leaded and Unleaded Gasoline.Hose material is private branded and UL listed.All curb pump hose assemblies are 100% pressure tested, inspected for electrical continuity and sample pull tested.