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I. G. Marston Co., Inc.
location United States

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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of non-metallic gaskets, Custom Gaskets and Rubber Gaskets.

Non-metallic Gaskets

  • All gaskets & seals are manufactured on a custom order basis. PSA backings can be supplied to any gasket or seal we manufacture.
  • Tooling charges when applicable are included in our quotations. We offer to manufacture your custom bending and marking needs where required.
  • Please request a quotation for any special application and material not listed! Special packaging available when requested.
IG Marston Co. is an ISO 9001:2008 non-metallic stamping company that fabricates gaskets & seals from a large list of materials including: Vellumoid, Vulcanized Fibre, Fishpaper, Kapton, Klinger, Nomex, Cork, Felt, Epoxy Glass, Vegetable Fibre, Mylar, PTFE, Viton, Garlock and Thermoseal, Neoprene, Silicone & Buna rubber, CI Rubber, EPDM, Nitrile, Urethane, and Closed & Open Cell Sponges. Custom gaskets and seals have numerous applications like gasoline motor exhaust uses, use in oil fields, electronic power tool applications, in hydraulics, special packing needs, specialty oil and grease seals and in vast amount of other use in military and commercial specifications.Here are just some of the many custom products we manufacturer for customers around the world:Custom gasketsRubber gasketsHigh temperature gasketsHigh pressure gasketsMarine gasketsAutomotive gasketsGraphite gasketsInterface gasketsContact us by calling (800)783-1397 for all your custom gasket & seal order needs.
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Custom Gaskets

IG Marston Co. is an ISO 9001:2008 non-metallic stamping company that fabricates gaskets & seals from a large list of materials including: Vellumoid, Vulcanized Fibre, Fishpaper, Kapton, Klinger, Nomex, Cork, Felt, Epoxy Glass, Vegetable Fibre, Mylar, PTFE, Viton, Garlock and Thermoseal, Neoprene, Silicone & Buna rubber, CI Rubber, EPDM, Nitrile, Urethane, and Closed & Open Cell Sponges. Custom gaskets and seals have numerous applications like gasoline motor exhaust uses, use in oil fields, electronic power tool applications, in hydraulics, special packing needs, specialty oil and grease seals and in vast amount of other use in military and commercial specifications.Here are just some of the many custom products we manufacturer for customers around the world:Custom gasketsRubber gasketsHigh temperature gasketsHigh pressure gasketsMarine gasketsAutomotive gasketsGraphite gasketsInterface gasketsContact us by calling (800)783-1397 for all your custom gasket & seal order needs.
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Rubber Gaskets

IG Marston Co. is an ISO 9001:2008 non-metallic stamping company that fabricates gaskets & seals from a large list of materials including: Vellumoid, Vulcanized Fibre, Fishpaper, Kapton, Klinger, Nomex, Cork, Felt, Epoxy Glass, Vegetable Fibre, Mylar, PTFE, Viton, Garlock and Thermoseal, Neoprene, Silicone & Buna rubber, CI Rubber, EPDM, Nitrile, Urethane, and Closed & Open Cell Sponges. Custom gaskets and seals have numerous applications like gasoline motor exhaust uses, use in oil fields, electronic power tool applications, in hydraulics, special packing needs, specialty oil and grease seals and in vast amount of other use in military and commercial specifications.Here are just some of the many custom products we manufacturer for customers around the world:Custom gasketsRubber gasketsHigh temperature gasketsHigh pressure gasketsMarine gasketsAutomotive gasketsGraphite gasketsInterface gasketsContact us by calling (800)783-1397 for all your custom gasket & seal order needs.
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