CTR @ IF = 0.5 / 5 mA
Propagation Delay
100µs Max.
The OLS400 has a high current transfer ratio (CTR) at low input currents, making it ideal for applications such as Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS), Complementary MOS (CMOS), and low-power logic interfacing or RS232C data transmission systems. Each OLS400 has an LED and integrated photodiode Darlington detector IC, mounted and coupled in a custom hermetic surface mount leadless chip carrier (LCC) package that provides 1500 VDC electrical isolation between the input and output. The Darlington detector has an integrated base-to-emitter resistor for superior high temperature performance. The split Darlington design permits lower output saturation voltage and higher switching speed operation than is possible with conventional photodarlington designs. Device mounting is achieved with reflow soldering or conductive epoxies. The pads are gold plated and RoHS compliant.FeaturesElectrical parameters guaranteed over 55 C to +125 C ambient temperature range1500 VDC electrical isolationLow input current, 0.5 mALow output VSAT, 0.1 V typicalHigh Current Transfer Ratio (CTR), 1000% typicalLow power consumptionSimilar to industry standard parts6N1386N139 in plastic, and 6N140 in hermetic Dual Inline Packages (DIPs)Offers 100% high reliability screenings