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Kutta Technologies, Inc
location United States

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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Tag Reader, Bi-Directional Remote Video Terminal and Air Traffic Control Reporting System

Kutta Link Radio

  • Model KLR-200
The Kutta LINK radio allows First Responders to seamlessly communicate with operational and tactical command posts using their existing radio equipment in challenging environments such as subway tunnels and high-rise buildings.Additionally, The Kutta Link Radio tags each transition with a unique ID number to match each responder handset to each transmission sent. This allows the commanding officer to better track the personnel on the scene, and deliver life saving instructions in a reliable and timely manner. The KLR-200 also has the capability to quickly interface with Sound Powered Phones (SPP) using a simple cable interfaces.
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Tag Reader

  • Model Number TTR-100
The Kutta Tracking and Tag Reader is an MSHA approved method for monitoring the location of personnel while in an underground mining environment. The Tag Readers are configured to record the time, location, and battery level of each tag that passes by the TTR-100. The resulting data is then sent using Medium Frequency (MF) to the Kutta Data Collection and Display (DCD-100) unit on the surface of the mine.The DCD-100 can be installed on typical Windows PC-Based laptops and desktops, and provides a complete summary of each individual underground. The TTR-100 is interoperable with several common tag types in the industry, and can be installed quickly for MINER ACT compliance.
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Medium Frequency Repeater

  • Model DRUM 100R
The DRUM 100R Analog Repeater is a dual-band radio, where one of the front ends operates at medium frequency and the other front end operates at either VHF or UHF. The analog repeater continually listens to both frequencies. When one of the front ends detects an incoming signal, the analog repeater shifts the signal and retransmits it on the other front end. Tone squelch is used to indicate the presence of a valid signal.Under normal operating conditions, signals can be relied on to propagate many miles between the sending radio and any receiving radios with little attenuation. In post-incident emergency circumstances, when conductive infrastructure has been altered or damaged, the units can be moved to propagate their signals on surviving conductive infrastructure, forming a survivable redundant communication path.
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Bi-Directional Remote Video Terminal

  • Model BDRVT-178
The BDRVT-178 is based on DO-178 principals, and allows an operator to take "supervised usage" (LOI-4) control of unmanned vehicles across multiple service branches due to the open architecture. This enhanced version of the One System Remote Video Terminal (OSRVT) supports video and telemetry from a number of UAVs such as Shadow, Predator, I-GNAT, Raven, Pioneer, Hunter, and the Warrior. OSRVTs are mobile systems used to view live video and telemetry data from numerous manned aircraft andor UAVs. Unlike the OSRVT, the BDRVT-178 affords an operator the ability to control the sensor payload on an air vehicle. With an enhanced graphical user interface (GUI), the BDRVT-178 user can select, annotate, and track targets.
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Air Traffic Control Reporting System

  • Model ATC-RS
Kutta Technologies patent-pending Air Traffic Control Reporting System (ATC-RS) provides current and future Unmanned Aircraft (UA) with position reporting capability to support complete integration into the National Airspace System (NAS) and promotes safe deconfliction within military airspace. To facilitate NAS integration, the Kutta ATC-RS utilizes multiple methods to exceed current NAS requirements including voice and data via satellite modems, and Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) messaging. Kuttas ATC-RS combines various reporting methods into a lightweight device, capable of being integrated with currently fielded Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
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Unmanned Toolkit

  • Model MUM-178
The multi-vehicle Manned Unmanned toolkit allows safe, and effective Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) control from anywhere at any time. The UCS-WG architecture allows a single operator to take "supervised usage" (LOI-4) control of multiple manned and unmanned platforms through an intuitive user interface. The MUM-178 was developed in partnership with the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD) of Ft. Eustis, Virginia as part of a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program to expand the capabilities of manned aircraft by teaming with their unmanned counterparts. The MUM-178 is one of the first products of its kind available to help facilitate the teaming of both manned and unmanned assets, and represents a significant step forward in how aviators utilize the growing number of UAV platforms.
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Kutta Radios

Kutta Radios provides next-generation medium frequency radios to mine operators as a reliable, cost-effective solution to communication and tracking needs. Kutta DRUM radios use cables, wires, tracks, and pipes to create survivable, redundant communication paths underground that extend for miles. The DRUM is a wireless medium frequency radio system that works whether mine power is on or off, post-incident, and even through obstructions.
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