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LEONI Fiber Optics, Inc.
location United States

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Our Products

  1. Adaptors, Plugs And Sockets

    1 Products available
  2. Motorcycles & Cars

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  3. Trucks

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  4. Fuse Holder

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  5. Aircraft Component

    1 Products available
  6. Others Products 5 Products available

Our Products

Our offered Product range includes High Voltage Systems, Power Distribution, Wiring Systems, HV Harnesses and Electro-mechanical components.

Rom Fuse And Relay Boxes

rom fuse and relay boxes to high power pre-fuse boxes. From metal components to plastic and rubber components. As a global EDS partner LEONI designs these and supplies these. From grommets and pass-through solutions to cable channels. From pyrotechnical circuit breakers to connectors and terminals. Full EDS system expertise all out of one hand.

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High Voltage Systems

ehicles with alternative powertrains are increasingly becoming part of the global mobility solution. LEONI develops, manufactures and supplies high voltage wiring systems, power distribution boxes and components for hybrid and full electric vehicles. We support this development with proven in-house high voltage cable technology, special components and an overall system approach.
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Power Distribution

Conducting power and providing circuit protection. LEONI offers power distribution units based on various technologies hard-wired, PCB, metal fret and hybrid designs. These can help to support the implementation of new EDS architecture concepts for todays and tomorrows vehicles.
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Wiring Systems

Continuing increases in vehicle features mean more circuits and greater functionality need to be integrated into the vehicles wiring system. Also, weight reduction is a continuing requirement and optimised vehicle packaging can potentially result in less space being available for the wiring system. And all this in a development timeframe that continues to get shorter. Our expertise ensures the whole EDS system is optimised throughout the development process including weight reduction and functional integration where possible.
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HV Harnesses

LEONI provides integrated high voltage harness solutions for all alternative drivetrains including hybrid, full electric and fuel cell powered vehicles.This is a special strength of LEONI. Based on proven technical concepts and stringent technical specifications, our integrated high voltage wiring harnesses are suitable for light vehicle applications as well as trucks. We also offer interconnection solutions for high voltage batteries (internal battery cabling systems and battery cell connectors). Voltages and temperatures depend on the vehicle application, but our HV harnesses can operate at up to 1000V DC with an ambient temperature of around 90 C. We have been developing and producing HV wiring harnesses since the early days of electromobility in the market place. Our experienced design engineers and project teams can integrate high voltage wiring harnesses as part of a multi-voltage solution (low voltage 48V high voltage) to fully optimise efficiency, functionality and fit.
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Voltage Power Distribution Units

LEONI is an experienced supply partner for high voltage power distribution units and components.These are custom designed to meet both the vehicle and EDS architecture requirements. A typical unit can distribute power to several HV components (e.g. from 5 A to 300 A and up to 800V DC) and can also include safety and security devices. Key features can include shielded single and multi-core interconnections with a low contact resistance for EMC shielding and high power connections. One example of our HV components is the Y-Power distribution (or splitter) unit. With one input and two output lines, the Y-Power distribution unit provides a more direct transfer of power to the auxiliary units in hybrid and electric vehicles. It is small, light-weight and cost effective. The Y-Power distribution unit also provides an efficient method of extending the capability of the high-voltage network.
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Electro-mechanical Components

LEONI is an experienced partner developing and supplying electro-mechanical components for all types of vehicles as well as automotive suppliers.For example, LEONI has developed and supplies a range of products that protect a vehicles electrical system against current overload, helping to improve vehicle safety. Our multiple-fuse unit not only reduces the component count (nuts, bolts, washers etc.) but also enables complex shapes and bending forms to be used. This maximises functional integration as well as reducing weight, cost and the required space envelope. High current circuits are protected by our pyrotechnical circuit breaker. Once triggered by the airbag signal, this can disconnect the vehicles electrical power source in < 3 ms.
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Functionality. Robustness. Reliability. From the ground up we design power distribution units for commercial vehicle applications. Fuse and relay boxes. Power distribution boxes incorporating a jump start facility. Products designed and manufactured to withstand everything e.g. temperature cycling, vibration, oils and salt spray. Purpose built to get the job done.Functionality. Robustness. Reliability.Trucks and other commercial vehicles lead a tough life. Harsh environmental conditions and an extended operating time mean that all components need to be tough too. Functionality, robustness and reliability are essential. From the ground up we design power distribution units for commercial vehicle applications. Fuse and relay boxes. Power distribution boxes incorporating a jump start facility.
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Light Vehicles

ower distribution and control. Integrated electronics. Enhanced diagnostics.Todays passenger vehicles have more features more circuits greater functionality. Safety and security. Comfort and convenience. Connectivity. The fusebox manages electrical power within the vehicle and provides circuit protection. Integrated electronics can also deliver additional control functionality. LEONI offers different technical strategies and design solutions all optimised to the vehicle platform volumes and model requirements. These can include innovative design approaches such as plugging fuses on to the PCB as a direct link to the wiring harness. This simplifies assembly and helps to save weight.
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Pre Fuse Boxes

Handling power. Protecting circuits. Delivering safety.The main purpose of a pre-fuse box in a vehicle is to prevent possible damage caused by current overload in the event of an accident. Typically a pre-fuse box will contain high current fuses ranging from 40 A 500 A. LEONI designs, manufactures and supplies pre-fuse boxes either as an integrated part of the wiring system, or as stand-alone units. Pre-fuse boxes can be configured to include megafuses, pyrofuses, multiple fuse units and relays depending on the system requirement and vehicle application.
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