Moringa Leaf Capsules are enriched with goodness of Moringa, a herb from the Moringa Oleifera Plant. Our Moringa Leaf Capsules have several benefits. Moringa Leaf Capsules help in effective weight management, controls sugar and ensures mental and emotional balance. Our Moringa Leaf Capsules are quality tested and ensure effective results.
Highlights - Quality tested
- Longer shelf life
- Effective
- Helps in weight loss
Minimum Order Quantity : 100 bottles $14 per bottle. While weight loss fads come and go - occasionally something comes along that might actually be helpful in fighting the battle of the bulge. Moringa, an herb from the Moringa oleifera plant, which is native to India and Africa, shows unusual promise. Moringa Oleifera benefits are well-known by the people of Asia and Africa. And, as you can see in the video, Moringa Oleifera has been featured on Discovery Channel. It has also been recommended by Dr. Oz on his show and the video can be seen on his website
The Moringa tree is rich in nutrients. You can benefit from Moringa Oleifera for : - Energy and faster recovery: get natural nutrients to make your energy last longer. Moringa Oleifera with its amino profile, and dozens of vitamins and minerals, helps to regain energies after workouts and physical strain.
- Weight loss without diets: Moringa is a low calorie nutrient that you can easily add to your meals.
- Blood sugar levels: Moringa antioxidants and unique regulating compounds help optimize your levels of blood sugar.
- Breast-feeding: provide your baby with nutrient-dense mothers milk, with increased iron, potassium, Vitamins A, B, C, E, and dozens of other important nutrients.
- Mental and emotional balance: restore harmony among the chemicals related to our thoughts and emotions.
And many more, including improved sensory perception, better sleep cycles, memory, decreased depression and anxiety, etc.
How Does Moringa Help Weight Loss?The PDR for Herbal Medicines says that moringa has a stimulating effect on metabolism, which could cause the body to burn calories faster. The glucosinolates present in moringa breakdown into isothiocyanates in the body, some of which are absorbed in the intestines. This is the same type of activity that results from eating raw cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli. From India to Australia to South America to Africa, the edible moringa tree is gaining a foothold as a healthy food source, according to researchers at John Hopkins University. Every part of the moringa tree is edible, although the 2-foot-long green moringa leaf clusters are the most easily accessible and among the most nutritious, according to the Environmental Society of Australia. The moringa's role in weight loss efforts may be chiefly attributable to the plant's low-fat, high-nutrient qualities that make it an acceptable, low-calorie substitute for many other foods. Moringa is also high in Vitamins B1, B2 and B3, which your body needs to convert food to energy instead of storing it as fat, according to the Moringa Tree of Life organization
Moringa HistoryHistorians trace moringa's history to at least 150 BC when ancient peoples in what is now Madagascar and the Himalayan foothills used the tree's lustrous leaves for energy and improved health. For centuries, the moringa has been alternately known as the horseradish tree, the drumstick tree, and the claifier tree. Since the 17th century, botanists and other scientists have classified and reclassified the tree as a legume, a brassica and a violet flower. Most scientific research into moringa leaves has taken place during the past half-centuryBenefits. Moringa leaves provide dieters with a rich array of necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals that deliver nutrients without unhealthy fats or high-calorie carbohydrates, according to researchers from John Hopkins University. Each oz. of moringa leaves provides a dieter with more vitamin A than an oz. of carrots, more iron than an oz. of spinach, more calcium than an oz. of milk, more potassium than an oz. of bananas and more vitamin C than an orange, according to a scientific study and nutritional analysis conducted by scientists at the Trees of Life organization. The same study reported that moringa leaves contain protein quality at similar levels to whole milk and eggs, without the fat and calories.
Moringas Role In Weight Loss.Moringa leaves are low in fat and highly nutritional. Because they are packed with so many nutrients, they offer dieters a healthy alternative to eating many higher calorie foods. Moringa leaves provide 42 percent of the recommended daily minimum requirement for protein, and 125 percent of the recommended daily minimum requirement for calcium. The B vitamins in moringa leaves also help you digest and convert foods to energy and may increase your metabolism. Moringa leaves may be eaten raw, cooked or taken as a tea, making them a convenient food and nutrition source. The moringa plant increases the natural defense of the body to beautify the skin, promote energy, gives a feeling of wellness, improves the body's immunity, stabilize sugar, provides nutrients to eyes and brain, acts as an anti-oxidant, and promotes good cholesterol and normal functioning of the kidney and the liver. In the case of those with diabetes, vitamin A found in high quantities in the moringa, acts as an antioxidant to convert beta-carotene, which thereby reduces the risk of blindness. Vitamin C, which is in abundance in moringa, is very important for regulating effectively the production of insulin. It has been shown that insufficient vitamin C affects the capacity of the pancreas to secrete insulin. Vitamin B12, which is also found in the moringa leaf, is used to treat neuropathic diabetes. In addition to this, vitamin D which is found in large proportions in the moringa plant also reduces the chances of children developing type one diabetes. Here is a list of the complete range of naturally occurring amino acids found in Moringa and a brief explanation of why our bodies require them :
- ISOLEUCINE builds proteins and enzymes and it provides ingredients used to create other essential biochemical components in your body, some of which promote energy and stimulate the brain to keep you alert.
- LEUCINE works with isoleucine to build proteins and enzymes which enhance your bodys energy and alertness.
- LYSINE insures your body absorbs the right amount of calcium. It also helps form collagen used in your bone cartilage and connective tissues. And lysine aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. Recent studies have shown lysine improves the balance of nutrients that reduce viral growth.
- METHIONINE primarily supplies sulfur to your body. It is known to prevent hair, skin, and nail problems while lowering cholesterol levels as it increases your livers production of lecithin. Methionine reduces liver fat and protects the kidneys, which reduces bladder irritation.
- PHENYLALAINE produces the chemical needed to transmit signals between your nerve cells and your brain. It can help keep you alert, reduce your hunger pains, plus improve your memory and your mood.
- THREONINE is an important part of collagen, elastin, and enamel proteins. Not only does it assist metabolism, threonine helps prevent fat build-up in the liver while boosting your bodys digestive and intestinal tracts.
- TRYPTOHYAN supports your immune system, alleviates insomnia, reduces anxiety, depression, and the symptoms of migraine headaches. It also is beneficial in decreasing the risk of artery and heart spasms as it works with lysine to reduce cholesterol levels.
- VALINE is important in promoting a sharp mind, coordinated muscles, and a calm mood.
Ten Non-Essential Amino AcidsThese non-essential amino acids, which can be manufactured by your body with the help of proper nutrition, are also found abundantly in Moringa :
- ALANINE is important when it comes to building energy in your muscle tissue, brain, and central nervous system. It strengthens your immune system by producing antibodies. Alanine also helps in the healthy metabolism of sugars and organic acids in your body.
- ARGININE has been shown in studies to cause the release of the growth hormones considered crucial for optimal muscle growth and tissue repair. It also improves immune responses to bacteria, viruses, and tumor cells while promoting the healing of your bodys wounds.
- ASPARTIC ACID helps rid your body of ammonia created by cellular waste. When the ammonia enters your circulatory system it can act as a highly toxic substance which can damage your central nervous system. Recent studies have also shown that aspartic acid may decrease fatigue and increase endurance.
- CYSTINE functions as an antioxidant and is a powerful aid to the body in protecting against radiation and pollution. It can help slow the aging process, deactivate free radicals, and neutralize toxins. It also aids in protein synthesis and presents cellular change. It is necessary for the formation of new skin cells, which aids in the recovery from burns and surgical operations.
- GLUTAMIC ACID is food for the brain. It improves mental capacities, helps speed the healing of ulcers, reduces fatigue, and curbs your sugar cravings.
- GLYCINE promotes the release of oxygen required in the cell-making process. It is also important in the manufacturing of hormones responsible for a strong immune system.
- HISTIDINE is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers, and anemia. A lack of histidine may lead to poor hearing.
- SERINE is important in storing glucose in the liver and muscles. Its antibodies help strengthen your bodys immune system. Plus, it synthesizes fatty acid sheaths around nerve fibers.
- PROLINE is extremely important for the proper function of your joints and tendons. It also helps maintain and strengthen heart muscles.
- TRYROSINE transmits nerve impulses to your brain. It helps overcome depression; improves memory; increases mental alertness; plus promotes the healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.
Moringa Main IngredientMoringa Oleifera, nutrient rich plant discovered to dateVitamins, minerals, supreme anti-oxidants, essential amino acids, plus other amazing ingredients
- Nutritional powerhouse Moringa has gram for gram
- 7 times the vitamin C in oranges
- 4 times the vitamin A in carrots
- 4 times the calcium in milk (with no lactose)
- 3 times the potassium in bananas
- 2 times the protein in yogurt
- Moringa YSP (naturally occurring nutrient compound)
- Found only in Moringa
- The only 100% natural metabolic trigger
- Most powerful of all anti-oxidants
- Promotes healthy veins and arteries
- Anti-inflammatory agents
- Anti-aging compounds.
- Collagen (helps maintain healthy skin)
- Chlorophyll
- More found in Moringa than any other plant
- 4 times the amount in wheat grass
- Natural healer
- Rejuvenates the body at the cellular level
- Strengthens the immune system
- Naturally cleanses the body of toxins
- Reduces the ph level of the body
Moringa also gives you Z-Atin, the stimulant- free natural trigger for your metabolism that launches your body into absorption mode. Moringa has been formulated to provide you with the highest degree of effective absorbability. The Moringa is organically grown, shade dried and powdered to maintain the maximum nutritive value, and is tested to be pesticide free. Give your body the nutritional nudge it needs with a healthy food supplement.